Friday, December 7, 2018

Trumped by Kurz Again

  I just get up every day and say,
"How is America not helping her people?"
and then I fix those things for my Austrian People.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After the experience with the home care of our mother, because she could not afford it and a the coroner told me, "Nursing home are torture chambers", the reality is that two years into the Donald Trump junta led by John Kelly, that neither Mr. Trump nor his HHS Alex Azar are serving Mega Medical and not the people of the United States.

In America it is the Nazi Conglomerates who get paid for everything. Unless you have the connections, file the mounds of forms and are of the insiders guild of being license, you can not care for a loved one and be compensated by Medicare or Medicaid.

Will Medicare Pay for In-Home Care?

Numerous families understandably are quite distressed when they unexpectedly discover that Medicare will not pay for in-home care to support their aging parents. Nevertheless there are some specific circumstances when Medicare does pay for in-homecare services but under the strictest of guidelines.

Think about that in the railing of Donald Trump on Obamacare which Mr. Trump left in place. It costs 6000 dollars a month or around 4500 dollars a month for a Veteran to be institutionalized. We got nothing or providing round the clock care for mom's rehabilitation which saved the taxpayers all that money.
What is available is a long distance registered nurse in home hospice care, or in other words, strangers in your home, getting big bucks, bankrupting America, while you are told you are not fit to care for a loved one.

I will be blunt in this, you can find links online pointing to Sebastian Kurz as the anti christ.

Sebastian Kurz Antichrist - YouTube

SEBASTIAN KURZ ANTICHRIST WARNING 'Sebastian Kurz' is not 'Jesus Christ Returned'. He is the candidate for the upcoming: 'Imposter, Deceiver, False Messiah, Antichrist (Christianity), Maitreya ...

Yet read this translated German link in what the antichrist is doing in Austria. Chancellor Kurz is actually helping to turn over healthcare from the corporations to families, and the compensatory solution of paying families for the long term care of their loved ones.
It is of course more cost effective, better care, and the patients survive longer and have a better quality of life.

Austria with Sebastian Kurz is leading the way in humane treatment of the elderly. Donald Trump has done nothing to deal with this issue in the United States as none in his Trump Trans has brought it to his attention, as why would all of the multi millionaires give a damn about poor people, no more than corporate Obama was ever going to provide a humane solution beyond rationed death.

It is getting harder and harder to not like the antichrist, who cuts taxes to Austrians, raises retirement benefits, doesn't have to build a wall to keep foreigners out, because the Chancellor took away the welfare subsidies foreigners receive in Austria. Sebastian Kurz trumps Donald Trump on every issue and actually makes a difference for people in the real issues of their lives. Then again Sebastian Kurz does not serve the Nazi Conglomerates as Mr. Trump does on every issue from bankrupting farmers for Chinese trade wars, to raping Americans with Obama taxes, looting Americans with Obamacare and the grand robbery of high energy prices for Mr. Trump's Big Oil cartel.

Is Mr. Trump so New York Valued that he is incapable of knowing that Herbert McMaster's father was killed in a nursing home due to disgruntled employees? The Trumps can find wounded vets to fawn over, but how about the situation that all American families face in elderly care, and the need to be paid if they choose at home care, and forcing Medicare and Meidcaid to pay for that care, without state licenses, and without the corporate 6000 dollars a month fee for profit, but paying families to keep the elderly and infirmed  at home, instead of expensive corporate care.

My mother was killed by this American nation from it's evil willed people, to Weather Modification, to Obamacare to this Junta not being German enough as Sebastian Kurz is, to have the compassion to stop the economic rapine in America of the corporates in allowing families to recoup costs for taking care of their loved ones at a fraction of that abhorrent price.

Can any of the Trump insider who glean this blog, not inform him of how much need there is in America and how out of touch he is, to save lives and to keep families together?
Is it not the American worst when the antichrist is constantly out performing the American President with an uber Jewish daughter and a Marionette wife who prays for kidney miracles in Italy?

Nuff Said

Ministerial Council adopts master plan care

Starting signal for sustainable design of the nursing area

"With the Nursing Master Plan, we are launching a reform of the care system, and we will work with stakeholders, such as countries, communities and providers, to negotiate a worthy solution for those in need of care, focusing on care at home," he said Chancellor Sebastian Kurz at the press conference after the Council of Ministers.

Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache emphasized: "An overall concept for the nursing sector must be given top priority, not only because we have to discuss finances, but also about the qualification and training of the staff and the image of the nursing profession."

Social Affairs Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein spoke of another milestone in government work. "We want to ensure a decent and equally high-quality care under the motto 'home instead of [nursing] home'." For this purpose, a holistic solution with system partners such as countries, municipalities and non-governmental organizations should be sought.

It is about concrete objectives, such as the optimization of control and organization, so that individually adapted forms of care can be selected. Likewise, better support and incentives for caregivers are to be made possible. In order to make the nursing profession more attractive, the image of care as well as the social appreciation must be improved. This also includes evaluating the existing health care register and, with the help of qualifications, increasing the permeability between occupational forms as well as the possibilities for women returning to work. The digitization of society will also play a role. Forms of so-called "assisted living" can effectively support relatives at home. "I am convinced that we will also raise the necessary funding for the new overall concept," said Social Minister Hartinger-Klein.
