Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Reflections of Kiefer Sutherland

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is one reality in watching Keifer Sutherland in watching him, you think, "Why am I not watching Donald Sutherland."

Keifer Sutherland is not a one dimensional actor. Kiefer Sutherland is a no dimensional actor.

That is the reality of Mirrors, a movie which is all he could get after 24 in Sutherland had burned all of his Conservative bridges by being a prissy prick liberal. Sutherland plans Ben Carson.......no not the Black Republican.


No, please no, I am not Kiefer Sutherland.

There are Negroid though in the movie or quadroons.


I am the hot quadroon Paula Patton

The movie is really badly written, badly directed and worse acted. Sutherland plays drunken cop who shot another cop, living with his hot blonde sister, having been married to a quadroon and having two quadroon children. All of this is supposed to make you care, as Sutherland is hired to watch an abandoned building at night that has mirrors in it.
Put it this way, the opening scene is without Sutherland, the opening credits are worse, and it gets worse  when Sutherland appears walking around with a flashlight all the time as he plays with his reflection.


I am  the sexy little sister.

He catches on mirror fire once, unfortunately it is not real, so there is 90 more minutes of this to suffer through.

Yeah, I'm the greatest actor ever, like ever.....

In all of this hotness there is a corpse chick in mirror, who is  burned up, and there is nothing  hotter than burned off breasts apparently as we get full frontal burned tit nudity.  In most horror movies, the idea is to have sexy women to make up for the bad acting. In this case the director Alexandre Aja, thinks burned to a glazed tits make up for Keifer Sutherland acting. Aja was birthed in France so necromancy is  probably what that part is about.

It gets better in Amy Smart's mirror reflection tears her bottom jaw off in a nude scene in the bathtub. Fire glazed tits and jawless women in bloody bath tubs, real erection stuff apparently, and one asks when Keifer Sutherland read  this script why he was attracted to it as he could not be that poor after milking Conservatives on 24 for years.

Again this does not make up for Keifer Sutherland's acting as you get to watch him puke in a toilet.


See I grew a beard.....great acting.

So anyway the great evil in mirrors are mirrors. Apparently the devil of reflection can only manifest in mirrors, not things like water reflections. It is named Esocar or something. I will not ruin the drama as I am typing this as the movie is playing and Sutherland is shooting mirrors on his lawn in front of the quadroon, but
it helps that the quadroon has lots of push together tit cleavage, which all coroners have, coming home from work in black mini dresses.

Born:Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland, Dec 21, 1966, London, England

Yes another reason for America to declare war on Canada.

Anyway there are lots of wet floors as that is for some reason necessary in this liked quadroons.

Even Julian Glover could not save this film, probably because he never appears as Robert Esseker as the mirrors keep cracking like pond ice and quadroon son talks to himself in the mirror.

While you can not find any photos of Julian Glover in Mirrors as the movie is this bad, you can find one listed of Nazi girls having fun shooting guns.

I think that is about it for this waste of time. I believe cooked oatmeal in a bowl in watching it for 2 hours would be more entertaining. If Mirrors was not trying to be an A grade movie when it was nothing but B grade in not taking it serious, it would have been tolerable, but as I stated Julian Glover is the highlight of this 2 hours in his great acting, as Aja tries to ruin it by Bruce Campbell Army of Darkness weirdness.

I apologize as my sperm  was having a bad day
and my balls had a bad year with Keifer 
