Sunday, September 30, 2018

Whispers of 1968 in the New American Civil War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a continuing examination of the 1968 coup which took place in America by the deep state, as Americans were held hostage to the terror, we can see in the manifestation of the Soros Clinton Black Lives Matter terrorism of 2016 AD meant to sink Donald Trump.

The protesters were uneducated and stoned in the majority. They cared nothing about ending the war, but were engaged in pure anarchy meant to tear down the United States political system.

In Seattle, CBS Molotov Mob reporter, David Schumacher asked the protestor why he was heckling Humphrey as Humphrey was going the hippy's way.

"Man we don't care about where he's going or what he's done. We don't even cre about  the war. All we want to do is break up this fucking meeting!"

Led by the likes of Hollywood Hanoi Jane Fonda, they promised to tear down the democratic convention.

Tom Wicker and Anthony Lewis of the New York Times cheered the mob. Walter Cronkite, anchor of CBS news deliberately smeared the police in Chicago, when he stated the police would not let a legal driver continue on her way. Dr. Edgar Berman who was there stated this was a group of "college girls" who drove through a police barricade, crowded the police line with their car, and as the police tried to get them to move the car, 100 radicals appeared, started shoving the cops, and as the cameras recorded it all, the girls jumped out of the car, raised their clenched fists grinning and then drove off, with the police simply glad to see them gone.

The scene in Chicago was pure bohemian hedonism. These terrorists walked around naked, shit and piss all over the place literally, were all stoned, spit in the face of police, hit the police. had condoms stuffed with human shit that they hurled at the police and dropped constant showers of piss bottles from hotel rooms.
For those who think that Protest Wall Street was new or Trump 2016 anarchy, all of this came out of the Summer of Love, and was run by the CIA's people in MKULTRA which churned out Charlie Manson and had one well placed minder in Bill Ayers with the Weather Underground of Chicago who had black men raping Jew girls for fun.

At the California delegates caucus, the three candidates now in the race of communist George McGovern, communist Eugene McCarthy and Hubert Humphrey, led by speakers uch as new age Shirley McClain and Rams pro football player Rosie Greer, decided that Humphrey would only get 14 of their 174 votes.
McCarthy was screeching about the "idealist children of Grant Park" who were smearing literal shit all over Chicago or pissing on sofas in waiting rooms as no arrests were made, did absolutely nothing to stop the violence. In fact, McCarthy had the media announce he had set up a wounded treatment room for battered kids the police had beat up. When Humphrey sent Berman down to help, there was one kid laying in bed, the rest were drinking beer and another was putting on fake bandages. They became aggitated with Berman when he asked questions and the media never did correct that bogus story.
When it was over, McCarthy jetted off to France to recover and abandoned his hoodlums tha the had helped burn down America over, as his kids were the Bobby Kennedy brats now out of control.

The end of this fiasco was a photo of Humphrey nominated and kissing the television set which the media portrayed as Humphrey happy over the beating up of the children, when in effect it was Humphrey kissing his wife who was on the television screen in the auditorium
