Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Gumby Gun Owner

I think all  government agents should have to pass the Marisol Nichols hotness test......well at least the attractive people should only be interviewed by not agents....

I will huff, I will puff and I will blow......
now give me your bump and let me take stock of the action...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The leadership of Donald Trump and his Department of Justice is devolving into the same rhetoric of Bill and Hillary Clinton with the infamous Eric Holder, as now the DOJ has issued a warning where once legal purchases are now illegal property to be confiscated without the government paying the citizen for the confiscation of property.

What is amusing from the word craft standpoint, is the DOJ has crafted a statement which is meant to create a resistant response from bump stock gun owners, as the word COMPLIANT was inserted to goad the gun owners into getting shot.

"We anticipate that the general public will be compliant with the law."

Compliant: Amenable, lamblike, manipulable, non resistant.


Hi Trump voter, be like me Gumby in compliant
and formed to the hands which control me.

This is the general statement on bumpstock confiscation. I will state though that everyone should comply with the law. I personally do not have a bumpstock and never would as I do no waste ammunition as I can not afford to do that. The accuracy is not effective and it has no appeal to me, no more than loud engines or whatever else people validate themselves with.
One more point, Stephen Paddock of the Las Vegas shootings did not have a bumpstock firing rounds. The police recordings all point to an M 60 on scene, but that does not matter in this, as Americans are  now criminals for owning a piece of plastic, and their names are on government lists, and every single one of them will be made to be compliant.

"We anticipate that the general public will be compliant with the law," a senior official said. "To the extent someone chooses not to comply with the law, we will treat this as we do with all firearms offenses. We will prioritize our resources to maximize public safety, focusing on those that pose the greatest threat. We will enforce the statute based on the circumstances of the individual case as we do with all firearms law."
The new rule rewrites current law prohibiting machineguns to incorporate bump stocks. The National Firearms Act of 1934 defines a machinegun as "any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger." The operation of bump-stocks requires an individual trigger pull for each individual round fired. The DOJ nevertheless decided they "initiate a continuous firing cycle with a single pull of the trigger."

So a piece of plastic is now equal to a machine gun.

"To the extent someone chooses not to comply with the law, we will treat this as we do with all firearms offenses."

Below is one of the historical examples of what takes place when people are not compliant, media events are created against gun owners and those Americans are treated as with all firearms offenses.

Branch Davidian Compound in Waco Texas

Lessons Learned from the ATF Waco Raid - SWAT - POLICE Magazine

A trio of ATF commanders have offered new details about the failed Waco raid and outlined changes within the agency since 1993 as the agency remembers its four fallen agents on the 20th anniversary.

For a memory alpha review in this, the ATF could have arrested David Koresch in town with the Sheriff, but instead chose to make a media event of it, in which they fired on the Davidians in their home first.
We know this, because General Wes Clark, later used tanks to gas the Davidians, and burn the place down to hide the bullet holes, which incinerated a busload of children.

Once again, the Lame Cherry, as on taxes and all things government counsels people that this is not your fight. You do not want to be dead or in prison 10 years over a piece of plastic. You do not have a leader in Washington who will protect your rights and you do not have international intrigue as with the French Yellow Vests to protect your rights and make the regime back down.

Just remember that Mockingbird word compliant was crafted to stick in your craws to make you resist, so they can come in and.......

..........do what they did to LaVoy Finnicum and the Bundy's.

Be reasonable in understanding that the international intrigue is raising up Europe, is fomenting a war between America and Russia, and China, which will be by design to scorch earth a greater part of the world. It would be logical to have the elites mow paths through nations where you being a gopher will probably survive and in that era no one is going to care about bumpstocks or have the resources to go around banging on doors to shoot Grampa in the kitchen as they pry the bumpstock from his cold dead fingers.

Just obey the laws, keep your mouth shut to not make trouble for yourself, and do not be baited by words

Nuff Said
