Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Silent American Affirmation To Russian Murders

While driving yesterday, I turned on the car radio to see if the Russian/Syrian liberation of Idlib, Syria, from the Washington-supported terrorists had begun

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

On Monday evening a mass murder took place in Syria which reminded me of the downing of KAL OO7 by the Soviets in a South Korean passenger airliner.
In that event, President Ronald Reagan did not have any idea from his intelligence community, that they were the cause of this, in the Soviets were certain they had a spy plane, which they did, but the spy plane was riding piggyback off the Korean airliner.

In this instance a Russian Ilyushin Il-20 surveillance plane was coming into Syria, when it was fired upon by Syrian forces using Russian SAM 200 batteries.

Russian surveillance plane got shot down by Syria—and Russia ...

On Monday night, a Russian Air Force Ilyushin IL-20 "Coot-A" electronic intelligence and radar reconnaissance aircraft monitoring the Idlib province of Syria was mistakenly shot down by Syrian air ...

The Russians blamed the Syrians and actually believed the Jews in this at first, but as time unfolded, the Russians began piecing together the reality that the Ilyushin Il-20 had flown into a major operation by France, England and the Jews, and something in that trio was spoofing the Russian plane.

Gordon Duff, who is a Clinton guy, but who was right on Syria in there was not any ISIS, as it was Kurds stealing oil for Obama and McCain money laundering in being sold to Turkey, points to the reality that F 16's were in the air, and that means the Jews were flying in Syria. Into this, that faggot Macron had his jets lurking around in the air too on this operation.
The Jews and Frogs were involved in a major operation, and the British knew it, as they turned on their transponders to not get shot down.

The Russians turned all of this onto the Jews for intentionally creating a dangerous situation, which produced a mass murder of Russians.

“Something was obviously going on Monday night. Not only Russian and (allegedly) Israeli and French aircraft and missiles were in the air. Civilian radar also tracked British Royal Air Force aircraft, which, unusually, had switched on their transponders and gone into holding patterns – most likely to avoid being somehow involved in the exchange of fire over Latakia. The Ilyushin Il-20 was not so fortunate.
The Russian statements were unusually detailed and quick to apportion blame – to the Syrians for actually shooting down their plane. And to Israel for “intentionally creating a dangerous situation” that allowed it to happen, and for warning them about the impending attack only “one minute” in advance.

Veteran's Today explains that the Syrians and Russians, both have transponders operating on their craft, so as to not be targeted by SAM systems of their own making. The IFF on the Ilyushin Il-20, was operating, and a SAM downed this craft. That concludes only one reality in the two air forces, France and the IDF, absorbed the Ilyushin Il-20 signal, and sent it back out as a foe, in order to protect their craft from being locked on.

The Syrian and Russian air forces and air-defense batteries work together, in joint operation rooms and air-traffic control centers. The Syrians use Russian-made aircraft and missiles. The Ilyushin would have been equipped with IFF (identification, friend or foe) transponders and both militaries will have procedures to prevent “friendly fire” incidents. A Syrian anti-aircraft missile, made in Russia, should not have shot down a friendly Russian aircraft.

To explain this a bit, in the 1980's the American B 1 bomber had a radar system installed which literally absorbed radar from an enemy, and would then rebroadcast it out, not as one target, but several targets on the enemy's radar, leaving the B 1 secure from missile locks.

Idlib has been the last remaining front for the overthrow of Syria, and Russian with Syria have begun the process of removing the terrorists there. Uncle Gordy though in his sources, is reporting that the entire area is covered with Jewish propagandists looking for something and the Donald Trump White Helmets as contractors from British MI6. Remember in this, that the Russians were setting off the alarm bells a few weeks ago in another fake chemical weapon attack was about to be staged in Syria and blamed on President Assad, as was the case in the infamous Ivanka Tomahawk of babies in Syria.

Our sources in Idlib, who traveled in as delivery drivers from Hatay, Turkey, have been tripping over Israeli “journalists” and “videographers” working hand in hand with the White Helmets and contractors for Britain’s MI 6.

If the sources are correct, VT is reporting that children have been kidnapped again in Syria, and are about to be made corpses again in another chemical weapon attack to bring Donald Trump back to tomahawk status to deal with the President's Mueller problems.

"The Israeli pilots used the Russian plane as cover and set it up to be targeted by the Syrian air defense forces," a Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson said. "As a consequence, the Il-20, which has a radar cross-section much larger than the F-16, was shot down by an S-200 system missile." The Russians also claimed Israel only warned them a minute before the attack.

The Jews shed a little innocent light on part of what was taking place in they had attacked Syrian facilities, which were stated by Jewish spies in munitions to be transferred to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

A spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Force acknowledged that Israeli aircraft struck a Syrian Armed Forces facility "from which systems to manufacture accurate and lethal weapons were about to be transferred on behalf of Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon. These weapons were meant to attack Israel and posed an intolerable threat against it." But the strike was long over at the time the Russian aircraft was shot down, and the IL-20 was not within the area of the IDF strike at the time of the bombing.

Claim what they may, the reality is the Jews were firing missiles in the Mediterranean into Syria, and in this, the Jews were using the Russian aircraft as cover. As France has remained silent as when Sarkozy had a French CIA operative shoot Colonel Khadaffi in the head, to hide what France was engaged in, in Libya, in trying to steal Libyan oil which was under Italian control, the focal point in this was France and it was no doubt their radar which spoofed the Russian airplane, and as Syria was former French property, it is a conclusion that France had handed over to the Jews the munitions to test fire them at Syria to ascertain their lethality.

Russia Registered Launches From French Frigate

In addition, Russian radar registered missile launches from the French frigate Auvergne, which was in the area.
Reacting to this information, French military Colonel Patrik Steiger said that Paris denied “any involvement in the incident.”

In review of this, so we know the realities here, Donald Trump has told Russia as has Benjamin Netanyahu told Syria, that they have accepted President Assad as President of Syria, in exchange for stolen Syrian oil flowing to Israel.
We now have the MI6 White Helmets with the Jewish IDF propaganda wing staging fake chemical weapon attacks again to give the United States reason to become involved in more than protecting oil wells.
In addition, there is the charming French connection where that faggot Macron is the conduit of the United States operations in this, in having joined with the Jewish state in a massive attack on Syria. The net result was the mass murder of Russians.

If one reviews the statements of the IDF, one hears the echoes of Donald Trump's Pentagon in the Ivanka tomahawk attack of Syria. The Jews stated all their jets had left the airspace, but there is not a mention of the massive salvo of French missiles. There was an airborne lock in observing the French salvo, and the Jews and French aircraft were there, spoofing the Russian surveillance plane. The Syrians were not "late" in responding, but were responding to being attacked. Their SAM batteries were picking up aircraft not their own or Russian, and the Syrians radar concluded the French naval salvo was coming from these jets and not surface craft. The air cover was to protect the French frigate and it was deliberately a cover designed to allow the targeting of the Russian aircraft.

The Jews knew exactly the Syrian tracking, the Syrian launches, and waited until a minute out from detonation to warn the Russians. That warning was deliberately late for the entire reason the Jews and French  were protecting their aircraft which were scrambling away, leaving the Russians as the decoy to be destroyed.
Of course, this was meant to cause friction between Syria and Russia, but as the Russians gleaned the exact operation which took place, they put the blame on the Jews where it belonged, as this is no different than you throwing rocks at a pit bull, it jumping the fence, your running away, and leaving some little kid get mauled.

The Jews though promoted a lie, in order to cover up their part in this, and the Russians are not buying it, as Russia has read them the riot act.

1. Extensive and inaccurate Syrian anti-aircraft (Surface to Air missile) fire caused the Russian plane to be hit and downed.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDFSpokesperson) 18 сентября 2018 г.

From the above evidence, this is what war crimes and the definition of terrorism is. The reality is an unarmed Russian surveillance plane over the Mediterranean was used as a decoy and cover, for an earlier Jewish F 16 attack on Syria, which was followed by a massive French naval salvo, to which the Syrian radar responded to as they had painted real targets, but those targets scrambled away, leaving the unarmed Russians to be murdered.
Fully understand in this, that the United States has eyes all over this, and knows what was taking place, as much as the British were there and turned on their transponders so they would not be shot down. The British and Americans both knew unarmed Russians were being made decoys, know that a mass murder took place, and they have remained silent.

Over 500,000 Syrians have been murdered in this Obama McCain war for oil and Greater Judah. It is a reality now what this blog stated in it was all a lie from the United States that President Assad was accepted as leader of Syria so peace and stability would return to Syria, and that the same globalists will not stop until Damascus is nuclear rubble and the Philistines will be debris.

This is not John Wayne Christian America which would stand silent over these criminal acts and support them, this is a leviathan of evil. This is the story which should be in the headlines, not these perverse diversions of Bush boy Kavanaugh or Robert Mueller coups, as Q spikes the zombie state.

This not about championing Muslim butchers in the Mideast, this about a reckoning by God for getting involved in this murder incorporated, because when these candlesticks ignite, it will be WMD warfare and it will come to America in another massive war.

Is this the kind of thing you voted for in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, to stand silently by as allies use innocent Russians to be murdered, to continue the same swampland, but this time the language is French and Hebrew?

World War is ticking, and that clock can not be struck as often as this, before it will start and come home to the United States again.

Nuff Said
