Thursday, October 4, 2018

Farmer Obama Invests In Kuhnwheet Seeds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As my many readers know, the Lame Cherry has a great interest in growing seeds from around the world and looking at old seed catalogues and new. That is why when this arrived in my mailbox, I was particularly interested as one of Donald Trump's Visa Vermin, apparently has begun a most successful seed company in Illinois.


Professor Dr. Muhammed Kuhwheet

It is called Illini Natural Hybrids, and their featured melon which they have crossed in the Congo, which has always been a favorite in the Deep South in the Carolina regions, where the lovely Charleston Grey was bred and sold for a number of years, as Californians and Texans grew mostly the infamous Rattlesnake.


Charleston Grey

The operational seller is Muhammed Khunwheet, and he calls his watermelons, Kuhnwheet Seeds.

The thing is Kuhnhweet has gone back to the American tradition as in naming things after George Washington, in having gained the lucrative addition to his Muslim Melons, by adding Barack Hussein Obama as his official spokesperson.

I am really excited about these melons, and of course Barack Hussein must be too, in lending his name to such a wonderful Illinois Son project, in one of the melons is the namesake of Barack Hussein in the

There are several varieties though in the Sambo:


The description:

Sambo is a unique cross of Charleston Grey with another Mideast Melon of East African origins called Crocodile. This is a 110 day melon and should only be grown by those with long growing seasons, but it is worth the wait in being explosively crisp and dripping with the juices of summer.

Mecca of Homeboy:

The description:

Deep from the sands of Ali Baba, comes this particular fine melon for couples to share on a hot day in making it the oasis of their relationship. 88 days with a rich red color and a light sweet and aromatic taste. The perfect mid summer melon.


The description:

This is one of my favorites in it is a delicious desert melon for couples desiring something light after a fast food meal. Almost seedless, this melon is a wonder at 70 days, a perfect 3 kilos and has the cleansing nectar of a Mediterranean wine.


The description:

Delilah is a perfect melon for regions where short season growing is expected in this is a 58 day melon. Extremely prolific, Delilah on the shores of the Euphrates is known as the Pig of the Pen, as she is known to produce like a cucumber in 12 melons to a vine. Melons are small, but especially sugary and with a fine flesh of little grain.

 Mugheda or Birther



We are especially proud of this melon as once again we began with the fine Charleston Grey, but this time in honor of the first Muslim President, Kuhnwheet Seeds developed a four cross natural hybrid in the fine Chupa of Kenya, the Kadal of Indonesia, and Hijau of Hawaii, to make this an international melon of delight.
This 75 day melon does best in hothouse conditions. While it requires extra care and produces one melon per plant, it is a fine small garden melon that we are proud was the firsts the Michelle Obama grew at the White House.
We were most proud to note that in the sewage which  the White House garden was composted in Mugheda thrived. While some find the large white ring of this melon a drawback, we have found this melon to be dual purpose in a fine watermelon pickle and livestock feed melon.

Lastly, Toby:

The description:

Toby is a 100 day melon sure to please. We have found that it does very  well in transplanting and has a most productive rooting system off the divisions of the vines. Sweet and crisp, Toby simply is a one of a kind vine, in one hill will out produce any other varieties we have ever grown in the Mideast or America.

Folks, Barack Obama here, I am really excited to join in this Illinois project of growing my own watermelons at the Barack Hussein Obama Library and Center in Downtown Chicago. In my many travels, I have found nothing breaks the ice more than handing a watermelon over to someone I just met and giving it as a give.
That is what I want my legacy to be, the Watermelon Ambassador to the world.
No crisis, no war, no diplomacy is too big that a watermelon can not fix it. This is Obama Pride in joining with Mohammed Khunwheet to bring these melons to the world. This is my Hope, in Watermelon We Can Believe In.

Nuff Said
