As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It occurred to me in reading an outdoor page which was discussing communism and socialism, that most people have not any idea what these systems of managing people are even about. For since the days of Egypt in the 7 Year Famine when Pharaoh gained control over thee entire land and people as a body in exchange for food, the individual ownership of property has belonged to the strongest man, who led the strongest men and dispensed of land and women as they dictated in a monarchical system.
This changed with the attempts of the Greek democracy or mob rule and the Roman Republic, which all reverted to the same feudal few controlling all, but became an established system in the American Revolution of 1776 AD in the year of our Lord, when the American Republic of majority governance with minority rights in a representative government based on Citizen property ownership liberated a self governing population from the feudal few.
From this many having wealth, instead of the few, the Ashkenaz financiers promoted a new management system to replace capitalism or individuals prospering an becoming wealthy, in calling it Marxism.
Marxism was designed to confiscate individual wealth and manage large populations forcing them to work not for themselves, but for the many, making everyone poor and the few financiers extremely wealthy.
MARXISM: The economic and political theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that hold that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class struggle is needed to create historical change and that capitalism will ultimately be superseded by communism
The following three systems in Facsism, Communism and Socialism are the most misunderstood. The simple explanation is:
Facism advocates a centralized authority of a police to manage the population and production.
Communism removes all private property rights.
Socialism establishes the government owns and controls industry or production.
FASCISM: A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government
COMMUNISM: A form of socialism that abolishes private ownership
SOCIALISM: The doctrine advocating state ownership of industry
While communism and socialism promote violence in revolution. Liberalism advocates instead to gain control over the economy by using the laws of the original state to subject the people to socialism and communism.
LIBERALISM: A political orientation that favours social progress by reform and by changing laws rather than by revolution
Capitalism is the system which expands private ownership of the individual to a mass produced scale where again those who control the collected resources become very powerful and wealthy.
CAPITALISM: An economic system based on private ownership of capital
Lastly is Conservatism, which advocates protecting the system which prospers the most people and brings the most security to the many.
CONSERVATISM: A political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes
The basis of all what you are experiencing and do not appreciate is someone slowly taking what you have by taxation with representation and giving what you have to foreigners in a replacement class. It is deliberate. It is though progressing, due to massive debt incurement which is bribing and pacifying enough of the population to keep a revolution from taking place, by the protection of a massive police state.
As stated this is deliberate in a free society, or else those behind this would not have built a millions strong police state to intimidate the sedate population.
The avalanche of information and propaganda is designed to overload and confuse the population with terms they do not understand, instead of breaking it down to the feudal few are taking all you have under police state threat while under arms are protecting your foreign replacements.
This concludes this Lame Cherry socio economic political lecture on the overthrow of America. In that, now you have an understanding of the terms being utilized against you.
Nuff Said