Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Beer Pipe Set

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Several girlfriends of mine have used this method of catching a husband, and the creator of his set, a Miss Tansy Shagbark, now Mrs. Odon Hoggestratten, has kindly agreed to allow me to post this with setting methods.

This set is based upon the  Pipe Set for predators. What it entails is a plastic pipe driven into the ground in a prime location. The pipe is best at 36 inches in height, and on top the trapperess places a can of beer, which attracts the prey.

Tansy stipulates that certain things must be observed. Under no circumstances use good beer, as the subject will not know what to do with good beer, and may shy away. Tansy has found that using cheap beer, usually from German breweries in the Midwest illicits the  best response as these boys grow up drinking beer after weening and the familiarity of names like Keystone,  Busch, Blatz, Hamms, Schmidt and Schlitz readily bring them in.

The thing is that Tansy has noted a digging response in the males, in they sniff the beer on the pipe and then immediately hope that someone buried a cache or really good beer by the post. It seems that the males think the cheap beer is just a diversion to keep others away from the good beer.


Tansy and the girls also stipulate do NOT set a trap by this pipe or you will be stuck with trying to get rid of a non target animal you do not want to marry. Some gals had immense problems in men following them around once the scent of beer wafted through the forest, and they kept running up and getting caught, and worse yet drinking the bait. That got expensive.


Proper blind location no male would go near

Instead, it is best to stay hidden a few yards away by something like a pallet blind with shovels as a man will never go near that kind of work, and when the man is bent over sniffing the beer the future wife sprints forward and gains control over the male fixated on the beer.
Tansy states that you have to check your local regulations as some places all you to taser the man, some stipulate a net, some will allow a dart to the ass, while others require roping the male from  a horse as he tries to sprint away, as those states want the man to have a sporting chance.

This though is the Beer Pipe Set and I know of 34 husbands who have been convinced once caught and having their future father in laws shotgun aimed at them to say I Do before a preacher. Tansy states that it is a good idea to have the Preacher ready, the marriage certificate and of course your not so handsome sister available in case you catch a man you are not that interested in, and you got him while it was dark.

We tank Tansy for this education in trapping the male in the wilds of the woods with their natural food group.

Nuff Said
