As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I had a rather unsettling day today. I dislike conflict, but the Spirit in me just sort of compels me to do things without doing things.
See there was in the thrift store this duo, and old folks and this person wearing a white straw cowboy hat in 40 degree weather. Yes not too intelligent, but he certainly in this 20 something child just was begging for attention as he was quite loud, and his comedy routine seemed to be insulting the old guy in remarks a phone was as old as he was and corduroy pants went out sometime in the 1970's which were on the rack. Yes he seemed to be a sort of 70's Show humor.
I was wandering around and they went into another part of the store and were there for sometime and eventually TL and I arrived there. The comedy routine was still going on loudly and it came to the point that I was no longer appreciating the din and the lack of evolution. So I was sorting through the socks on display in stacking them as most people think that rummaging like hogs is a right in stores as they do not have to clean it up, and TL came over by me, and old folks and junior were there and he was just stating that he was not a cowboy as he did not ride a horse and was instead a cowman. Apparently in junior's eyes cowboys were about as appreciated as sodomite cow shit.
At this point, TL and were there and I turned up the volume. Junior was about 4 feet off my back and I started my routine and in that, old folks and junior soon vacated the area, as they apparently did not like loud.
We got our stuff to the counter and Junior was there checking out behind us. I paid the kid no mind as why would an adult acknowledge such one dimensional interludes of cries for attention, as I am not into nursing weaned straw hats.
So we ran some more errands and decided to get some food at the fast food place, and who was sitting by our table but old folks, junior and a girl who we did not know was with the duo.
I was pleased they were about done, as we sat down. I wear my aviator shades as people never can figure out what the hell I am not looking at or looking at, and was watching the big screen as FOX was on with Trump, and TL and I were discussing the politics of the situation.
Junior was still in need of attention and talking loud, and was mussing around finally to get his coat on, and was uncomfortable with me crawling up his back and worse yet, neither of us was paying him any attention. I mentioned something about it being "that guy" in someone on the television and he tried to lock onto me for eye contact as he thought I was talking about him, but we ignored him, which really deflated his ego even more as he wanted to interact, and he simply could not figure out people who would not notice him so he could get a wise ass remark at them in trying to show how tough he is around the flocks of polite sheep which inhabit my pastures.
It all ended with him going to get some free fries,and the girl asking where Junior had gone off to, as she was sitting right there when he was reciting prose about his life's mission to be defined by free french fries. Apparently women in his captive sphere are absolutely deaf to him.
Junior was not local. I think the accent was Nebraska, in that mouth full of shit twang some of the rural types have. He though was not impressive to us and he was confused as we had brushed him off like a boss cow does to the cowlings three times in not paying any attention to him, and his routine was designed to get attention and bully people away, as this was one scared little boy yet hiding in a not so large adult male form.
As I said this left me unsettled as I do not like unsettled people. I prefer the polite comatose people of the brier patch as they know their place and usually respond with a grin when I jab them with an appropriate insult as TL says I am quite the wag and TL grins at me as TL says there is appreciation in TL for how I intimidate people as they often think I am dangerous.
I was just thinking in no wonder junior hangs around with old folks as that is all that could stand that loud one dimension of comedy. I suppose if one has captive cattle and an ATV that that kind of routine works out, but it is clear to me that Junior has not yet run into enough brier patch folk, who after a few beers would toss him on top of a building or cause facial pain in decking him. Lord the people around here are not slight. I remember the 70 year old man who pulled the 180 pound smart ass across the bar with one arm when the smart ass was picking on his kid brother who was 62. It is like the millionaire's kid who thought he could push the restaurant owners wife when drunk one night and ended up being flattened by her husband with one punch.
Polite is something learned the hard way. In the two legged animals I live with, when they are brushing you back, you should probably take the hint, as it reminds me of that guy who had that grizzly bear which was on television in beer commercials. He said that bear one time walked up to where he was standing and just brushed him off his place. The bear stood there for a bit and then just cocked his head slightly and looked up at him to see if he had noticed.
Yeah he noticed.
Nuff Said