Daddy Dearest
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The legacy of John the hero McCain is one of shame.
For a reality, what America and the world beheld in the five memorial days of John the hero McCain, was five days of scripted insight into the heart and soul of this American, in what he honestly wanted the world to remember him by.
What the world behold was encapsulated in the vitriol from the pulpit by Meghan McCain in her speaking the exact words her father wrote for her. It was one of malice, hatred and bitterness and nothing of Abraham Lincoln in the better angels of our nature.
What John the hero McCain was exhibiting was one of the deep state gang in Barack Hussein Obama, his wife Michelle, Bill and Hillary Clinton with George W. and Laura Bush, all bullied up by the hero McCain to be assembled against the person of President Donald Trump.
In observing the funeral front benchers, one had to ask if the candy that Laura Bush gave to her husband, who gave it to his girlfriend Michelle Obama was something more John the hero McCain scripted, as the cameras were all on alert to cut away, when the Jew, Joe Lieberman, was expendable as a higher order was expressing itself than the friendship of a Jew to John the hero McCain
Senator Lindsey Graham should be credited in taking this blog's advice and going to Cindy McCain and attempting to protect her from her husband, John the hero McCain, in allowing the invitation of Ivanka and Jared Kushner to the funeral service, but not even Lindsey Graham could save Meghan McCain from her father, as her vitriol from the pulpit was last exuded in this kind of venom when Caiaphas was sending Jesus to be crucified.
All of this reeflects most horrendously on the living in Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Michelle Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton. It taints their legacies as they willingly joined in this spectacle of thee most unAmerican of violations of public etiquette as who in Heaven above, earth below or earth in this mortal coil, utilizes their own funeral as a political weapon of war to destroy another human, and all those Americans suffering under rationed death because of the last vote of John the hero McCain.
The living spectre of John the hero McCain was his birth daughter Meghan, who was a woman who could not shed a tear, no matter how hard she wailed. It came to point that even Michelle Obama was giving this girl in her endless diatribe a down home Chicago look of, "Girl don't go there!"
So many hate filled hearts at the funeral including John McCain who died with a hate filled heart by deliberately excluding President Trump from his funeral. Trump is right; Make America Great Again.— StandForTruth (@Stand4Trump1) September 2, 2018
It was the point though that Meghan McCain was the only one fit to speak, the only one who was photographed over the casket, as the swarthy skinned daughter was relegated to spectator status in not being choreographed photo opportunity friendly enough in the image John the hero McCain wished to produce in a racism which no one has mentioned as it is always acceptable to ignore the Asian.
The McCain family pet looking most displeased
and Meghan still with contorted expressions not
capable of shedding a tear, only tirades.
And with the endless make out sessions of Cindy McCain which is apparently all the widow of John the hero McCain was found worthy of, as people will recall that in the 2008 election defeat of McCain by Obama election theft, the public was put off by the robotics of Cindy McCain as she was simply the strangest of women. So what else would John the hero McCain do with his wife but relegate her to endless bending over and kissing his casket.
So much for the heiress that McCain referred to in a diatribe as a cunt
All the widow of John the hero McCain is good for
I ask you again to remember, from the last contorted expression to the last casket smooch, this was all scripted by John the hero McCain to the last detail months ago. All of this was five days of theater exactly what was at the soul of John the hero McCain.
And what of the forgotten man in this?
Jack McCain
Make that the forgotten men in this, in his brother Jimmy McCain, sons of John the hero McCain.

Jimmy McCain
Both of these young men are in the United States military, and their military careers are over by what their father did in trashing the President. Donald Trump will be President for 6 more years. In that time, advancement will be passed over as those who wish to stick it to Donald Trump will think better, in knowing their stars and bars will not be coming in their promotions, and those who wish to stick it to John the hero McCain for violating all he did, will make certain the McCain boys will be made to pay.
This is how absolutely sociopathic John the hero McCain was in his vendetta. He had two very accomplished sons, and he never gave one consideration to the turmoil his antics would produce in these young men's lives, attempting to hold up the family tradition of military service.
All of their efforts have been wasted, and in time they will return to their trust funds, because those that attempt to run them as the #NeverTrumpers will lose every election as liberals detest the McCain family and Conservatives will never accept these children for what their father engaged in.
In the last chapters of this, there is Senator Lindsey Graham who attempted to save the McCains from John the hero McCain, by rightly inviting with Cindy McCain's permission, Ivanka and Jared Kushner. Instead of respect, those with Deranged Trump Syndrome attacked these innocents as John the hero McCain orchestrated.
It was asked why the Kushners suffered this abuse and did not walk out, the reality is why did Vice President Mike Pence allow this to go on and not walk out, as even Governor Jesse Ventura of Minnesota in the Paul Wellstone funeral nuttery, had the courage to get up and leave in the midsts of the diatribes against himself and Republicans.
The Wellstone escapade in Minnesota was the worst political theater in American history in what took place there, until John the hero McCain prostituted his wife and daughter, the White ones, to carry out his message, as he destroyed his sons and ignored his dark skinned daughter.
That is the legacy of John the hero McCain, in his family was expendable in the end. Meghan the most expendable of all, as she drank the McCainade and gave up all humanity for the brainwashing of her father's last will and testament.
I have nothing but sadness for the McCains as their hero shredded their lives and they will never be put back together. They will always have that McCain 5 days of Moments of thee most tasteless, tacky and terrible of exhibitions to ever be put on display. There could be a humane excuse in they suffered from McCainholm Syndrome in being so beaten and dominated by this John the hero McCain that they simply could not break free and under orders had to charge that machine gun nest and die, as nothing mattered to John the hero McCain in life, but expending his family in death.
This is how John the hero McCain will be remembered. The bigot, the traitor to American decency, the tainter of Clinton, Bush and Obama legacies, the racist and the man whose only concern in dying, was revenge, and his suicide bomber family were strapped in to carry out the mission for 5 days, ending in a Cathedral.
This was the McCain family's Chappaquiddick Event. They will be branded forever in this, not with the Mark of Cain, but the Mark of McCain.
Meghan McCain and the box of tissues never used.
Nuff Said