Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Failures of Obama's Lines in Syrian Sands

Maria Butina

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

And so ends the legacy of Birther Hussein Obama in Syria, with a stable Syria mass slaughtered, and now transformed into a progressive extension of Russian and Iranian regional challenge to the JAMAB, Jewish American Arab alliance of Militant Islam being vanquished.

What began as 200 dead Marines under Ronald Reagan in Beirut by Iranian terrorists now reaches a scorched earth in Idlib Syria, where Russia has allowed the assembly of all the terrorists that Obama, Turkey, Jews and Jordanians created for a killing field which lists a population of 1.5 million, but under new Turkish American Propaganda the population is 3 million and all of those refugees will come pouring into Europe.


As this blog informed all, Donald Trump stood down in Syria, once the Jews of Tel Aviv got their hands on the Syrian oil in northwest Syria. Nothing mattered after that, and when new "chemical weapons attacks" were hinted at, Russia slammed them aside and unleashed a most in your face provocative bombing campaign to America, France and England.
It is a point that Russia and Germany have agreed to this policy to rid Syria of  the Obama terrorists and this is what is taking place.

The Lame Cherry considers this an opportune moment for Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, to declare a security alert, and apply emergency powers to establish himself to an unending term as President of Europe, namely in establishing a European armed forces to secure the border with Turkey to isolate that Muslim regime, end  NATO for a United European Security Force, and in this begin mass deporting of Muslims into African camps, with the necessary identification procedures for security that these invaders can not be employed, be involved in business nor purchase anything from housing to Nikes, as ending commerce for these invaders pouring out of Turkey and Africa, is the solution to ending their invasion of Europe.

This of course exposes John Kelly's manipulation of Donald Trump to upset the Austrian American diplomatic channels, and in this Sebastian Kurz will coordinated with his friend Vladimir Putin for European security. The terrorists and refugees smashed by Russian airstrikes, will not spill into the Balkans, but be cordoned off in Turkey and Turkey will no longer extend her intrigue into the Balkans.

This is a golden opportunity for Austria and Russia to end the John McCain terrorism in Syria and in Ukraine with the McCain Nazi there to re establish a secure Europe and secure Russian southern border. The United States is best being an extension of Tel Aviv where America has these Sand Spit Sunni allies who are not military powers, but money laundering franchises for the Rothschild Ashkenaz banking of New York, London and Paris, which is what drives American policy.

Interestingly as this last terror stronghold perishes, that the two terror leaders behind this are now beyond the reach of Nuremberg trials in this blog maintains that a replacement for Birther Hussein took place in June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, and John the hero McCain committed suicide over a week ago. 

Obama's red line in the sand has become Donald Trumps red faced humiliation after the Ivanka bombing over fake chemical weapon's attacks for Tel Aviv. There is nothing ideal, but it is all shameful in American policy has been about stealing Syrian oil first for Turkey and then for Tel Aviv.

There is no honor among thieves, and it is a calculation in the next Tel Aviv gambits how long it will be before Damascus, Gaza, Temple Mount become rubble by incidental contact once the President of the United States after learning that Mad Dong Mattis refused to follow military orders, will have the President launching strikes personally against Iran.

Nuff Said.
