Thursday, October 4, 2018

Silence of the Connie

I didn't know women would be attractive to Men.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a popular girl, this Lame Cherry blog has now reached the Donald Trump Presidential Warning threshold that women have moved past proving the stereotype that they are nuts.

What this entails is the bizarre Open Letter from Connie Chung Povich to Christine Blasey Ford, in which the Dragon Lady, who Dan Rather used  to refer to as, "Connie is off tonight" with the Rather inflection that she was nuts, states that she too was "something'ed" like Blasey Ford. Chung Povich's story though is so fittingly bizarre that it should be an embarrassment and mocked by how stupid this woman was and is.

It all begins with Virgin Connie, going  to the home of the doctor who delivered her. I don't know if it was a Chinese "rhino horn potion" doctor or a real one, as his practice was at his home and the office was in the basement.

Chung, then in her early 20s, was still a virgin when she went to see her family doctor to get birth-control pills, a diaphragm, or an IUD.

So the Chung who is in virgin, is going to a doctor to get birth control. That sounds like Connie was tuning up for hide the weenie and had been practicing for a landing.
Chung was born in 1946, so if this was her early 20's that is like 22 years old, and the in center of Free Love perverts in 1968 AD in the year of our Lord, when this event took place, which is right out of Ashley Judd's "molestation" which when an adult read her diary, scolded her for having sex with older men..........yeah the adult did not see any molestation, and what Connie Chung Povich said happened is a bit out in Twilight Zone too.

'He drew the curtain, asking me to remove my clothes below the waist while he sat at his desk by the bay window. When I was ready, he came to the examination area and installed stirrups on one end of the cushioned examination table.'

So she strips to the waist, with her nethers hanging out, as the old doctor sits behind his desk enjoying the tease, and Connie gets up onto the metal horse ready to come out of the chute.

Then the doctor started masturbating her, but Chung apparently had no idea she was being masturbated and no idea that she was aroused, but she did know she had an orgasm. How she knew she had her first orgasm and it was not a fart, we do not know, but apparently Maury Povich got a real deal in Connie Chung as she lights up like Christmas tree if you just throw the switch.

'He coached me verbally in a soft voice, "Just breathe. Ah-ah," mimicking the sound of soft breathing. "You’re doing fine," he assured me.
'Suddenly, to my shock, I had an orgasm for the first time in my life. My body jerked several times. Then he leaned over, kissed me, a peck on my lips, and slipped behind the curtain to his office area.

 Connie Chung Povich calls the above molestation or something, but let us look at this in reality. She is a hot little number in college where girls are getting LSD trips in orgies with platoons of Black Panthers as we have all seen Forest Gump. She calls up this old dude who apparently is not accredited to be in a hospital, and she slinks over looking for birth control, which the old dude knows he has a shameful oriental girl getting cock or about to get cock.
So the duff which is apparently part of his practice, tunes up the young tarts. Yes his Hypocratic Oath was to give women their first orgasms so they did not grow up hating sex with all those 15 thrust Woodward and Bernstein boys, which got them nothing but the need of a shower.
The doc thought he was doing no harm to his patient, and all the men and women Connie Chung have had sex with, no doubt were quite pleased she lit up like a cherry with little effort.

In review of this, yeah 1968 you might have some ignorant girl, but not in college and not in DC. Asians always  got that sex thing going on, but Connie Chung was not in Lutheran America where sex was frowned on as something no Christian ever thought about. So you tell me after Bob and Carrol and Ted and Alice that Connie Chung was not The Graduate of things sexual, as after all she was  clued in enough to go for the  anti baby measures.

So how is it really molestation, when you got a woman going to the home of a man in telling him she is embarking on being a tramp, and then she lays there being masturbated. Seriously, Connie Chung only touched her neither with a 10 foot pole and never knew things happened when her nethers were touched?

That is what I mean about women living up to being stereotyped now as being nuts, and should no be allowed to vote. Women need to own up to doing stupid things, having things happen to them that they did not intend, and then stop calling it molestation when something happened that they did not want.

A normal person would have the sense to not want this kind of thing in public, because it makes them look stupid. They would simply instead be like my dad who always warned my sisters to NEVER get into a car with a cop, as the cops were always molesting girls.


Leland Keyser the woman Christine Ford Threw Under the Bus

That is what Christine Blasey Ford is teaching us. We have 15 year old girls following around college boys, trying to act all Playboy hot, and the boys being disgusted and fed up with these things that look like little boys trying to act Marilyn Monroe. As more information comes out about Blasey Ford, what this blog pointed out from the start is now the fact that she had FBI coaching, she spoofed the lie detector and she has an intelligence background connection. That is not something Connie Chung Povich should be attaching herself to, nor making it public that she is an idiot.

That all adds up to the majority of men and women rolling their eyes and saying in private, "What the hell did she think was going to happen!!!"

There are real rapes, real assaults and real molestation. What these #MeThree women are engaged in though is making a laughingstock out of assaults on all women, men and children.

Why the hell Maury Povich did not tell his wife that this was not a good idea, is beyond me. It is what it is though now and it is out there and all we know is Connie Chung had a Regrettable Orgasm. That is not a crime.


