Monday, January 14, 2019

Land of the Beefalo

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to thank those who have been kind in donating again, on this inauspicious day that TL kindly helped me to do a spreadsheet of our expenses for income taxes. It only took 3 hours.

This time without the mother, there was not any yelling from me, as her jumble of numbers and her giving wrong numbers were not part of the horrid routine. We had gotten from her bank a print out of her checks and debit card purchases, but I discovered some checks were not recorded or Wells Fargo does not record what checks go where.

In going through her checkbook, I could see her mind was beginning to slip about last May. It honestly was about the time she decided to start being a royal ass, worse than usual. I do not know if it was part of her personality change or it was just the influences of evil people she decided to embrace, but after she pulled last December her "fake extended" sciatic nerve problem, hurting my back worse, she became a victim of her own worst traits.
By August her recording of checks was off, sometimes double recording, and before her fall, it was in disorder. The fluid build up was taking a toll, and the last entries made sense, but they were mine as I started helping write checks out.

My primary emotions about her are relief she is gone.

Hi LC, Its Housewolf from the Tree of Liberty. I fully understand how hard it is to raise a dollar from the web, as funding the Tree of is a constant struggle. Everyone wants something for nothing. So I thought I'd share as I appreciate your effort. You see I'm a farmer too, raising American Beefalo Cattle in rural Kentucky, and not making a dang dollar doing it. But its as the Lord said, work with your hands, and so I do. There is a different kind of truth for those who understand the Word. So anyway I know its not a lot of cash, but it what I have to share. Best Wishes. Housewolf

I remember beefalo. They were a fascinating creature, which was marketed as an economical alternative to beef cattle to utilize forage and create a more robust beef animal on the toughness of the buffalo.

No one is making much of a dollar on beef anymore of any sort. The speculators drove up forage at 150 dollars a round bale. Bulls at 3000 a piece, bred cows running 1850, pasture rent like gold, and raising cattle is like mining gold in California in 1849, the gold is suckering the ranchers to buy the things to keep the cattle.
Now that goddamn Tyson or whatever is refusing to buy fat cattle which the owners have not passed some damn test on giving vaccines. It is all horseshit with a bullshit topping.

I keep begging God for just some more land, so we can raise a bit more hay and chicken feed, as this place is too short on space for the few things we have. The way things are going though on the stock market and coming wars, about all that looks like is going to be surviving are the white Indians raising the beefalo.
One of my fantasies is to go shoot a buffalo on the res with a Rolling Block as it would be a bit cheaper than buying beef. A 2 year old would make good burgers.

In my world though, I am more interested in the buffalo skin robe than the meat.

That was our world today. The sky again looks dead from HAARP.  We are watching Land of the Lost and I guess the donations are my gems to opening the time door way in getting out of this closed universe.

Have to go fine tune the IRS stuff.

Thank you and God bless.

No Dopey, you are not a Dinouffalo.
