Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Yes the dead do pay taxes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Today I received a letter from the state retirement fund which mom had used up. In it was the mention that an income tax 1099 form would be soon appearing. This never occurred to me as mom was poor and never had to file taxes as she was twice below the poverty level.
In that though is the reminder that the dead do indeed  pay  taxes. So if you are of that upper class and never considered this reality as you look over the inheritance, know the IRS is there, and will come or their money, which of course you think is your money.

That is one thing I never contemplated was that tax which would have to be paid, and how fortunate I am poor and mom was poor so no income tax for me to have to find a way to pay for it, so this house is not seized by the IRS.

There was another mention, polite this time in the state asking for a death certificate. The bitch at the state office was quite snotty in telling me no money as in benefits would be coming, so I was thinking about telling them this:

Yes we would be happy to send you a certificate of death. The cost is 15 dollars from the state, plus postage and handling. If you would please remit 30 dollars in a certified check, we would be happy to get that to you in a timely manner.

It sounded like they wanted it to just complete their records, so I highly doubt I am going to comply as the state is robbing of death certificate copies and  then it wants me to subsidize it. It is bull that they are charging 15 bucks a copy. This is just another scam the government is involved in pilfering millions of dollars from citizens.

This is a short post, but understand that the reality is, that when a loved one dies. They still owe taxes as it is not your inheritance, but the IRS taxes first..........unless of course you are double poverty poor like me.

Nuff Said
