Friday, June 22, 2018

The 2.5 Children of Liberal Politics

I have a nice plantation all picked out for you little boy...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am fascinated when liberal neurosis manifests, especially in the mass coordination of a public terrorism, involving children. Bill and Hillary Clinton started this "for the children" in the 1990's as their pedo child rapists were promoted throughout society and Hamrod had court raped a little girl in Arkansas as Hillary Clinton had defended a Bill Voter who raped this girl in his pick up truck.

That is what is fascinating in this "for the children" as it has been created out of Hillary 2020 in these border vermin, with that lezo Rachel Maddow flowing in tears to the absolute criminal threats coming out of liberals as Peter Fonda dreaming about raping Barron Trump in a cage with pedophiles.
This is beyond  what a psychologist would term "sick". This is psychotic manifestations meant to brutalize the most vulnerable and innocent to "get at the parents".

This was compounded in a Canadian decided it would be funny to threaten the young daughter of Donald Trump jr. in threatening to come and get her.

Canadian TV writer threatens
Donald Trump Jr.´s 4-year-old
daughter: ´We´re coming for Chloe´

Washington Times, by Jessica Chasmar    Original Article
Posted By: LittleHoodedMonk- 6/22/2018 10:52:00 AM     Post Reply
A Canadian television comedy writer was forced to apologize this week after he appeared to threaten Donald Trump Jr.’s 4-year-old daughter on Twitter. “Don’t worry, we’re coming for Chloe, too,” Pat Dussault tweeted Wednesday morning to the president’s eldest son. The tweet was deleted, but not before actor James Woods snapped a screenshot and notified the Secret Service. Mr. Trump Jr. retweeted both of Mr. James’ messages condemning Mr. Dussault. (Tweets) Mr. Dussault later posted an apology to Twitter, saying he let his emotions concerning President Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy get the better of him. “I sincerely apologize to Donald Trump Jr.  

For normal people this Dussault, Fonda, Rosie O'Donnell etc.... focusing on children seems to have not any base, but if you observe the sources, you soon realize that liberals set up a society where children were appendages. They have children not for love, but for status. That is where the 2.5 child home appears from as they are a statistic.
Children are then warehoused in day care as liberals can not have a child cumbering their self indulgent travel, work and play. It is why so many elite's children get raped, is because the parents are never home and the children are pawned off on predators to be exploited.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Just a lunatic like You

Hello, my name is Patsy......
or is it your name?

That is what is interesting in the current border vermin, being a created issue out of Hillary 2020. It has zero basis in fact, and most of the "children" are shaving whiskers and over 18 years of age in being criminals. It all fits the Clinton  psychosis of using children to gain a political leverage as it makes the opponent look heinous.

Part of his lunacy is amusing in the irony, when it does not involve children. Thee example of Homeland Security Director Blondie Nielsen is the amusing part in, it was liberal John Kelly now Chief of Staff and herself who legalized the invasion of America with Visa Vermin. Blondie is attractive, armed and a liberal. She also is now being stalked by the very group she champions in fat ugly lesbians males and females. These are her peers and now she has them sweating it up around her home all for political ends on both sides.

Watch: Communist Open Border Democrat Agitators Surround DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s Home

You do know the above are being paid to do this, like all these Soros protests have been for years. As you can see these people are too stupid to hold jobs and by their fatness are too lazy to work. They are Smart Phone Terrorists.

This is what Hillary 2020 is all about. It is once again something so macabre that normal people are not prepared for it, but his is what Obama Clinton are always joined at the hip with. It is groups of liberals who have always judged children as a nuisance, to be pawned off on government programs, who see the weak point in the Trump herd, and like hyenas start trying to pulls the legs off a baby gazelle as everyone looks on aghast.

Surprise! Hateful Hillary Is Instigating, FUNDING Anti-Trump Hysterics, Pro-Illegal Alien Invasion Propaganda

This will run it's course as more information is discovered in what is behind this once again mass spontaneous event aimed at raping blonde Homeland Directors and adults raping Trump children. What needs to be done are those funding this must be indicted and when convicted, executed for terrorism. It is though a useful tool to both sides in this diversion, so you stop focusing on the Visa Vermin pouring into America, and you get involved in this distraction so the real policy of the American Genocide progresses.

If you were distracted again, come back to the shining city on a hill, and stop being sucked in by this diversion to pass Trumpnesty, as that is what all of this is about.
I do sort of hope though the Homeland Director has been taking names and her stalkers end up in a grey bar hotel where they can find out what reality is all about.

Pres. Trump to Paul Ryan: Stop Wasting Your Time With Democrats on Immigration; ‘We Can Pass Great Legislation After the Red Wave’



Charlot's Web

It's not murder if you have a crown on your head...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Wasn't it old Edward Longshanks who threw his fag sons cocksucker out a tower window for sport? In looking at Loaf Head in the Middle East, that would be Prince Willie, the Duck of Cambridge in his official Kensington Palace itinerary release, I am starting to wonder if Queen Elizabeth should be named Lizzy Longshanks as it looks like someone wants to knock off the Loaf  Head.

This all centers on the Loaf about to go dancing with terrorists and experience their food and culture. The thing in is that the royals just called the Jews OCCUPIERS, after President Donald Trump just moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem. So you get the point, the Jews are furious and in a rage as the royals just lumped Jerusalem in with the occupied territories, which means the Jews are bastards in illegitimate in holding Jerusalem and London just said Donald Trump placed the US Embassy on illegitimate lands.

Kensington Palace has released a statement detailing that the prince would be meeting Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, as well as visiting refugee communities; enabling him to enjoy the company of young Palestinians and “celebrate Palestinian culture, music and food.”
It’s details of the prince’s second day that has infuriated Elkin. The statement goes on to say: "The next day’s programme in the Occupied Palestinian Territories will begin with a short briefing on the history and geography of Jerusalem's Old City from a viewing point at the Mount of Olives."

This is interesting to me as the Jews blew of John Kennedy's head in Dallas, when Kennedy stood in the way of the Jew Bomb in bomb making materials. They touched one off on Bobby Kennedy too to keep that secret safe as to did in a US President.
The Jews do all sorts of things for their security, including blowing up US warships and Sailors to cheering when the US gets hit on 9 11.

That is what is well known about Jewry who sold their ghetto Jews to Hitler's work camps, and then in the cover up of that profit, created the holocaust to get the state of Israel out of Harry S. Truman. It would seem that Buckingham Palace would not buck the Jews who are the Rothschilds in the Bank of London.  Yet someone is sending  in Loaf Head to play with terrorists and the Jews having itchy trigger fingers.


 That little bastard is not going to get my crown.

Maybe it is Charles not liking Diana's son is popular and  people want him to be king. Maybe it is the Queen with her new pet Quadroon, in if they knock off Loaf Head like they did Diana, that in passing over Charles, the Quadroon can get her stable boy son in Harry named Regent until those commoner's children in Charlot and Charlot's brother crowned King and  Queenie.


 The Queen is not amused by divorce Willie

There are certain things you never do, and one is you do not piss the people off who have your security in their hands, especially when it would serve Tel Aviv to get Loaf Head scuffed up by Muslims, as that relationship is a problem for Jews.


 You killed his mummy while you had your luffa!

The thing is since someone impregnated Kate, and she popped out Charlot's brother who is now a future King, it makes everyone expendable in Charles, Loaf, and even the Queen really. Chuck though is bright enough to just play Camilla's tampon and not go and play with terrorists. The Queen is amusing herself with her pet Quadroon. I mean how many women old  as Moses get not a chimp companion but a Quadroon to amuse you with grinding the organ for your monkey. Am sure Phillip is entertained for hours with that handiwork.

Any way, it looks like Loaf Head has some regicide plot against him, and the list is pretty short:

Kate: Reason she has had enough Loaf Head sex and wants a man.

Charles: He does not want to be passed over.

Harry: He wants to be King Regent.

Quadroon: She wants to Crown Quadroon

Lizzy Longshanks: She killed Diana so why not knock off the kid as she is under the Quadroon spell.

I doubt Scotland Yard will ever solve the case, but it will give the BBC something to put on for ratings, as after all like Obama, who needs white bread when you got the juicy dark meat of the Quadroon to amuse the Queen.

I'm ready to rule Charlot, I will give you Gramama's Quadroon....

Nuff Said


To Kill a Horse

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry has noted, history has never chosen to show the grimmest nature of war in the horses and mules, which should never have entered into modern warfare, and yet in World War II, animals were a fundamental part of Soviet and German transpiration, with Stalin still deploying the Cossacks in one of thee most asstard of wastes of life.

The German Soldiers were  forced to defend themselves against unarmed human waves, women, children and horses. It violated all sensibilities of civilized  warfare, and yet that is the abuse the Landser had to deal with.
The following is a memoir of an Austrian Landser named Joseph Allerberger. The communists were pushing the Germans very hard in retreat, and the German infantry had been pinned down in a burned out farm all night suffering attacks from Cossacks,  or horse soldiers, who had no place on the battlefield.

The information which this Obergfreiter provides though is something to not be lost on history, because as a Marksman in dealing with Russian supply trains, he literally knew how to kill horses with effect. If the Marksman wanted to drop a horse in it's tracks, usually  pinning the rider, the shot was the breastbone. If it was a cavalry unit, the shot was the kidney or gut, as the horse would then buck to dislodge the rider.

That is something which always befuddled me in reading of the Indian  Terror wars in America, in the US Army never seemed to shoot the bigger target of the Indian horses, but wasted ammo on the lithe Indians. Shoot the horse and your ability to shoot the warrior increases 500 fold. Shoot the horse and your odds at hitting the target increases 12 fold, compared to that of a human.

In this attack, Marksman Allerberger's duty was to kill the horses, thereby leaving the Cossacks to be shot by the Landsders he was protecting. The  worst of it always arose though in Allerberger was making a breastbone shot and at the instant he pulled the trigger, the horse jumped over a corpse, so the bullet opened the gut like a fillet knife. The horse literally was pulling it's intestines out with it's back legs as it ran.

It his horrifying to do this kind of work to survive, and horrid to have an animal looking at you bewildered and suffering. Especially since horses actually do love combat and their blood gets up in battle.

The Marksman though in the next shot killed the horse with a bullet to the brain, ending it's suffering, and the Landsers followed in killing the Cossack.

Allerberger was always on the verge of insanity in horrific situations like this, as the humanity comes out in your screaming inside in "Why are these innocent animals here and I am being made to kill them".

The horror of this battle was not yet over though as the Cossack forced themselves into the German lines were hand to hand combat  was engaged with in bayonets and shovels. It was not the hand to hand, but the sounds of howling. The communists in support of their cavalry had opened up with rocket launchers, but the rockets blew up the horses instead. It was a macabre scene of bits of horses, bits of humans and bits of earth all in piles. The German artillery in thunderous resonance opened up in support too. Neither side knew for certain where the other was in this battle and in the end it was the horses which were obliterated.

Humans are their own animal to live or die, but mules and horses have been gladly replaced by engines in modern warfare. It is a testimony to history though in Custer's 7th Cavalry spearing Indian horses which sabers to the chest to Landsers shooting Cossack ponies, that animals do not belong in warfare as they may enjoy it, but they are saddest of all of the consequences.

Nuff Said


The Apple Standard

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have yet online to meet anyone who has an orchard, who was not trying to screw me over or was not stupid as a post. Evercrisp communists wanted to charge 2000 dollars as a start for an apple tree and  if I ever try to get some heirloom seeds from these jaspers, it is always, "That is  too much work, so how about you buy 50 dollars a dozen apples, plus shipping to get your seeds".
I think just below pedophiles in being pricks are highway patrol, apple producers and horse people. They all have attitude and think their shit does not stink.

In having offended a number of groups now, I rise to the point of order that Donald Trump as President must ban all apple production in Washington State, because it has been a high crime against humanity what those people have done to Delicious apples and every fruit they touch.
We were eating some Evercrisp and Honeycrisp from Washington orchards and the fruit was watery, sour and had zero flavor, except for the bitter part. This convinces me that Washington being a wet state, that their soils have been depleted and it tastes in their fruit. It is why Michigan produces such wonderful apples as they are cool and their soil is full of heavy elements yet in not having leeched out.

There does seem to be an apple belt in America, from around Minnesota east to the Finger Lakes of New York. The Applachians south into the Carolinas is suitable for fruit, but the heat of the Carolinas is too much for good apples, unless they are mountain valley types.

Some states, like California, Florida and Texas raise marvelous citrus. Texas seems capable of turning out nice Yellow Delicious apples, but the Red Delicious tend to be better than Washington, so Texas should stay citrus.

Peaches of course are wonderful in California, do well in Colorado, and it would seem that with irrigation that Nevada, eastern Oregon and Utah would do well with peach trees too. This though is a treatise on apples, and the need to ban Washington state from ruining apple varieties as their soils are just horrid from too much rain.

It is odd as British Columbia raises fine fruit, as numbers of area on Canada produce lovely fruits to Prince Edward Island. The reality is though that apples are peculiar in almost needing a type of desert heat part of the growing season, and then reverting back to cool weather for the ripening, with hot days and cold nights, as in maple syrup production.
They are unique and require specific climate for the best results with proper soil nutrition. It is why Chile in South America does so well in fruit production as they have the heat and cool, with the correct soil content, but again, nothing surpasses the Minnesota and Michigan orchard experience in fruit at the grocery. The troubling aspect is so little of this fruit appears in volume in national groceries, as it is plagued by Washington state monopoly.

While it is noted that apples are genetically a zone 5 tree, of no more extended periods of zero degrees Fahrenheit to kill the root structure, the grafting of apples in the Russian cultivars along with the crabapples, has extended the range so apples produce much better in zone 4, and if one can get ample heat, zone 3 fruitings are admirable too, providing they are produced in a heavy clay loam soil.

England grows lovely fruit, but their apples are as horrid as Washington state. Most of Europe is far too warm for good fruit, unless one is raising melons in France. Otherwise that wet damp is far too prevalent for good apples, until one reaches into the Russian areas, but again the Crimea is a narrow land, and it simply does not have the ability that Michigan has as an orchard state.

All of us hate Red Delicious apples. That is not the apple's fault as she came from a fence row in the Midwest.  Moving that apple to Washington killed it. Breeding for production turned it into a skin tough as alligator, and this pithy, sour, juicy thing that we all know and detest which usually tastes like a moldy basement from storage.

 I believe that the apple that put Snow White into a coma was raised in Washington state and smeared witches in the process as they picked them up at the local Witchmart shipped out of Washington.

It is the high shame that wonderful national fruits like Granny Smith from Australia and Fuji from Japan have been tainted by American production in monopoly growers. The first Granny Smith which appeared were from select orchards. They were heaven as were the Fuji. Now Granny Smith is just another sour green apple and Fuji tastes like watered down sugar in a moldy bag most of the time.

We simply must have standards where apples should be reaching above baseball size or they are not suitable for eating, as it means a drier area void of lakes for that type of humidity.
That is why Michigan exells is from the Great Lakes, and all areas that have that type of influence do better in producing apples. Just because apples grow well in an area does not mean the fruit will taste good.

It is why this blog advocates people stop purchasing fruits from Washington state as they are below standards which have ruined in large part the apple industry. The soils are not capable of growing good flavored fruit, even when irrigation increases the size to a proper fruit.
Washington must content itself with something else as it can not grow apples. They do well with cherries, but again Montana in their northwest part of the state produces the finest sweet cherries in the world. It is always about the soil and proper humidity which does not breed disease.

There must be a national reset in apple production as USDA and conglomerates have blown it with horrid fruit. While I believe all states have niche areas which would support localized fruit production of numbers of varieties to offset a Michigan Minnesota monopoly, America must reset it's standards to the proper soil types for growing apples, so that all of us will not bite into horrid apples that make our stomachs grow sour on the first chew.

It is good and proper to do this, and none of us should have to suffer in being suckered by horrid fruit which are being generated in locations which have zero ability to grow good fruit.

Nuff Said
