As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am supposed to be working......had this great idea of a Hitler stache on the up and coming Mike Pence, but that is why I am typing this as DC dropped us a note and I wanted to say thank you and nothing is meager as it is all appreciated.
Before you get to the note, I wanted to say that someone offered to send me a firearm through FFL, and that was very kind, but I am leery of letting people get close in case the regime gets exuberant ideas as people do not need that in their lives.
The Viking tempted me with a firearm and others have with knives, books and pots, but I have to be adult in keeping the degrees of separation.
Hey LC and TL, kinda sad that my meager donations get a shout out huh? Cest La Vie. My (selfish) dream is one day to read the LC review of a gun that my donation helped to fund... well we can all dream. Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless!
This is the fun part in I can tell you where my dreams in this cold hell I am stuck in have taken me. I ordered a Henry catalogue, not that I know that much about Henry repeaters, but I noted that they had a lever gun series in 223, 308 and 243. They also wanted my ovary and some kind of additional manifestation of taking it out in trade as those guns are not cheap, but I am not an AR kind of girl. Probably would love to have a dozen as I do look at the used ones on sites that came out of Iraq which are beat to hell, but I sort of like pumps, but Remington really sucks since that Trump contributor took it over.......so that has me sort of daydreaming about a Henry.
Thing is the other night I went out at midnight to just do what I do, and sure as hell, no kidding as soon as I got off the step, a yote howled in the darkness about 70 yards away. I have not seen any tracks, so he or she was just trolling, but I talked to him. Yotes understand as TL said TL heard one the day before but I figured it was a chicken as the roosters crow all night.
So I talked to the yote in a mixture of English in swearing at it, but first I gave it the wolf howl. Yotes really do not like being eaten by wolves, so they tend to take notice. Dogs they could care less about them yapping bastards. In fact once this one lit up, the neighbor's dogs started barking, so they can hear a yote howl further than you think.
Anyway have not seen any more sign around, just a fox which I would like to tune up too, but I sure would enjoy tattooing a high speed bullet into that entire clan of canine vermin. He seems to be a big sob as I saw his tracks moving south when we ventured to town on one of my whims. I hope the neighbor gets done deer hunting and starts trapping or someone pot shots that dog and sends him to hell.
The Uncle was supposed to get his bionic knee. Shit too that happened. He went back to his kids house, and was supposed to be back, but no Uncle. So when we came home I saw Aunt Betty in the drive. Here is a story for off the wall chit relatives.
Ok Uncle got divorced from a woman who liked to get prego in the back seat by used car salesmen. Last two kids were when he was nutted, so the car dealer's semen was good. So he marries some widow or something who had been hooked up to some breed, and she is back in that state, and Uncle is here catting around with Aunt Betty, who got a really shitty job in watching the place. You know getting the mail, flushing toilets, checking if things were getting fixed and as she said, "Putting a track up there" to show people were around.
So for Thanksgiving Uncle is supposed to get his knee. She said he is coming back, but hell, he gets chopped this week, then it is Thanksgiving, then it is two weeks, and then it is almost Christmas......hell then it is colder, then New Years........looks to me like they are auditioning him for geezer haven, and not a return trip which he is banking on. Aunt Betty will have her tires worn off by then.
Shit people get roped into when they are prancing around catting around.
Oh point of the story, I saw no yote tracks over there. Just deer.
I did see a non typical white tail though.......pretty good sized boy the same day. I chased him off the road. He had the semen quivers bad for doe, as I could have popped him at around 50 yards 3 times standing as I was clapping my hands, shouting and trying to herd him away.
Thing is had these to zombie appear when TL and I went for a walk. Big town boys out in the sticks. They had no permission and ran us down hoping to get some hunting, so I obliged and lied that we did not have many deer, but if they went several miles away, there were deer over there and they might find some hunting. Two big farmers who never let people hunt and farmers you can not find. They left and that is what I wanted, but geez you don't just show up blasting the view with high powered rifles as the locals do not appreciate the overture.
I still do not have my Henry catalogue as it is on the dash of the pick up. Too cold to go out now and I am too busy to think about getting it. I did for a dollar get a future pistol case, one for each side. Think it was some electronics bag, but I saw pistols in mine and that is all I want it for, as I can carry it in a vehicle and as it is too big for a cubby hole, it is not concealed carry.
I never liked that 243 for deer, did not work for me. Think it would paste coyotes though as I have popped 400 yard shots with the one I once had and it was always accurate.
I think I should get the mother into bed, or start about now, so I have some time with TL, as TL looks like TL is making some rifle sling.......my hopeful thinking as it is some other stuff, but it takes time to rub E oil on legs, get people into position and maybe walk a few times in the room to get the circulation up and going.
I know I do not want that 308, never liked that round either. Thinking 223, not that I have ever shot it, but lots of ammo for it, and that would be nice to carry in the pick up
You can not believe how boring Mike Pence is as a subject. His wife must have fallen asleep all the time during sex or maybe he has those little wire clips he hooks up to her nipples and zaps her in that BDSM stuff. Now there is something no one wants to imagine.
Thank you to DC and everyone, as the Viking says, sometimes I seem like I am all alone and need to be reminded I am not that alone at all.
One more thing, I hoped to sleep last night, but was up twice with the mother, and just as I got settled in this morning, the Puntz jumped on bed and sharted and then raced off to the kitty litter tray. I keep hoping for lots of things and I usually end up getting shit on. Why DC and others are never meager and I appreciate it all.
God blessings upon the Good in Christ's Name. Amen and Amen
I still do not want to write about the uninspiring Mike Pence.