Monday, January 21, 2019
Subway where the Plague is on the Menu
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The positive part of being a part of media, is that when I get screwed over by someone, I can post it here, and it reaches hundreds of thousands of people, as these people and conglomerates all think I am just a nobody like each of you.
The subject of this is Subway, the sandwich franchise, which TL and I stopped in to today for something to eat. All I can eat there without getting sick is that flatbread stuff now, but I suffer through it.
Today, besides the Dr. Pepper tasted like fairy piss in being sugary without any flavor, was the real treat of a dyke behind the counter, who had numerous pet flies she was keeping around to feed on the food.
So we ordered, and the dyke went away to get bread out of the oven, and the fly was all over our flatbread. We reported it, as I watched that thing all over the meat scoop left out and everything else, and the dyke replaced it.
When I say dyke, I mean a butch cut, ugly ass she thing, with glasses, who is a lezbo troll in the making.
So she changes the bread, and then heads off again, as I watch in absolutely stunned rapture as the fly returns to my flatbread as this dyke is off telling another little dyke how humorous it all was in flies lighting on customer's food.
I know I should have raised hell, and left, but I had never been treated this blatantly before, so I too the fly sandwich and paid for it like an idiot. Something fell and TL said something to me, and I sort of said loud enough, "LET HER CLEAN IT UP", as I was in a really snotty mood then.
So with plague bread for lunch, and then came in the Indians to crawl around the floor as Indian children do, as their Vin Diesel wanna be father talks sports cars with his grubber brother as the squaw in her big ass white shorts was worried about chips, completed lunch.
As we were leaving the dyke's mummy was there, a real piece of fat ugly female creature, was standing there listening to her dyke daughter whine, where she was told "Well you better find something else".
Poor dyke daughter was unhappy at work, at having to work, and I guess it was so much work feeding a swarm of flies as her only friends in life.
So I was so pissed off I left feedback describing the plague carrier afternoon, and stating this dyke needed to be fired, and yes I signed my name and all my information as I am still pissed.
So tonight I get this reply from Subway, some manager or something, and it is a form letter, and he thanks me for expressing my opinion about my experience. Now that is condescending as hell, as I reported FACT and not goddamn opinion as I know what a goddamn plague carrying fly is, what shitty dyke plague carrier shiftless ass snowflakes are and I know that I do not like fly shit and fly spit on my dyke made flatbread.
There was not an apology, not a refund, not anything to deal with this. So the answer to this all is alerting you that Subway besides being a pedophile promoter under Jared all those years is a filthy, over price franchise, who will not make things right for customers, and more to the reality thinks fly swarm plague is part of the food service industry. It makes me wonder what kind of rodent shit is in the back room and what employees use the plastic gloves for, before making sandwiches.
I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO SUBWAY. I will make it a point to tell everyone what this shitty plague carrier franchise is all about, along with their arrogant ass management. Subway is already in trouble as their food is twice the price as other chains, and not as good. The answer in this then is to have them go the way of the dyke and just vanish off the planet.
I will repeat this for all of you to remember. Subway has flies crawling on their food, the staff does not care, jokes about it, and the management thinks that fly shit and spit is part of the Subway food group.
Subway is a disgusting fast food chain which should be shut down for the menace to society it is.
Share that with your staff, Subway management, as the reality of your plague franchise is now on the forever internet.
Nuff Said