Friday, October 5, 2018

The Blonde Plague of 2018 AD in the year of our Lord

Donations Make Little Girls Feel Better

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So thee cute little blonde plague carrier at the grocery store was not looking so good lately. She has had a bad summer.  Pontoon sunburn that looked like Hiroshima. Some skin rash that looked like mustard gas, and then she had this cold, which she really looked bad with, and unfortunately I looked worse with it, even being gorgeous me.

See I make a point of gargling with a diluted hydrogen peroxide at the first sign of something in my throat. Have a religion of peroxide in my ears with Q tips and an alcohol tissue up my nose after being on errands. That has only let me down with the Obama Death, which TL and I caught I think from Baptists at Christmas in Lord God were sick for TL's vacation which was spent in bed, and was  I ever boobytrapped by the 2018 AD Plague of Blondacity.

See I gargled before bed at 1 o'clock. You have no idea the hours I keep in doing this blog and all the other things I do. So  it surprised me  at 2 o'clock that I woke up and that area behind my flipper tonsils was sore. So I got up and gargled again, and still felt sore in the morning, gargled again,  and as  my brother was here and we had to do things, I got a real thrill that night in I had the chills, and then went off like a fever volcano all night.
Added to that my throat went on fire, my nostrils were on fire, and I honestly thought I was having a heart attack, as I was aching.

Phase two was the next day in which my nose ran like a fire hydrant, and the soreness in my throat went up and down and all around and I felt like someone was driving a nail in my sinus.  This was an unfun and unique "cold" as it was as TL noted, I never had anything like this as the fluids are all clear and watery.

So four days into this, and with gargling and chit, I have turned the corner thank God, and post this as a warning what the hell is out there as my brother said  the same thing was through his part of nowhere.

I was surprise that is embedded in an area which gargling would not reach and kept playing hide and seek there.  For treatment, all I had was generic advil, and something which did surprise me in Ricola throat lozenges. Granted the one night I had to do 3 of them to deaden the pain, but those things do help with sore throats, much better that Chloraseptic which is what I was using previously.

Like most reading this, I have little faith in cough drops. Halls are what we had, and yes they help with coughs, but nothing on toxic sore throats. Those Smiths things in cherry which we ate like candy were worthless too.  Ricola though surprised me, and surprise TL in they honestly did work. That one night in bed I was really not well and had TL concerned. It was pure pain in my sinus,  head, throat and body. The advil though and the Ricola settled me down after a few hours.
Oh one more thing I noticed, I had been very exhausted as I always am from over work, but when I was sickest with this thing, I simply was not tired. It is like I had energy. That must be a pleasant little addition in this virus that does not drain you, but instead pops you into high gear in order to get you to the morgue.

This virus did try to get into my bronchial tubes and it was around there and still it tickles there on day four, but not any pneumonia. I am pleased it was not worse winter weather as this would have been a corker without keeping it in  check. It was not the flame thrower the Obama Death Virus was which ruined Christmas for TL and I, but in some way this thing had it's own unique toxic effects. On the Spanish scale flu which we have had, in the Spanish thing was a 10, this was a 6, but I stayed on top of it. The reason for the 6 is, it was not as horrid sore throat as others, and my sinus  was not as on fire as the Obama or Spaniard thing.
I just hate being sick, as it takes away from everything and creates more work for me as the blog has to be produced and I have to keep up for all the non donors out in Dodge to one day  gain a revived soul and donate like the waters of heaven upon the plain.

Ok that is the warning. That is what is out there and you do not want to catch this stuff now or in the later version.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
