As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter
There has been far too much written incorrectly in the German English battle for the invasion of Britain. It is in this assessment not of failures, but of a victory, which the following white paper appears in examination. From the outset of this, the air war in England was one which was neutralized not by England, but by Reichmarshal Herman Georing, as he misused the entire Luftwaffe for a year, in not transitioning from Blitzkrieg to Gehämmerte Luft or Hammered Air, which is what the German Kriegsmarine and Wehrmacht required to invade England.
- Kanalkampf - The Channel Battle
- Aldertag - Eagle Day
- Hundekampf - Dog Fight of RAF against Luftwaffe
- Battle of London - Daylight bombing of London
- Nacht Terror - Night Raids
The entire purpose of the Luftwaffe raids were for Operation Sealion or the invasion of Britain. That is why it began with the main obstacle in the Royal Navy had to be damaged so German escorts and transports could cross the channel. A great deal of planning after the victory over France took place in the months after the battle on the continent ceased.
Goering though never initiated a plan, nor did his air generals which was concise to fulfill Hitler's Directives in 16, to prepare for invasion of England and 17 to overpower the Royal Air Force. The two subordinate Generals in charge of operations were Kesselring and Spettle, both professionals, but the improvised operations and not any full carry through of directives, produced a complete failure.
It is not that the Luftwaffe performed badly. In fact, at one point in air raids they had curtailed enough production of British fighters that the Germans would have won. The problem was though as with bombing airfields which were successful and the manipulating of English fightrs into the fight, the Germans were again successful, but they simply did not follow through.
At one point in the later stages of the batttles, that the Luftwaffe finally knocked out the line of British radars alerting London to attacks, and also the Germans knocked out the central command of the air defenses, but it was already too late, as the German losses had mounted and again there was not a follow through to knock the English out.
That failure of Herman Goering, who was a brave and accomplished fighter pilot, but had absolutely not any operational ability, beyond the coordinated Blitzkrieg which was the Luftwaffe linked by radio to the German Wehrmacht for coordinated attacks and out of Goering's hands, was what ended Sealion and spelled the defeat of not only Germany, but Britain supplanted by the Americans and Soviets as a world power. Churchill if he would have accepted Hitler's peace, would have extended the British Empire to the 21st century as a necessary security against the Soviets, Americans and Japanese. In an honest assessment, if Churchill had not suicided the British Empire, England and Germany would have risen to defeat the Russians with the help of the Japanese, in effect place Franklin Roosevelt on a leash to come along or be defeated too.
The Night Terror Raids only began as a last resort by der Fuhrer to compel Churchill to submit to peace. Hitler was aware that if he began bombing London, that the English would hit German cities, which they did immediately. In this though, Adolf Hitler never bombed one American city nor did Japan, but the Americans resorted to numerous terror attacks on Germans and Japanese, including firebombing entire cities.
What Winston Churchill unleashed at Dresden was terrorism beyond what Germans ever engaged in, in the Battle of Britain.
To examine the Battle of Britain alone in Luftwaffe terms is a mistake as while they had the chief operational task which Goering failed at, it was the Kriegsmarine, in the venerable U Boats who by 1942 had almost conquered the English by destroying their supply of wheat from America.
England was already on short rations an the U Boats according British historian John Keegan had come literally within sinking 100 convoy ships within forcing England into capitulation. England was a maritime nation in all things from oil to flour. If the Germans had simply been able to sink one British transport, which were not as large as the American transports, for every one of their U Boats on patrol, England would have starved and had to make peace.
The reality is if Herman Goering had provided a systematic destruction of radars, British naval protection, and neutralized aircraft production and their airfields, with what the U Boats were systematically denying London, that the British would have been crushed by 1942 AD in the year of our Lord.
There are many "if's" in this as in all warfare, but if the Luftwaffe had been able to produce a long range bomber with fuel capacity as the Americans did for ship convoy escorts, while coupling rockets or their fine smart torpedoes which sought out ships, thee entire air war structure would have been changed. The one checkmate to the Germans was the vast British Navy. A threat to that Navy as the Japanese found in their Zeroes and the Americans found in their own submarines, would have produced invasion lanes into England.
England is a nation of not any defense once her seas and channels are breached. It is why William the Conqueror as much as the Saxons and Vikings made prey of the island people, as getting ashore is the only necessary part of being master of England.
In honest examination, if the Luftwaffe would have taken out the radar defenses, concentrated on Spitfire production and airfields, with crippling the English food supply storage, the work of the U Boats would have starved England.
Churchill could have fled to Canada, but it is a far different reality in Germans in control of the British Isles and their production on the European coast than attempting to prosecute landings off Africa to regain Europe.
It would have been costly, but Thomas Jefferson's Gun Boat Navy, a worthless hodgepodge of rowing craft armed, would have been something the Germans should have embarked upon, based upon the American PT boats of the Pacific theater.
Fast strike craft with wood composite hulls, immune to torpedoes and too fast to target, except by aircraft would have been the neutralization factor against the British Navy impeding Sealion. It is in every aspect of the second world war, that the Germans had the devices, but missed the opportunity from wider tank tracks, mechanized supply lines on tracked vehicles, PT boats and a longer range light bomber would have won the war like lightning strike, even against the behemoth of Russia and the thorn in the channel of England.
The fact is that the English did not withstand nor defeat the Germans. It was Herman Goering's lack of a strategic plan which caused this nullification of Luftwaffe power.
These are the lessons for a leader as Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria. Fundamentals of battle often only bring victory when the margins are narrowed to a directed attack. Adolf Hitler after the victory in France, was often above it all in trusting to his generals over the English campaign in providing leadership directives, but not the focus of Albert Speer to create the necessary improvements on German armament for total victory.
It will be this way when Europe makes the necessary step from the master behind the curtain to a European army projecting it's leadership's ideals for energy security in Africa and the Mideast, in military adventurism, even into Jerusalem to secure the Jewish front for the Vatican State. Those moves will be like Poland and France. The real necessity will be for the Chancellor when he begins the brushing off of Russia and China. China is a starvation trap which can be easily remedied as England should have been, but the strategy will be required if a conflict appears with Russia, as their leadership in Mr. Putin is superb and their military is a match for any in conventional and nuclear camps.
It would be resolved that Herr Kurz produce a peace with Moscow which Mr. Trump shreds at every opportunity, and focus upon Russia's real threat in China which needs to be divided and managed as a work force of European and Russian contracts.
This white paper examination ends in 20th century and 21st century warfare.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.