Friday, November 23, 2018

Table of Duties: Widows and Unmarried

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Martin Luther focuses on Widows and the lesson is relevant for the modern examination of Dr. Luther as Widows were the one people in society who were without any welfare. A woman married a man, whether it was Ruth in the Bible or a woman in Germany 1500 AD in the year of our Lord, and her entire future was bound to him, along with her finances. If he died, she did not own the property, and it went to a relative or a child, and if they refused to help the widow, she was at the mercy of a evil world with no one to provide for her.

In the modern political age, the "poor" are a welfare state bonanza of profit,  where the widow does not become rich, but struggles, but when a nation has millions of widows, receiving welfare checks, it amounts to billions  of dollars in the exploiters who gather all of those funds, because the government officials they have bribed, focus all of that food brand buying on these cronies.
So the modern widow starves as the ancient widow, but people who want to be rid of  the guilt, tell themselves it is taken care of by government hand outs, so they can turn a blind eye to a horrid system and all of the suffering poor people have.

To Widows

The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help. But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives. 1 Tim. 5:5–6

Widows have a responsibility too, and that is to be Faithful to their Spiritual Spouse in Jesus the Christ. If a man or woman, is not leading a moral example and living in excess, they are as St. Paul reveals, already dead in this world and for eternity. No one just because of their situation does not get a pass on fulfilling the laws of God in caring about others. Those who have prayers have a duty to pray. Those who have a kind ear have a duty to listen. Every person  has something, and  the reason rich people have the piles of money  they have is because they have no human talents and those piles of portfolios prove they also have no humanity in helping others as they should, for they are not utilizing those funds as God expects and requires, so they are as spiritually dead as the reprobate widow.

The poor have a responsibility to not add to society's problems in causing more problems in being a criminal or a busy body, or anything else not moral.  You lead by example, and not the example of the rich. You lead by example of Jesus the Christ first and last who did not have place to rest his head in a home at night. Just because you are poor, does not give you the excuse of the rich in shirking moral responsibilities and prayers. They will answer for their misdeeds and your deeds are to lay up treasures in Heaven as Lazarus did, for an eternity of riches. This is most certainly true.

Nuff Said
