Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Unprovable Science

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is something which is to be dismissed as my method of flash reading in remote viewing is but an experiment, and what am I but a nobody, as I do not appear on Coast to Coast AM or any recognized venue of the fringe media.

When the matrix is read, in what it points to and reveals in trends, and what it has hidden in it, in the common thought interests me in an unprovable science.
I have experienced people who could block information and skew information. For the experts in Remote Viewing, they seem to wear a groove into the matrix so everything else inquired of there, right or wrong follows this rut.


Colorado mother Kelsey Berreth goes missing on Thanksgiving ...

One of the last places the young mother was seen was on Thanksgiving Day at a Safeway in Woodland Park, Colorado, wearing a white shirt, gray sweater and blue pants. She was reported missing Dec. 2.

When I inquire, I develop patterns and sometimes things come to me.  For instance, when I read the published reports of police gathering evidence in the victim's home, in forensic science that points to blood splatter. So when I inquired logically that it was as stabbing and the police had found blood residue, not cleaned up by bleach as we all watch Dexter. The matrix though pointed to no bloodletting and that puzzled me, as I inquired of all body fluids and nothing was affirmative, and then it came to me to ask of suffocation, and the answer was affirmative, in the cause of death was strangulation. There was not a broken neck just this unplanned violent attack.
That in turn had me perplexed in where the blood came from, and I inquired if it was the assailant, and the answer was negative. Then it came to me that perhaps someone had dissected the body.  The matrix indicted that the head was not removed from the torso, but the limbs were on Thanksgiving day.
The purpose being more unnoticeable transportation.

With that, the text messages from the victim to her employer and finance were not from her, as she was dead. It was cover.

There was a report that her phone had pinged in Idaho. Indications were it was placed on some vehicle and traveled there. I did not invest a great deal of time in this inquiry, but it appears that this was planned as were all the other aspects in hindsight. The matrix does not indicate that this murder was not contemplated, but that the Thanksgiving incident was by impulse.

The matrix did not indicate that there was another man in this scenario. Instead it was an event of ending a relationship and the taking away of a child.

I stopped inquiry at this point, except for one point and I relate this as I have never been to this location nor ever looked at map of this area before inquiry to the matrix. I inquired as to the location of the body, which was in plastic. I asked from the focal point of the finance's house, and in direction it stated the remains were in a creek under water. There indeed is a creek east of this location for some distance. I did not ask specifics for a reason, but in spending some time in surfing Google maps, I did notice that within distance there are three reservoirs outside the US Air Force Academy.

I got the feeling in flash reading, that no one has been muddying the matrix river in this and it did not seem to be an imprint  of deception on this information to hide it as it never occurred to the perpetrator.

I also got the feeling that this was a CCC, calm, cool and collected after the event. Perhaps it had been planned out previously, on impulse acted upon and in the days following the script was followed.

What has always fascinated me in the study of forensic psychology, in how even the most calculated and logical of crimes, how the natural emotional psychosis of the perpetrator rules. Individuals who are feeling suffocated in a situation and enraged, choose by instinct strangulation in intimacy, instead of an empowering firearm. A body dissected would indicate a person feeling pulled apart in their life being in pieces. It is the intimacy of the possession of the kill.

Water indicates wanting to be cleansed of this, along with the continued suffocation of the water.

As this is all quack science and does not matter, it is only an exercise again in the exploration of the fringe in common thought, intuition and the psyche.

This concludes this exercise in flash reading of the matrix.

Nuff Said
