I thought about this wall thing, and God already built one,
so in that way, I already have a wall, so let's just make
all these foreigners into Americans as God would want that.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..
Whether all the rich donors would care for the Lame Cherry assessment of Donald Trumps Saturday Offer on the Government OpenUp and Border Busters, how would I know in the repressed Google numbers for this blog, their not making generous donations, of the fact that there are monitors of this blog who report to the President and GOP to see what the hinterlands will erupt with over what Trump betrays America with next.
See I saw the President on FOX. It opened with Pence, that gorgeous Homeland Director Kristen Nielsen and Mike the coup Pence in the Oval Office, legalizing more goddamn foreigners with burkas on.
Yeah Donald Trump started out his announcement by making Americans of a gang of foreigners who have nothing in common with Martin Luther America Christianity.
What followed then at 5 o'clock eastern was this bizarre speech by Donald Trump as he started telling Americans that he really did not need a wall, as God had already built on on the Mexican Border in mountains and rivers, so all he needed to do was plug the holes like a Louisiana dike having a hurricane gushing through it.
I thought that was novel as hell. We have gone from a 2000 mile long concrete wall, to a steel plate wall, to a wall now that God has already built for Donald Trump, but Donald Trump only needs 6 billion dollars to plug the holes with concrete at what seems to be 5 billion more than the concrete would cost.
It would seem to be less costly if the coyote dead and raped Mexicans just had their skulls put on posts already there, with a recording which said,:
Alas poor Pedro I knew him well.
América te abortará a medida que Planned Parenthood te quite el cerebro.
So I learned that reading Donald Trump's lips now says he never intended to build a wall to keep foreigners out, but now is going to award his cronies 6 billion dollars to build a 100 million dollar exhibit for beaners to run around the sides of.
President Trump Announces Proposal to Fix Nation’s Humanitarian Crisis at Southern Border, Open Government in National Address — Includes Compromise With Democrats: ‘Three Years of Legislative Relief’ [Amnesty] for DACA Illegals, 2,750 New Border Agents, $5.7 Billion for Border Security Wall, Says McConnell to Bring Vote in Senate This Week [Democrats Already Rejecting]
See when I listen to Donald Trump, I do not hear the above. I instead hear, "I lied to you in 2016 and am betraying you now. I am going to make DACA criminals into Americans as a bargaining chip, so that I get my wall, so I do not have a George HW Bush Read His Lips Moment.
I have a question as to what the hell having almost 3000 more border agents is going to do, as they are stopping not foreigners. I want to know what having more of these judges is going to do, as they are all letting the foreigners stay with rights to rob my Social Security.
Those are the things I hear when Donald Trump talks, as I do listen to him. I hear that Angel Parents who have had children raped and murdered, who were tossed under the bus by Trump in 2017 are now again a bargaining chip in this.
The way I assess the Trumpaca Moment of Read His Lips, is that why would not Nancy Pelosi reject this as Donald Trump gave her everything she wanted and she got more as not giving up this money for this fictional wall that God already built anyway, cements her beaner voters who Trump is going to legalize. Added to this, the 850,000 federal workers are across America going to be swing vote blocks in the next elections, as they are all in the metro population centers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina and Wisconsin.
So in this, I read Donald Trump's lips and heard him say, I lied to you, I betrayed you, and I am giving Nancy Pelosi everything she asked for, as I further ruin the GOP in marginal states over the illusion of a wall.
Donald Trump is naked and Mike Pence is yanking out his pubic hairs to make him naked as the day he was birthed. This is a policy you would get from Jeb Bush, George W and George HW Bush. It is liberal, leftist and a distraction to further the dragging of America as the shroud over what is left of Americans.
Seriously, you listen to your right wing pundits defend this bullshit covered with horseshit in God already built the mountains for Donald John so DJ just needs to plug the holes, the way Obama refused to do in the Gulf Gusher which was another deliberate sabotage against America.
This is not Conservative Christian policy. This is not policy to continue Ronald Reagan America.
My daddy's God built these mountains for him
and for us to ski on.