As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
For an orphan girl who by God alerted everyone that Donald Trump was coming before he entered the Republican race and then by God's Grace wrote the time line for him to be President, all to keep Christians secure in the east and the west in a Russian peace, to bleed energies from the anti Christ, I had high hopes for the tyrant that Donald Trump could have become for Americans and the Israelite west. (No I do not mean the Tel Aviv Ashkenaz.)
For me personally,. Donald Trump has been an utter disappointment and let down. To have the best feature in Hillary Clinton did not lock me into a gulag, but to languish in homelessness and poverty under Donald Trump is small comfort, when the NSA is still flying 70 million dollar expensive drones over my location as someone who has always hoped the best for the President and someone who is looking out for the best deal for Americans, which they are not getting, is a bit of let down.
Let's sing.......
Billy Squier - In the Dark - YouTube
"In the Dark" is the title of a hit song written and performed by American rock singer and guitarist Billy Squier. It appeared as the opening track of his Triple Platinum 1981 album Don't Say No ...
This is not about ragging on Donald John Trump though, but is instead an honest assessment of Donald Trump who is not the least bit Conservative, as his baby butchering and sodomite Supreme Court picks, prove he is Jeb the Orangeman, as Obamacare prevails, the conglomerates rule, the tax relief came to Wall Street and Mr. President just banned bumpstocks. This Obama's 3rd term and America would have received this same deal from Goldman Sachs Hillary Clinton as much as Jeb!
This is not meant to mark this President as a bad leader. It is just who he is. Just as who he is, is a man who has had a successful coup by Mike Pence against him in overthrowing MAGA, which has removed Trump's Defense Intelligence advisers around him, and all Donald Trump has now are Pence people, meaning Bush patricians around him.
Donald Trump had a two front overthrow of his Presidency against him. The first was Robert Mueller in Pissgate to herd Mr. Trump in distraction and the second was the upheaval of Russian antagonism and Chinese beautiful chocolate cake. For the first two years of his administration everyone from that fellow traveler Herbert McMaster for John McCain and the lackluster Rex Tillerson at State tried to start nuclear wars with anyone with nuclear bombs by getting them to blow up Navy Carriers in kill zones.
That has passed as Trump moves on to his 3rd year as President, in which he allowed democrats to steal elections in the House in order to lame duck Donald Trump and now Mr. Trump can do nothing, but battle in political wars, which is what this not government shutdown is all about, as this is about DACA being legalized as Donald gets his wall for the Nazi conglomerates to seal their 100 million slave laborers inside America, so they can not escape.
In all of this Donald Trump is not in charge, but then no President since Ronald Reagan has ever been in charge.
HW Bush was read my lips tax for the Nazi Conglomerates to rob Americans. Bill Clinton ruined the Unions. W. wanted to clean up daddy's Muslim failures and was taken to the woodshed in Iraq in that disaster. Obama had three vulvas as that Brither occupation of the White House. Nancy Pelosi did all the work. Michelle ate things in her two zip code size fat ass and Val-erie Jarrett molested American politics as the Obama mum who overthrew America by executive orders and stealth department communist regulations.
In review thee above, Donald Trump in having his presidency taken from him and his voters, he has done remarkably well in surviving. Granted all his political victories enrich the Nazi conglomerates, assist foreign invasion and have run the clock out on White America Christians, but this President is every bit as established as Ronald Reagan who had competent cabinet members. In many ways, Mr. Trump is close to Bill Clinton's presidency as this time. While Trump is as strong as Richard Nixon and Clinton was as weak as Jimmy Carter, they both found their feet about this time, and it had to do with establishing better cabinets.
The Trump Trans picks for cabinet positions were all disasters in being incompetent or shills, as Mike Pence with Javanka leveraged them out. They wanted weak people and got them into position to fail, and now a better group is establishing themselves. The resistance is wearing itself out as the appointees are grinding themselves down as the regime crushes along like a glacier as a force of nature.
I would that this President would keep the part of the government shut down forever to prove to the people that they do not need the government to survive. It would be a simple matter to put the IRS under military jurisdiction so they could do their jobs in sending out refunds for the civilian branch in declaring an emergency and Americans would not care, as most do not now.
I though am not deluded in knowing this is another diversion with WWE Donald being used as the distraction as the Nazi conglomerates will get what they intended in DACA and a wall to gulag those beaners so they can die at the job.
I see Donald Trump as a success as President. He is a leader among world leaders. He does not need a dictatorship like Xi of Peking. He is about 90% of Vladimir Putin, but has failed miserably against Sebastian Kurz who has already supplanted the United States as global leader in the next decade
Mr. Trump is a world leader and a competent national leader. He is though on the global stage appearing in the guise of Woodrow Wilson. Where Wilson was encumbered by thinking he was an intellectual giant, which led America into a world war, Mr. Trump does not deceive himself in that measure, but progresses toward global war as it is good for business in FDR socialism.
There is more than meets the eye to Donald Trump in he is far more complex in understanding the entire board than he is given credit for, but at the same time he is not that multi faceted of an enigma. The enigma of Donald Trump is his followers believing what he is not, and not seeing businessman he is.
Mr. Trump has made mistakes, in he assumed he could operate the executive as a business model and hired businessmen and military men, but the executive is not a business or a military. It took two years with Richard Nxion's assistance for Bill Clinton to begin to understand what the executive is. For Mr. Trump without any help, he has moulded himself into the office of President and has a comfort there and a competency there.
For that he deserves a great deal of credit as he was encumbered by Jared and Ivanka Trump in their failing to understand the government is not an office branch of a limited partnership.
Donald Trump will not lessen the blows which are coming upon America by design. He did not appoint Christian Loyalists to assist him by the Grace of God, but instead went Jehu and Jeroboam in weakly creating a crust of establishment over the mired swamp. In that, this President is a strong man, in the literal iron fist description. It will take that type of personality to rule in economic collapse, terror attack and global war. That will require someone making the correct decisions and not being bothered by the cloth of the land.
The fact is the United States is degrading by design. There will not be a MAGA. That means what is of a necessity to a President of vision, is preparing for that reality. My advice to the President is to govern for the future and not the present. That future would involve two necessities as messages to China and Russia.
Message 1 This President mandates a "wall" for every American home, in a disaster shelter constructed of concrete and stocked with food, fuel and water for 6 month, with an advocacy of those who could afford it a 3 1/2 year supply.
Message 2: This President through American manufacture produces a German MP 40 type machine stamped weapon in 40 Smith and Wesson or 223 Remington, to be handed out to all legal Americans age 18 to 70, along with stores of ammunition which Birther Hussein produced for storage to drive up American ammunition prices to de ammo them.
No nuclear power is going to bomb the United States if the population survives in numbers to invade Eurasia. No Eurasian nation will invade the United States with 200 million more firearms in the hands of every available adult.
The time to prepare for a world war is before it happens, and by doing so the military blow will not take place after the softening up economic blow occurs.
Donald Trump has the Jehu character to rule for what is coming as he has proven in 2 years. He though needs to rule a loyal armed class, who are being benefited by their beloved leader and have their firearms pointed out and not inwards.
America does not a police state expansion. America needs an armed state of responsible mind policing herself.
- Lame Cherry
This President will not gain the People anything. The best outcome now is this President prepares to rule and creates porcupine defense of quills pointing outward.
Nuff Said