Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Fall of the Americanoid and Rise of the Africanoid

Mimi nitapata mwanamke mweupe kumlea mtoto wangu!


I'm going to get me a white woman to nurse my baby!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive  in matter anti matter.

As this blog has exclusively broken the story that Bill Gates NGO has been laying the groundwork to implement Zbigniew Brzezinski's globalist economic meltdown and partition of China, by replacing both China and India with Africa, more needs to be exposed in this, as only the Lame Cherry will as  no one else will as  they either are morons  void of Holy Ghost Inspiration or Mockingbird shills covering up the next upheavals, world wars and shift of power, which does not include the United States.

The hints of what are taking place are in Chancellor Sebastian Kurz meeting with Bill Gates as this blog first exclusively published. The essence of all of what Europe is about to embark upon is based in the Gates Foundation.  This has all been plotted out since China was  conned into butchering all of her children in the 1 boy policy for parents. That being decades old, in the interim, it was George W. Bush, who after his father HW Bush built the economic cancer of China, began saving babies with Bono in Africa, and Africa in  a few short years ballooned to over 1 billion in population.

African Negroids have always been exploited from Arab and English slave traders, to colonization,  to communism of the 1950's to the United Nations payments which ended up in European banks as Paul Wolfowitz attempted to curtail and was destroyed. In that time China  moved to obtain African raw resources, but what is coming is Bill Gates NGO world order of  a rising African consumer nation funded by the looting of African raw wealth, all for the enrichment of Europe.


With my riches I am going to use my nipples 
to speed dial my smart phone!!!

The key to this is what Sebastian Kurz has been engage in, in Europe will displace the  United States. Europe will secure Libyan oil, and then move into Africa and secure all natural resources in developing Africa  as the Gates Foundation proclaims  as China was. There  is a coming African miracle, or robotic technology and plumes of pollution where it will be no more remembered the hunters were the problem, but the pollution is. From that revenue, Europe in a new trade of 1 billion Africans will enrich itself.

The Negroid  is not like the Chinoid, in the Chinoid  is aggressive and builds nuclear bombs, while the Indian builds nuclear bombs and does not work and the Indonesian builds neither nuclear bombs nor work. The Asian area  has zero resources and 3 billion people. It has no value for the sugar and slave markets of olde Europe, so the new market will be European smart phones for African  mineral wealth. The Negroid does not build nuclear weapons, can be made to function in types of low IQ work as field hands when provided the right master, and handed money in subsidies they will become a European market.

This is why the White genocide of Africa is so very crucial, as in the coming bonanza of economic expansion, a White would become a competitor billionaire, while the Negroid will be content to have sex and diddle a  smart phone.

 Bill Gates is going to make me an Africanaut
as the first human to walk on the moon!!!

Gates has already began progress on the genocide of the Negroid in providing an expiration date. He has chosen sub Sahara African to all be sterilized by 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, and his vaccines have been sterilizing numbers of peoples from Mexico to India in trial results. China had a one baby policy. Africa will have a no baby policy. It appears Gates is creating a dead zone in the center of Africa in the oil region, a Non Negroid Zone to separate the northern Arab European Muslim from the southern Nappy Head which missionaries adore making pets of out of America.
America will face it's own problems as the White Christian Peoples of Protestantism will face genocide by being overrun by John Kelly's Visa Vermin.

This is a amazing generational exploitation by the ruling elite. They first exploited the Spice Islands, the the Rum and Sugar Islands, the Africa and India, then moved  onto the United States to bleed her to debt, and then to various gems in South Korea and Japan to pick off, as much a Europe, before the Obama era progressed to Islamocommunism rapine and dope trade to focus on the China  economic implosion  as much as India,as  neither of these cancers have any long term value, as China was a volcanic eruption of barely 20 years before her core collapsed in the Trump phase of this operation, which  Sebastian Kurz is outmaneuvering the United States on.

In Kurz fortunes, I am going to get me a big screen hologram TV
and watch African Idol!!!

Think of 1 billion Niggers, in the European alternative smart phones, big screen hologram television, vehicles and European Leggo Housing. We are speaking of hundreds of trillions of dollars, along with the typical European selling arms to anything that moves, as there is certain to be new warring factions created among the Sand Niggers and the Nappy Niggers as that is the treasure.
It is as Hiram Maxim, the inventor of the first machine gun. He was working on electricity for patents, but a friend told him, "You want to be rich, you invent something which Europeans can kill each other in masses, and you will be rich". Nobel did the same invention with dynamite. As the 3.5 billion two legged cancers of Asia die in this next century, the real economic thrill will be Africa, as America becomes a festering Mexican Vatican scab.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter as the popular girl resides in the future. I have just taken you to the year 2075 AD in the year of our Lord on the feudal few calendar and  showed you what the world will be like if Jesus does not return. Soon enough after my exclusives you are going  to start seeing stories of Africa becoming the next economic miracle on the rise once Chancellor Kurz places all the policies into activation for this. It will all seem obvious again to all, but it appeared here first.

As I type these exclusives my anti virus has been updating for two days, asking to access new drive areas and at one point I received an alert that something was attempting to shut down my anti virus. Gee I wonder who it is that is paying attention to the popular nonsense which all of you non donating rich geniuses lurk around the edges and read constantly, but never find the Christian credit card to make the big donation.

You can understand how all of this has been in the works for decades and China was a momentary appetizer while America was a fuller course, as the old order rises again as this blog warned all of you of. It is perfect genius to be rid of the hordes of Asia and exploit the jungle bunny of Africa, a they toil not nor do they make effective war.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm going to be rich and start a magazine called,
International Geographic and take naked pics
of White women nursing their babies!!!

Nuff Said
