Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Holy Austrian Kurz 1000 Year Leadership

Folge Mir

Sebastian Kurz is remaking Europe's future from its darkest past

May 2017, when Sebastian Kurz took control of the center-right Austrian People's Party (OVP), he remade it in his image. Lest the world ­underestimate the significance of this, the 32-year-old ...
Newsweek|3 days ago

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the strategic interests of the European Super State, or as it should be termed, the Kurz 1000 Year Union, it is in the continent's interest to build a land bridge to Africa, which will dwarf the Chunnel by 100 fold.

Africa is being created as this blog exclusively noted, to become the fodder for the world in Africa has been made to produce one billion consumers or worthless quality, but of terminal lifespan, in order to gain a market of trade for European commerce.
China has zero resources and India is a black hole. Both have 2 billion two legged tumors in nuclear power. Africa is a sedate cloth of the land to exploit and 1 billion consumers will be a perfect slave market for Europe, where Europe will live in pristine luxury while Africa manufactures in the toxic center of the European  Orbit.

It is in that national interest that Europe under the leadership of Sebastian Kurz must build a secure trade route to Africa. It must be a 100 lane tunnel, including rail to transport the mineral wealth out of Africa and the manufactured wealth out of Europe to the Negroid consumer.
The best location for this is Spain to Morocco, as the Suez route is rife with Muslim and Jewish drama. Instead North Africa should be the focus, with several immense oil and gas pipelines out of Egypt into Greece for distribution throughout Europe, and the Kurz Tunnel taking full scope for security as the Mediterranean will then be a secure zone of only those  ships marked with European identity will be allowed to buy or sell, and all human traffic will be mandated to only arrive in Europe through the Tunnel.

This is the future which the 21st European Chancellor must bring to Europe and the world. The securing of Bill Gates manipulations of Africa for the development of European markets. The Asian rim is of benefit for Europe from Singapore to Japan, with the raw wealthy of North Korea, but India and China are DOA economic graves. The only revenue to be made there will be in selling smelters to burn up the dead for cremation of a billion dying Asians.

The Kurz Tunnel from Morocco to Spain

Given Slavic construction workers and a Hong Kong of Morrocco,  this project could be completed during the first 7 year term of Chancellor Kurz in leading United Europe. It would become the wonder of the world and change the world to Euorpean leadership.


 The Kurz  Pipeline from Libya to Solvenia

The  Kurz vision is the established Roman vision of empire from the flawed Napoleonic catastrophes which Adolf Hitler followed. Europe requires land, energy and raw resources with a consumer market to export to. The Russian model was a disaster each time it was attempted as Russia is warlike and it was a military conquest attempted by Europe.
Rome though  proved this in failing at Polish conquest of Russia, Rome failed at conquest of Germans, but Rome succeeded in conquering Carthage of Africa. This is the true remedy for Europe. Europe must annex Africa as a secure  buffer for Europe, a protectorate and an emerging market.
Unlike China and India, Africa will provide raw material, for European owned luxry manufacturing, which will then be sold back to Africans for the raw wealth. Europe trading with Africa will generate hundreds of trillions of dollars before this Rhodian Model will run it's course, under the astute Germanic social order leading this venture.

Let the Libyan energy pipelines from Benghazi to Trieste and the Kurz Tunnel from Cueta to Tarifa be the real one road and one belt to Europe and Africa without Chicom enslavement.

This is the future of Europa.

Nuff Said
