As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Viking is a saint in patience with his Mom, as after 3 weeks of more hell in life, here am I past being tolerant of the mother, when .......I will relate my Sabbath Day experience, as mine would not be up cooking trying to help and asking for me to stop her when confused. Mine has an entirely different position on life that ruined yesterday twice in batting 500.
Dearest Sisters,Gramma just came into apologize for being 12 off as far as accomplishing an actual Sunday dinner. “I thought you were in there preparing all that stuff in the middle of the night for the next evening-I had no idea you were going to cook the whole thing then.”“Well if you ever catch me doing something like that again, stop me.” I just figured that was something she was going to do anyways, because she won’t rest until things get done; she just keeps getting up out of bed relentlessly. So how to say no?It’s funny, but wearying,The Viking
So after a night of getting up again, I told the mother to literally shut up, stay in bed, so I could sleep and I would be in there to check on her when I woke up, which was 10 o'clock, as she was up at 12:00, 1:00, 3:30 and 5:30 claiming having to pee. That night she was making sighing sounds for 90 minutes, but was not calling me, so I just stayed awake.
So I am up, getting ready to do chores outside in heating milk replacer for Baby Moo and the kitties. I get the coffee on and am about ready to get her up, when I see her cane poking out and getting her slippers which I put out of reach so she will stay in bed.
The reason I can not have her up, is she still has foot swelling from fluid and she is uncertain on her feet and I can not have her falling again. There is no comprehension that others need sleep and that asking for stupid things just as I get into bed again does not register as impolite as when I was sick as a kid, I got maybe one visit and if puked from sipping water or 7 up, then I was at fault or being fussy.
So I asked her what the hell she was doing, and she says she is going to the bathroom. I ordered her back to bed, and then allowed her up, as this woman really has faulty programming in doing stupid shit to harm herself.
So we get all that shit done literally, and I unload on her, as she promised to stay in bed until I came and got her. Yeah yeah I promise.
That all done, slippery roads, shitty weather, I tell TL that we are getting out of there as that woman is driving me up the wall with years of her selfishness, lying and now a year of wait on the royal. So I put her into the recliner, feet up, tucked in, down booties on, banana, drink and a comforter and tell her not to be chugging the liquid for about an hour and a half, as she would have to pee and we would not be home for 2 hours.....it was 2 and half as the paved roads were all slick as hell.
So we get home at 4:20 and the first thing I hear is her groaning. I ask what is wrong and she has to pee. Ok that is fine and then I notice that the recliner is not elevated but down angled. This confuses me as I know I left it up.
I ponder this and realize the only way that could happen is if she put the foot rest down and had been up. Her booties looked dusty on the bottom.....someone broke her word, and when I asked, she flat ass lied to me.
I told her that I knew she was lying and had been up. Still denials, but clever denials in "I don't know how that could happen".
I do Perry Mason with her for a half hour, in piece by piece breaking down what she is saying, and I get out of her that she lies to me about 10% of the time. I got her to admit she was up, out of her chair, and I see her focused on something behind me. I know whatever she was up to that it would infuriate me, as that is the reason she is lying, and I provide the threat as before I left that she was going to the old folks home.
Her story emerges that she was weighing herself on a scale under the desk. I let it go, get supper ready, and then the Holy Ghost says, "Ask her how much she weighed". That is something she is not ready for and says 70 pounds, and then follows with, well at least I think that is what I read.
I know she is not 70 pounds, so I say we will weigh her, and my slight mother weighs in at 100 pounds as she has always been slight. She has problem in almost falling off the scale, so now we know she was flat ass lying to me again.
The Puntz was on her bed, so the questioning returns to who is feeding the cat, as she of course is not, but we come to the statement that Puntz is eating cat food in there. Yeah and Poot uses my bank card to buy it too and likes wine with kitty crackers.
It is this endless lying and deception which is daily part of the burden here. So TL suggested that I place a barrier by the mother's bed so she could not get up. This was erected at around 1 AM when she was sleeping and I was not.
I had checked before and hospital beds are from 700 to 4000 dollars, and there is not any way I can afford that and I am not mentioning that out of terror that two very nice people in Texas might decide to be kind again and I can not have that, because each time I scold you rich assholes for not donating, some people who can not afford to be donating end up donating out of the goodness of their heart. Make me feel terrible and even more frustrated with rich people sitting in all that luxury while others have massive needs.
What I came up with was a folding table, wedged in. My back can not be building rails, and there is not room for 85 dollar metal rails to keep the mother in bed. I mention these things in maybe the Viking can explore something with his Mom to attempt to keep her in bed at least. Mine is unsure on her feet yet so I have to keep her in place and all she does is get into dumb ass trouble as she probably fed the cat, from a store of food I still can not find.
As for the recliner, from this point on, there is a 5 gallon bucket which is going to go under the foot rest so she has to say in place, and I am going to put an egg on it as she knows she will break that if she attempts anything.
This woman is not senile. She is just a stubborn, obstinate, self absorbed female with sociopathic tendencies which have come out more and more in her being unpleasant. She does not have the money for the geezer home, and if she had enough to enter, she would be given sleeping pills to knock her out at night from being pest she is here, wheeled out to drooling activities and then coughed on around March to catch the flu and die. That is retirement care along with being raped or abused for poor people.
So I am stuck in this situation with a most unpleasant brat, and the Viking is burdened with a Mom who is trying to be cooperative. I do not complain, but I do make the point that none of us Christians expect this stuff, and it is what we end up doing, as my brother gives me a "yeah that water heater is paid for so that is great as he hides out" and my sisters are in permanent hiding in their comfy lives, as they would have the mother dead in weeks. I suspect the one bro in law would take her out into the cold to make sure she caught a cold, or for that matter their house is so damned cold, mom once said it took hours for her to warm up after visiting there.
For now, I have a folding table barrier that the clever little mouse can not get over, or moved, as she had more tissue and shit strewn around like a skunk in a live trap this morning. Her voice was snippy as she did not like the solution to the problem she is. It was ok, as it was the first time I slept half way good for three weeks. I get a few more nights like this, and maybe I will shake the Mexican flu that keeps trying to come back.
We are still working on the fluid being gone. She had her feet up this morning and it drained to her ass, so that is moving at least. Try to walk her, but not outside for a bit as zero degree weather is too cold. The scar tissue she had from being stupid last year in doing something I warned her not to do, did have some blood blister on it. That is getting E oil on it and things look as good as can be expected. The seeping has stopped now. I just need that fluid gone by exercise, but that is a challenge in igloo country.
God bless the Viking though for his love and patience. He really is a good guy and more patience than I have had here. I just get upset when I am kind, and then someone is lying to me and doing things to ruin all of my efforts.
Well that is usual in nothing like five hours later in typing this, as I intended to type one line to finish this up. With that one line typed, time to publish.
Nuff Said