Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Deep Throater James Comey

Deep Throater
Jame Comey

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti anti matter.

Awhile back this blog examined Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in their driving the coup against Donald Trump from Andrew McCabe's office at FBI on John Brennan fake MI6 intelligence, in leaking to the press in stories which they were feeding directly back to McCabe in the Russian investigation, that they were worried that someone else was leaking who had access to the same information, and their concern it was pointing to them as the stories were hitting too close.

Remember now, these are Obama's and Clinton's people running this coup against Donald Trump, but it looked like someone was setting them up.

We know now who this Deep Throater was and is, by what is appearing in new revelations.

Richman does appear in cryptic text messages between demoted FBI agent Peter Strzok and re-assigned FBI lawyer Lisa Page on Nov. 2, 2016 a week before the election. Texting about a New York Times report, Page writes, "Jesus. Another article pushed by nyt on this. Richman is a friend of Comey and [former FBI general counsel James] baker.”

 The Richman is Daniel Richman, the same New York professor who James Comey stole FBI classified documents and handed them over to Richman who then leaked them for Comey to continue the coup again Donald Trump.

Comey Mole Daniel Richman

This part of the Coup against Donald Trump is vital now to understand in remember it was Jeb Bush via his proxy Marco Rubio who started the Pissgate file. That file then ended up on Comey's desk, and if you recall when John McCain for the British Clinton connection tried handing over the dossier, Comey surprised him in Comey already had the file.
Remember the Lame Cherry exclusive in this exposing Bush fam as having a part in this, and now we  have Comey leaking in running this operation for the Bush's against Donald Trump, and Comey is being protected by Mueller, has just hired fellow protege Patrick Fitzgerald to help Comey nail Andrew McCabe and Donald Trump, and it all goes back to John Ashcroft's Justice department with their protege Christopher Wray now as FBI director stonewalling Congress over all of this.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Faces of Justice

Robert Mueller and Patrick Fitzgerald

James Comey's mole, for the Bush family was Daniel Richman, who was laying a trap to point the fingers at Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page who were the Obama Clinton operatives in this. Bush family is eliminating their rivals as they are in process going after Donald Trump as this same group tried to impeach Dick Cheney.

We now know that the leaker in this who Strzok and Page were freaking out about was James Comey and his mole, because Comey's leaks were to get Trump, but lay the blame on Andrew McCabe and the Clinton operatives.

Yes this is a WOO HOO red siren moment of another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
 Just as Watergate had a deep state loon at FBI to frame Richard Nixon, Pissgate has another loon at FBI and we now know it was James Comey, and he was not just framing Donald Trump, but was making the Clinton people the fall guys to end up in prison, and Robert Mueller is protecting Comey's operation for Bush fam.

Unfortunately, according to a bombshell report by one intrepid congressman, that doesn’t look possible in the least.
“What I have accumulated here is absolutely shocking upon the realization that Mueller’s disreputable, twisted history speaks to the character of the man placed in a position to attempt to legalize a coup against a lawfully elected President,” writes GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert.
Gohmert is referring to the exhaustive expose he just released called: Robert Mueller: Unmasked.


Rydin' the Ryder Toronto Style

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Where has all of the Gold gone?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You can not steal other nation's gold out of Fort Knox as that would be a crime which would be noticed, but you can confiscate other nation's gold as was done in Japan, Philippine and Germany after World War II, as no one notices where gold disappears to then.

- Lame Cherry

There has been a great deal of interest in nations moving gold out of Fort Knox and the trading in other currencies or gold, other than the dollar. The British Pound suffered the same replacement, with the US Dollar, but there is more to this as it is a prelude to war.

War is thee only balancing quotient among nations. It is the international transfer of wealth from one nation to the other. That is what the world wars were about in the early 20th century in transferring German, Russian and Japanese assets to the cartel.

Press TV - JP Morgan Chase Hoarding Oil
Trump's Attack On OPEC Part Of Trade War Strategy
Russian, US Finance Chiefs Discuss Sanctions
Russia Wisely Trusts No One…Has Zero Gold Bullion In US
Turkey Will Repatriate All Gold From The US
In Attempt To Ditch The Dollar

Sometimes though the loosers of World  War II, actually hid their treasures and later used them to rebuild their nations as Japan did. Other times, the Germans delivered their rapine to the Americans to rebuild the western world.

Yamashita's Gold - Eyewitness -

Yamashita's Gold - Eyewitness ... In the closing months of World War II, in the Philippines ... What they found astounded everyone from General Douglas MacArthur all ...

Sometime the Americans did quite well for themselves too.

Jan. 3, 1942, Quezon directed by executive order that $640,000 from the Philippine treasury be conveyed to the personal bank accounts of MacArthur and three members of his staff "in recognition of outstanding service to the Commonwealth of the Philippines."
Quezon said that the "recompense and reward" was for "distinguished service" from Nov. 15, 1935, to Dec. 30, 1941.
The transactions, made by radio grams from Corregidor to the Chase National Bank of the City of New York, placed $500,000 in MacArthur's account according to the records. Major Gen. Richard K. Sutherland, MacArthur's chief of staff, received $75,000; Brig. Gen. Richard J. Marshall Jr., the deputy chief of staff, received $45,000 and Lt. Col. Sidney L. Huff, MacArthur's personal aide, recieved $20,000.
Petillo wrote that records indicate that President Roosevelt, Secretary of War Henry Stimson and Secretary of the interior Harold Ickes knew about the transaction but apparently did not interfere with it.

There are always gratuities in modern war just like ancient war. Thee American people might not see a dime in liberating Kuwait or Iraq, but the money flows to presidents and not so presidents. Bill Clinton received over 50 million dollars for keeping Saddam Hussein in power, and that is why Marc  Rich got a pardon for his fine money laundering work.

This though is about Turkey and other nations who are involved in hording gold not in American control. That is an act of economic war, and in that it becomes real war, and in time of real war come victories and all that gold disappears and ends up in the victor's vaults. Japan looted Asia and that money rebuilt Japan through organized crime. Germany looted Europe and wrote the check out for American and European regrowth. In the coming wars, all that gold in Eurasia and South America will vanish again and reappear in the victor's coffers as a balance of trade again.

All of these virtues have already been decided, because using moving trucks to rob Fort Knox would have people noticing and rumors would start. Trucks moving loads of gold  out of Turkey for example after they are laid waste will not even begin a rumor as it will all be labeled "Radioactive Hazard" and no one wants to peek inside of containers looking at that.

So now you know why the gold is going and why, and you know where it will be looted from without a trace again.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.



Let the Wicked Fall

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Today, or this was March 19th, when the Holy Ghost provided me with  this Prophecy for this life and a Scripture study, is now appearing this day in April, providing it does not move in the drafts to a later date.

 The verse is straightforward, in a prayer command that evil people be captured in their own evil they have set for others, and for the Christian pass safely by, as to walk on thin air over a pit.

Psalm 141

10Let the wicked fall into their own nets, While I pass by safely. 

Wicked is the Hebrew word RASHA and is defined as:

evil (1), evil man (1), evil men (1), guilty (3), man (1), offender (1), ungodly (1), wicked (228), wicked man (21), wicked men (2), wicked one (1), wicked ones (3).

Strong has a wonderful amplification of this beyond wickedness, as this is not just evil, but a cemented evil.

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
condemned, guilty, ungodly, wicked man, that did wrong From rasha'; morally wrong; concretely, an (actively) bad person -- + condemned, guilty, ungodly, wicked (man), that did wrong.

David by the Holy Ghost is defining an actively bad person who is actively seeking the harm of others as the basis of all their life. It is pure malevolence.

These wicked war to fall, a NAPHAL, into their own evil devised for others, but falling is not a happenstance, but it is more clear in the definitions. It is a complete fall, to perish, to languish, unable to help themselves, a dashing to pieces, a bursting down, something born of death.

to fall, lie
NASB Translation
abandon (1), allot (1), allotted (2), anyone falls (1), apportioned (2), attacked (2), born (1), bring down (1), burst (1), came down (1), cast (16), cast down (5), casts (1), collapse (1), come (3), dash down (1), defect (1), defected (3), deserted (3), deserters (3), did (1), dismounted (1), divide by lot (2), divide it by lot (1), downfall (1), dropped (1), fail (1), fail* (1), failed (4), fall (130), fall down (4), fallen (55), fallen away (1), fallen down (4), falling (3), falling down (2), falls (22), falls away (1), fell (98), fell down (8), felled (1), felling (1), give birth (1), go over (1), going over (2), gone over (3), inferior (2), killed (1), knocks (1), lay (1), lay down (1), lay flat (1), lie down (1), look (1), lost (2), lying (5), making (1), perish (1), present (1), presenting (3), prostrating (1), remains (1), settled (1), surely fall (1), throw (2), topple (1), turns (1), void (1), waste away (3).

Naphal is to perish by a Judgment. This is God's active consuming of evil as evil consumes itself. The best Biblical example is Haman in Persia in the Book of Esther plotting to hang the Benjaminite Mordecai, but in the end hanged on his own gallows.

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
cast down, self, lots, out, cease, die, divide by lot, let fail, A primitive root; to fall, in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative, literal or figurative) -- be accepted, cast (down, self, (lots), out), cease, die, divide (by lot), (let) fail, (cause to, let, make, ready to) fall (away, down, -en, -ing), fell(-ing), fugitive, have (inheritance), inferior, be judged (by mistake for palal), lay (along), (cause to) lie down, light (down), be (X hast) lost, lying, overthrow, overwhelm, perish, present(-ed, -ing), (make to) rot, slay, smite out, X surely, throw down.

Nets is MAKMOR, and means nets or snares. Nets entangle the intended, snares catch the intended by the throat. This is the depths of the evil to impoverishing citizens to make them helpless an force them to comply to tyranny, to offering people what they want and making them sell their souls to never let them go.
In David's prayer, this complexity is turned back upon those who plotted and implemented it.

To pass is ABAR, a word which has the most meanings of all in this sentence for it is a word which fits every situation, to being unseen like ghost to being carried over, as Christ and the Holy Angels protect the Christian to deliver them.

accompanied (1), alienate (1), all* (1), avert (1), beyond* (1), blows away (1), bring (2), bring across (1), bring over (1), brought (1), brought over (1), came (2), carried over (1), carry over (1), charged (1), circulate (1), circulated (2), circulating (1), come (2), come around (1), come over (3), comes (3), continue (2), continued (13), continued through (1), contrary (2), cross (29), cross over (31), crossed (31), crossed over (17), crossing (5), crossing over (5), current (1), devote (1), drew across (1), drifting (1), enter (1), escapes the notice (1), ever bring (1), ever bring...over (1), excel (1), fail (2), flood (1), ford (1), forded (1), forth (1), freed (1), go (9), go on your way (1), go across (1), go along (1), go forward (1), go over (3), go through (3), go* (1), goes (1), going (2), going over (3), gone (1), gone over (1), gone through (1), laid aside (1), led across (1), led through (3), left (1), liquid (2), made (1), mates (1), means cross over (1), offer (1), over (4), overcome (1), overflow (1), overflowing (1), overlook (1), pass (72), pass along (2), pass away (5), pass over (7), pass through (29), passed (48), passed along (1), passed away (2), passed beyond (1), passed over (9), passed through (6), passed throughout (1), passer-by (2), passers-by (1), passes (18), passes through (7), passing (13), passing over (1), passing through (2), past (6), perish (1), proceed (1), proceeded (1), proceeding (2), put away (2), remove (1), removed (2), repealed (1), rolled (1), run riot (1), runs its course (1), send through (1), sent (2), sent across (2), sound (2), spare (2), spread beyond (1), standard (1), stretched across (1), survey (1), swept (3), take across (1), take away (5), taken away (1), taken away (2), through (1), through...we have gone (1), passed (1), took (1), transfer (3), transgress (4), transgressed (11), transgressing (3), travel (1), traveler (1), turn away (2), use (2), vanish (1), visited (1), walk over (2), wayfaring (1), went (5), went away (1), went back (1), went forward (1), went over (1), went through (3).

Safely or YACHAD is the most profound word in this, because as the Christian passes by unnoticed, the term is UNITED for safely, meaning David and all Christians are united to being protected, and that protection of all, is being united to God, Who protects His children always.

alike (1), all (4), altogether (2), altogether* (1), both (4), completely (2), each other (1), one accord (1), safely (1), together (26), together in unity (1), united (1).

So a more precise translation of this Promise to Christians is, God Will to make it happen that all wicked plotters plunge into their own schemes, helpless to get free of the entanglements which subdues them and they perish in them, as the Christian united with God passes through protected and unseen.

 This is a Promise from God for all of His children. Your being kept safe so you are not harmed more is a primary concern for God, as the actions of those who have hurt you and are hurting others, will bring about their end. That is what LET means, in God is not going to stop them from destroying themselves and the demons will only drag them to torment in death.

Nuff Said

