Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Alec Baldwin Company

Hi, we are, Bore and Ring, today's topic is
numbered boxes stacked on shelves


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Some people have talent, while the majority do not.

For example, this blog is the best blog in the world, because God gave me a talent at it, and I make it look so easy, that everyone thinks they can blog, but blogging is one of thee most difficult formats there are.

Likewise, hosting a radio mic like Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh requires talent. Limbaugh is horrid at interviews, while some people excel at interviews as in Johnny Carson, and even David Letterman was very good at the job, Charlie Rose was one of the best. It is hard to sound intelligent, guide a conversation and make it interesting.

In that Alec Baldwin is a better than average actor. He is not a comedic talent, no more than Chevy Chase ever was or Ryan Reynolds. Baldwin though is capable in voicing his ideas in interviews, as in Bill Maher's type of format, but he is not the talent that Maher is, in having an instinct for it.

That is why it is sad that ABC has placed Alex Baldwin for a talk show, where he has not the ability. His early attempts were absolutely horrid as he has zero connect with the audience. He is an actor and fills space well as he is accomplished in movies, but in the ability to make the audience empathize with him, he does not have that gift.

ABC orders talk show from Alec Baldwin despite controversial past, MSNBC disaster

Alec Baldwin does deserve better than this. He was allowed to go toxic in portraying Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live and now will be a prop at ABC, where he will have nothing but noxious jealousy from Jimmy Kimmel who has positioned himself as the next unlikable David Letterman in Kimmel actually thinks the elites like him, when all he is, is a barking dog.

Mr. Baldwin does not need this at this point in his career. He has a lovely wife, and children and should be basking in his accomplishments. His work is his signature and he does not need to be a political bot to try and be something in the eyes of reporters who have more self hate than they hate Alec Baldwin.

Despite his past history of failure in the talk-show space, ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey seems undeterred going into his next venture for the network.
“Alec’s intellect, wit and wealth of life experience afford him a voice and perspective we haven’t seen before in this format,” she said. “When we shot the pilot, we knew immediately we had something special that we couldn’t wait to share. We are excited to be working on a series that showcases Alec as one of today’s most compelling conversationalists and highlights the type of intimate discussions that he has captured on his podcast for years.”

There are only two reasons ABC did this. The first is to whore Alec Baldwin to stoke for profit those who hate Donald Trump and the second is ABC was a Bill Casey operation in the CIA, and Donald Trump had Pompeo hire Baldwin to humiliate him in a YOU'RE FIRED.

Channing Dungey thinks Baldwin is a real talent? That is bogus so it is either 1 or 2, a it is not what Dungey is lying about.
Yeah that is the face which inspires one to putting her in control of things.

You are all being Played

In America......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the following links is the proof in how you are being played and what I warned you all of what this Florida shooting was about. There are two issues to get you to agree to:

First issue is showing what a fraud the NRA is which is backing new gun control measures, and removing it as donation force for Republicans in 2018.....to lead to the Russian money flowing into the NRA for political campaigns in 2016.

Second issue is the brain check for your rights. This mental health examination is what is going to become the stealth law of the land which will allow all avenues to open from denying you the purchase of a gun, which liberals would cheer, but this will expand to ALL rights, meaning this will be a search of your medical file which are private and which will then be utilized  to deny you citizenship, so anything can be done to you.

 You are being told to focus on Sheriff Israel for his allowing this murder spree to take place. What you are missing is who FUNDED THIS and what role this Brat Pac engaged in.

Reverse Speech points to David Hoag was involved in Florida Shooting

Instead of the conspiracy, you are to focus on Israel.

As Mr. President artfully dodges in pulling back from banning 18 to 21 year olds owning guns as this is about getting into your medical files.

 White House Hints Trump Is Backing Off Raising Minimum Gun Purchasing Age To 21

And on cue, Paul Ryan of the Deep State, is all for investigating you and getting into your private medical records  as you are soothed in this is not about banning guns.

For those who do not understand that if Paul Nehlen had not been taken off Twitter by Ben Shapiro stalking as Shapiro stalked the Alt Right, Trump and White Christians in the Florida Massacre, Nehlen would be replacing Ryan, but now we have a coming law to search your private medical records to deny you your rights.

Paul Ryan: Congress Should Focus on Mental Health and Background Checks, Not Gun Ban

You were warned for all the good it will do.


Wolf Hall Deleted Scenes

Thomas when I run out of beheading wives, I will have to behead you


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David very kindly shared with me the links he discovered in deleted scenes and the soundtrack from Wolf Hall, the British drama concerning the life of adviser Thomas Cromwell in association with King Henry VIII portrayed by Mark Rylance who is outstanding along with the always exceptional work of Damien Lewis.

When one compares a Wolf Hall to the incessant fixation on sodomy in series of Downton Abby and the absolutely ludicrous Victoria, where if memory serves as it just finished this season, we had a leftist list of fiction focusing on Pet Negroes by the Queen, the Queen's servants were raging sodomites and Albert was a bastard which legitimizes the current royals.
Serializing Victoria into a soap opera in making her about as welcome as a pile of dog poo, serves no purpose.

If the leftists in England want to be rid of the monarchs, they should change the Constitution and behead the lot, instead of this electronic guillotine in every series which makes past monarchs all as repulsive as Prince Charles and Camilla.
I find loaf head and the commoner Kate feckless, but they at least have the appearance of how royals should behave, compared to Harry an his Afroid from America trashing the United States.

It is why I enjoy strong performances of good English drama, not scripted like Harvey Weinstein needs a blow job. Wolf Hall is a good drama and I am pleased to be able to share this as Mark  Rylance carries the series completely, as John Thaw carried Inspector Morse for decades as those two actors exceeded Olivier and Burton a hundred fold. 

 It is my intention to write more of English performances as things begin to get sorted out. I actually wrote a short story, which has me considering the attempt to write a dozen type stories perhaps for publication.

5 Cut Scenes:

Soundtrack Music files as a Playlist:



Russian Mud

American M1 Abrams like the German Panzer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is an assessment which Donald Trump writes out debt checks to the US military of a trillion dollars a year, and yet none of this information is ever noted in this in Obama loots the Treasury for social conglomerate kickbacks for 8 years by gutting the military and then some GOPer shows up and increases spending to loot the Treasury for the military the next 8 years.

This is not about the US Treasury being looted, but about a historical examination, now that Donald Trump is pouring US M1 Abrams  Tanks into Poland for the defeat of Russia and Vladimir Putin in this war which the cartel has been pushing in Europe.

In examining the historical details of the German Eastern Front of World War II, the Germans clobbered everyone. The only General who ever  beat the Germans daily was General George S. Patton of the US 3rd Army.
Most of the propaganda about Adolf Hitler has the generals blaming him, for the same military plans they were putting forward. It was not the military plans of the Germans which failed, but it was attrition, not brought on by warfare, but by the rasputitsa, or the Russian Deep Winter. In Russia the rains, ice and snow come about the second week of October. It turns dry oily clay soil into muck, like American Gumbo. One sinks up to their knees, axles or bellies in this muck, and movement is impossible with ordinary transportation.

The German Panzer which had a narrow track suffered in this and burned fuel along with wearing engines out in this muck. The American inspired Russian T 38 tank had a wider track and could maneuver better.
The German Blitz was effective, until it got literally stuck in  the mud which gave Russian production time to produce 1000 T 38's to Germany's 380 per month. The point being in this, that if the Germans in 1930 had someone whisper in their ear in tank production to make their tank tracks wide for the Russian clay, the Germans would have smashed through to Moscow and to the Urals where Stalin would be hiding, before the freeze up came.
Freeze up in Russia is 20 to 60 below zero, and that makes attrition on machine and men.

That is what would have made all the difference for the Germans is half tracks and wider tank tracks for transporting goods, and tanks to prosecute the war. It was that simple and all other explanations are an excuse, and ignorance of what the real Eastern Front was.

The Lame Cherry's reason for this examination is Donald Trump's pouring in on Obama policy of M 1 tanks into Poland for NATO as their main tank.  If one notes in the above photo, the Abrams gets stuck in the mud.
See the Germans did just fine in desert sand and other conditions, just as the Americans have with the M 1. The problem is the Russian muskeg in that mud of the rasputitsa. If NATO attacks Moscow, the American tanks will be killed just like the Germans were. If Moscow attacks Europe, and the eventual push back of the Russian spears takes place, then the Abrams which follow to Russia, if Mr. Putin plans this correctly, will appear in Russia to be destroyed by Russian autumn or spring muds.

This is the reality of the  non glamorous things of war, as everyone likes F 35 jets and 50 caliber sniper rifles, but it ALL comes down to the quartermaster and mud. It is all about supply and it is all about keeping an army moving in the mud. America suffers from too long of supply lines which are vulnerable and America according to the above  photo has it's main battle tank which gets stuck in the mud, and Russia has a great deal of mud, which sticks to tanks like glue and supply columns which break up roads and get into that mud.

Expensive and complicated toys like helicopters and stealth jets are wonders, until they wear out in a few weeks or take hits that put them down. Then it grinds to the horror of blood and mud on the ground, and when the mud comes for your tanks and supply columns, it becomes the horror of the infantryman being picked off by partisans to walking around in 500 mud covered boots, eating mud, and dying like Napoleon's French did, as attrition is what got that grand army in Moscow too.

Once that takes place, the native peoples always win and the invaders always lose.

The Americans trust too much in air power and malfunctioning technical designs, with too much Chinese software to shut down. Negate that by attrition, and it  become a war of the heavy munitions, and Russia checkmates that with it's mud, as it did Napoleon and Hitler.

Those are the realities of Russian combat. It is freeze to death cold and it is embalming mud. If the M 1 Abrams is incapable of handling the rasputitsa, it is the progression of what Adolf Hitler stated in the master race of the Russians will rule to the Brittany Coast.

Mr. President has probably never asked about this in his DC parades or his war assessments, as none of his conglomerate political officers have any experience with Russian mud. This is something that Americans appear  to not  be prepared for in their saber rattling while lusting for Moscow gold.

All public information if one just has the intelligence to examine the facts.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


M 1 Abrams stuck in Saddam's Iraq mud 

Nuff Said


When Death Comes The First

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In these posts  about Nancy Reagan, I have shown a woman who was someone I would not like as a spouse or a friend, I have shown a woman who was unfairly smeared by the press, and in this, I want to show a woman who is like all of us, in Nancy Reagan was abandoned by her father, raised by her Aunt and Uncle as her Mother worked across the country in theater, was the adoptive daughter of Dr. Davis of Chicago, who took it upon herself to handle the adoption, and her first love was killed in an accident when she was at college.

His name was Frank Birney and he appeared at Nancy's debutante outing. He was the first to arrive and as no one appeared early, he kept going through the receiving line pretending to be other people until others appeared.

He attended Princeton who was part of the Princeton Triangle Show then playing in Chicago, and Nancy's mother invited the cast to make certain enough young men were present.
He was very entertaining alone in the greeting line, using different voices and made everyone laugh.

The two grew very close, but marriage was never spoken of. It was shortly after Pearl Harbor that Frank was planning to go to New York, and Nancy Davis presumed he was running late, because he ran across a train track and was struck by a locomotive and killed instantly.

It was very upsetting to Nancy Davis, as this was her first experience of someone dying in her group of people she knew. Frank's mother gave her his silver cigarette case that Nancy had given him and that he was carrying  when he was killed. She stated in her memoirs that she still had that case.

Everyone has the same experiences in life. We all remember the first person we really knew who died. I remember the puzzlement of a neighbor woman dying of brain cancer and how sad it was. The day my Sister died in an auto crash FROM WEARING A SEATBELT, another neighbor newly married who had a kidney disease and died, leaving a widow and an three orphan daughters.

It is always shocking and we never get over that first trauma which we all share, but rarely speak of. It is though the thing that Nancy Reagan spoke of which she shared with all the rest of humanity.

Nuff Said


Building a better DVD trap

Well now Sgt. is that one testicle or two I am dunking
in my boiling kettle this morning...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I realize by placing this here as a study in what makes economic sense, that no one will really be moved by it, but it is simply a post for people who are poor like me, and have good taste, but are prohibited from access to quality entertainment.

I start this out with my brother in law is like most tards, in he spends around 70 dollars a month on satellite television, which is 130 channels of nothing on it. that is 840 dollars a year pissed away as far as I judge things.

So what TL started doing before I met TL was investing in DVD's, movies and series. I scour a great deal of thrift store and throw away stuff and one can come up with some interesting finds. Gaymazon is one such vendor who allows small stores to advertise on their site used DVD's to a worldwide consumer audience.
Amazon is good this way and that is where this saga begins as in DVD's America is region one, and most players are region one. I covered this in Paul kindly pointed me and others to a proper ALL REGION DVD player, so one can play anything from anywhere in the world, include hack central China.

This all started last November as I was prowling around window shopping on Gaymazon and for some reason Sharpe popped up from Masterpiece Theater for like 6.84 American. This is like 9 movies starring Sean Bean in Erol Flynn type Wellington vs. Napoleon wars. It is fun, gritty, snarky, action packed, pretty women and characters you like. I mean where else can you get a mute nun having a sword cut her bra off, and for a shilling being forced to suck a Lord's dick, but she pulls a pistol on him, makes him swallow the coin and boots his ass packing.
See  that is Sharpe and it is great fun. It is also greatly expensive even if you can get it in Region 1. Mine is Region 2 and why it was cheap, as the English have low prices on everything.


 No Margaret everyone being dead would not make me happy,
killing everyone would make me happy........

Here is a current example in One Foot in the Grave, a series of comedy which is hilarious.

Region 1 American is currently $118.65 American.
Region 2 England is currently 15.29 Pounds.

That would be around 20 bucks American is 1.50 in the exchange. For 100 dollars one can purchase a great deal of DVD's which is why this works, if one has the 50 to 200 dollar all region DVD players turned out by Bombay and Peking creatively so Sony and Samsung claim absolutely no idea this is taking place.

As this started with Sharpe going for nothing, this package took about 2 weeks to arrive across the water. It was absolutely brand new. The English are a very clean people, compared to Americans where you have semen or cheetos grease on every DVD that you pick up and has to be cleaned off. It moved onto Tour of Duty which is a Vietnam war era series which is very good. ToD runs 19 dollars American, because the soundtrack is chit, compared to the original 1960's rock n roll, which of course Region 2 has. It is why people buy the English version.
In studying this, people were spending 120 dollars for the series in Region 4 Australia when it was available, but all that is available now is Region 2 and the English are figuring this out as they turned out a new manufacturing line of ToD for Americans.

I do not know if the powers that be will ever get this shut down, considering that the big Asian players are involved, but for the time being, it is ridiculous to pay for things in America which are not original or are 6 times the price than in London.

I was reading feedback on an Inspector Morse series, where one poor sod paid like over 500 bucks for that fine detective drama starring John Thaw. It was around 40 dollars in conversion from the British. The thing was the 500 dollar price tag had a crappy transfer which had people having to adjust their television screens.


No Chief Inspector, I can not say that murder puts me into a bad mood,
as you are alive and I was already in a bad mood...

This is not for everyone, but it is for some people who really are on a budget. I calculated that our feed store guy spent 10,000 dollars on television and cell phones the past ten years, and that is absolutely insane, because I am like Almanzo Wilder's dad in lemonade or buying a pig or profit, in do you know what I could do with 10,000 dollars!!!!
I figure when I am rich, that I will probably invest around 3,000 dollars in a video library of all of the series I simply adore. The high end is like Hogan's Heroes which is expensive, but when one can get Sharpe for under 10 bucks, you really get a great deal of television to watch and the wonderful thing is, you get enough of this stuff that it will sit for 3 years and be almost like new again in seeing it for the first time.

There is quality television out there, the problem is, it is not on television. My biggest problem in all of this is, is the things I want like Jonny Quest in the original version from the 1960's is not available or it comes and goes and is frequently gone. It just is a point in having to be there at the right time. As I no longer have the resources for file sharing like eMule of long ago, I have no idea if the artifacts I am looking for are available there. It simply is a point I want things in the version I want, and not in the version the regime says I can buy it at.


 Bandit, looks like shark bait today will be dark and light meat....

There is though an alternative, and my discovery was that the same Gaymazon you log in with at America, logs into the UK too. I suspect it would log into any Gaymazon site and it does work. It is one of the Bezos things which is actually working for normal people.

That though is the review in this in trying to help the poor people with the best deal that is out there.

Oh and I read online that the pricks who milked One Foot killed off Victor Melgrew in the last episode by having him run over by a car. Not much funny about that, but it is like Burn Notice in that stupid ending of killing off the mother.

For the most part that is Sharpe, happy endings with Sharpe getting screwed over, but the bad people dying.

Nuff Said
