Friday, January 25, 2019

Cave Man

Trump Blinks, Caves on Shutdown to Chuck and Nancy [for Now] Announces Reopening of Government for Three Weeks With NO WALL FUNDING

Have you seen Bertha But?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK you rich non donors and people who can afford to donate, I challenge you to look at the archives here and just see who The Lame Cherry alerted you to was the real point man in Washington DC and it was not Donald John Trump.

It was though a strange little man who recently grew three scrotum sizes plus two and this is the man who Donald Trump just was put on a leash by.

Graham Urges Trump to Open Government for Three Weeks to Make ...

Jan 13, 2019 · Graham Urges Trump to Open Government for Three Weeks to Make a Deal 13 Jan 2019 On this weekend's broadcast of "Fox News Sunday," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) urged President Trump to open up the government for three weeks so lawmakers can negotiate an end to the ongoing government shutdown.

Lindsey Graham is the person who is the power behind all of this, now that John McCain committed suicide to save himself from public humiliation in having his cancer cured, as McCain used that cancer to betray Americans.
Graham is not the power in this, but represents the power which manifested in the physical appearance as you have been shown.

Graham has inherited the mantle that John McCain wore for the deep state. The same mantle that had McCain pissing all over Obama policy in Syria and Ukraine. You may think gay ear is a clown fag, but you were alerted to all of this weeks ago and now Donald John has fallen into line.

I told you horse's asses that you were being played, but you sit there and fondle your money not donating thinking you know it all and can believe the pied piper media of the right.

Trump was promised in this for caving now, that he would have open season in the State of the Union on the 29th.  Nancy has to allow the vote now which she had no Constitutional power to enact in this diversionary sideshow.
That is the insider spin.
Graham now gets to show how presidential he is by fixing all of this. Just remember you are not going to like the fix, as the fix Mr. President has promised included DACA and Amnesty in a really big bill.

You are going to find in that cave the missing link past the age of the Neanderthals.


Oh Lindsey, you are such a Manderthal!

The handwriting is on the wall. If the wealthy readers here had held up their end, I would be now fishing as the above has revealed more than what you will ever figure out.
