Thursday, October 4, 2018

Is Mike Pence the Kavanaugh Hero and Donald Trump the Kavanaugh Scapegoat?

Donald Trump is a pussy grabber POTUS
We are real men in  pussy grinder SCOTUS


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Here is a Lame Cherry riddle for you now that a Republican Senator is fleeing town for Montana to miss the Kavanaugh vote.

Sen. Steve Daines Would Miss Saturday Kavanaugh Vote for ...

Sen. Steve Daines won't be in town if the Senate votes this weekend on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, which could leave Republicans in a bind. The Montana Republican told AP ...

Has the GOP set this up so that this will be a tie vote, where Vice President Mike Pence will be the deciding vote in the United States Senate?

Because of the split nature of the Senate, in which Republicans control 51 seats and Democrats have 49 (including two independents who caucus with Democrats), the confirmation process is likely to come down to the wire. Republicans need a minimum of 50 votes to confirm Kavanaugh; in that scenario, Vice President Mike Pence would cast the tiebreaking vote.

The count now is 50 Republicans to 49 Democrats. That means absolutely nothing in real numbers as the press was already floating Pence as a tiebreaker and any Republican from Jeff Flake to Lisa Murkowsky can vote Obama PRESENT for Obama's judge Kavanaugh.
That would toss all of this to a 49 49 tie, lay it all on Donald Trump's White House, which the GOP would hide behind and lay a good framework as is progressing to lose the House, keep the Senate and then force Trump out of the 2020  presidential run for Pence.

This is pointing to something is in the works for the Montana troll to be fleeing Washington for Montana. Will it be 49 GOP, 1 GOP OBAMA PRESENT and 49 Democrats against, with Mike Pence bringing for the Bush Obama boy, Brett Kavanaugh.

Or did  this blog just throw a monkey wrench into the plans of mice and men......and again Mr. President shows zero appreciation.

