Tuesday, December 11, 2018

CNN now proves Lame Cherry Right Again

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just a note in the orphan girl being proven right again and CNN actually is telling the Truth in blaming humans for climate change in the Arctic..........as gee whiz it is hot in the Arctic and snow is blowing in the Carolinas.

 The Arctic is experiencing a multi-year stretch of unparalleled warmth "that is unlike any period on record," according to the 2018 Arctic Report Card, a peer-reviewed report released Tuesday morning from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, an agency within the United States Department of Commerce.The report states that human-caused climate change is transforming the Arctic,

Remember when I informed you that the American cold came out of GREENLAND, which means it moved backwards from northeast to southwest which is impossible, which means it is COLD in  the United States and HOT in the Arctic and Greenland as HAARP is cooking the atmosphere and the amazing thing is that heats up the Arctic and with frigid cold in Canada, it is going to be warmer in the Arctic.

Great job in this, as HAARP is filling the pockets of Trump's Oil Barons who are robbing Americans into submission, and on off days Weather Mods are testing out how to deal with nuclear fall out.

So pay attention to CNN as they told the Truth for once and prove exactly what I have been informing you of. The Truth of HAARP and evil people just murdered my mother this autumn and I doubt there is going to be any Congressional investigation into this or is there going to be any donation to make up for all of this.

Nuff Said

