Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wahrheit Herrscht : TRUTH PREVAILS

der Kinder


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is pleased to record a historical account in an examination of the censorship of American achievement in Neil Armstrong being placed on the moon by American industry and German genius, in Ryan Gosling the star of the new motion picture, with Canadian direction stated it was HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT which put a man on the moon, and not Americans, so they felt at liberty to remove American flags from astronaut uniforms and to vanquish thee American Flag which Mr. Armstrong placed on the moon.

  Ryan Gosling negating American Exceptionalism
in putting a man on the Moon

In an interview with The Telegraph, First Man star Ryan Gosling said the decision to exclude the planting of the American Flag was driven by the notion that the moon landing was regarded as a “human achievement,” rather than an American one.

Fortunately, in this Human Achievement definitions, the Lame Cherry was able to find a series of comments from another notable person of history who has been suffering the same propaganda written about him from the British Commonwealth and thee American left. You probably will recognize him.

We begin with the first question for Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany.

*Herr Hitler, in the 21st century it is now acceptable practice to blame Americans for all the evils of the world and to censor them from moon landings. Would you like to address the situation where Germany started two world wars as German Achievement?

Yes, yes,  but that is not the way it was at all. It was not German Achievement or German Exceptionalism, but it was Human Achievement, which arose from London finance with Paris intrigue. In the first world war, it was the Human Achievement of the English who wanted to eliminate the industrial and artistic competition from Germany. In the late 1800's, the English and French, signed a deal with New York bankers to profit America in going to war against Germany, providing American boys died as fodder for this cash register. The English and French stole German lands and colonies.

As for the second world war, it was hardly Hitler Achievement or German Achievement, as Germany was being plundered by the Versailles Treaty in our children were starving and we were being overthrown to become a communist nation to genocide our people. 
World war was not a German Achievement, it was instead as Human Achievement which Germany was blamed for.

*Could you address the forced labor camps which have been called death camps as German Achievement?

Ja, Ja, this would be a great historical service, as we Germans learned this from the English. It was Edward Longshanks who began the genocide of the Scot and Irish. In those warring years, the English made slaves out of two nations, and shipped these white slaves to the Americas. British oppression of the Irish caused the potato famine, and we should never overlook the British and French engaging in genocide against Americans in both the 7 Years War and the Revolution of 1776 in the year of our Lord, by unleashing terrorists in Indians and Blacks against Americans.
This was not German Achievement but Human Achievement once again from the English.

*Herr Hitler, could you please address the German Achievement in occupying lands in Europe. 

Ja Ja, the kinder should always be informed of the Truth. This was not German Achievement, but Human Achievement, as lest we ever forget, the English in Human Achievement had their Canadians in Hudson's Bay Company robbing native peoples of their furs in massive debt as the natives died of tuberculosis. Then the East India Company had a lucrative market in enslaving India, importing Turkish opium to break the Asian opium markets which London then addicted all of China to the opium.
France had her Human Achievement too in the pillaging of Vietnam and the American interior beginning with Quebec and then abandoning the Quebecois to genocide by the English. To this day, even Justin Trudeau in being a race traitor keeps the Quebecois under the crown of London and Ottawa to exploit those peoples, while treating thee American pioneers who settled western Canada as expendables like the Metis and native peoples. This is all Human Achievement and Ryan Gosling is so correct in cutting Americans out of history in their accomplishments as Germans have been removed from accomplishing so much for American advancement after World War II when America confiscated everything from our paint pigments to our rocket scientists to put an American on the moon.

*Der Fuehrer, as you look back on history, the present and yes, the future, would you please address German Achievement.

Ja, Ja, Deutsche und Amerikaner, are a mirror images of different points in history. Germany advanced humanity from Martin Luther, Goethe, von Braun, but opposing competitors who advanced from German Achievement engaged in propaganda to turn America in her German majority against America's Fatherland and Motherland.
It was German wealth after both world wars which prospered the United States, as a tool of the international financiers. They exported European anarchists to America to overthrow the United States, and now the Americans pioneers are expendable and facing genocide in being replaced by Muslims and Mexicans.
Ryan Gosling and the film expunging America from the moon landing is but a step in the process which was utilized to destroy Germany.  America will be consumed too in a scorched earth by these same financiers.
America will be wiped  from history in all her exceptionalism and replaced like Germany as the pariah of the world.
I stated this before the outcome of the war was decided, that if I as leader of the free world was successful in liberating the world, I would be remembered among the greatest of leaders, but if I was overcome by these enemies of humanity, I would be branded as the worst fiend in all history, as warning to anyone else to never attempt such a liberation again.

Human Achievement is a collective, it is the ridding of the individual, the sovereign state of her personal achievement, it is communism. It is what Germans fought against and Americans later fought against. American Exceptionalism is passing away as German Exceptionalism is being vanquished deliberately by the importation of foreign hordes. Replacing Germany now though with Americans as the evil in this world, as the collective takes the American Race's accomplishments for their own, in these Canadians carrying London's bilge water is the reality of a generic moon landing.

*Dank Fuehrer Hitler warheit herrst.

Nuff Said
