"We will ensure that enemy missiles know no sanctuary on Earth or in the skies above,"
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The best analysis of President Donald Trump's defense experts conclusions on how to protect the United States from nuclear missile attack, is best undertaken from the Mouse Hole Analogy to be explained by, "Your home has no holes in it, so how do mice get inside?"
Remember in this that the prior missile defense tests revealed a 10% plus fail rate in optimum situations. In real numbers, if a nation fired 500 nuclear missiles at the United States, that would mean 50 nuclear weapons would fall on the United States. That is not what winning looks like or is a sound strategy.
As the United States had Reagan's Star Wars in place, something has changed in the space based weapon's platforms. It is concluded that the trillions to be spent on "new systems" will be spent on other off book systems and the ones in the public eye which are worthless will be deemed the expensive cost overruns.
Remember in the following that intercontinental ballistic missiles have under 15 minute flight time. Meaning once a missile launch is detected by NORAD, the warning must reach the President, he must make a decision, and any counter measures must be deployed in that limited time frame.
Shooting down missiles in Russian or Chinese silos is not realistic due to the implications of the United States being baited in a false launch or a test launch which detonated nuclear missiles over host nations.
The critique will be in red of each system.
1. Space Based Censors
DoD officials have long touted the use of space-based sensors, which would be able to monitor, detect and track missile launches. The Pentagon aims to track missile launches in their boost phase "from locations almost anywhere on the globe," according to the report.
Space based censors still have to communicate to the White House a launch is in progress and counter measures will be required to be ordered. Again the window is 15 minutes at long range.
Any nation can defeat censors by pre planting nuclear devices inside the United States as the Soviet's did in the Cold War. Nuclear devices on ships or passenger jets would defeat this system of censors. Submarine launched or ship launched hypsersonic missiles would strike the United States in minutes before the censor reports could be reacted to.
Developing a space based drone system would involve a reality of malfunction of it shooting down all the passenger jets in the sky or a deliberate hack where it would be turned on US missiles.
This is a short range defense and would require round the clock fleets of fighters which is neither feasible nor capable of stopping a mass launch.
2. F 35 Missile Interceptor
While the idea has drawn skepticism, Northrop Grumman conducted an experiment with the Missile Defense Agency in 2014, saying the plane could be retrofitted to track intercontinental ballistic missile launches.
3. Spaced Based Lasers
"High-energy lasers, for example, could burn through a missile's critical structures, control surfaces, and/or control systems, causing the missile to structurally fail or become uncontrollable," said Henry "Trey" Obering, an executive vice president at consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton who leads the company's directed-energy innovation team.
Again, space based weapons require time to operate as the defense would have to be employed before the missiles reached space or in space. Defeating the propulsion of an ICBM still does not neutralize the warheads on the missile which being alive would still detonate, including in space blowing the entire satellite communications system.
Space is not a drive up to the barracks and overhauling a tank. A satellite requires maintenance and must be maintained operational perpetually. Intercepting nuclear devices in space is a matter of not neutralizing the nuclear warheads, but the carriers. The concentrated nuclear fuel would still be viable or explosive.
4. Space Based Interceptors.
According to the review, scientists will study other enhanced space technologies, such as space-based interceptors or using interceptors in Earth's orbit to shut down ballistic missiles. "New DoD analysis will evaluate the possible effectiveness of space-based interceptor technologies and their cost-effectiveness when compared to other systems based on land, sea, and in the air," the report states.
In analysis, with proper resources placed in family owned shelters, it would be better for America to receive a nuclear salvo on ground, than to have the entire energy network fried from satellites to power stations which would require two decades to replace while a ground absorbed attack could be overcome in 5 years.
5. Alaska Missile Defense.
The U.S. is already moving forward with 20 new GBIs to be stationed in Alaska beginning in 2023. But the United States may decide to further increase its capacity of the Ground-Based, Mid-Course Defense (GMD) "beyond the currently planned force size of 64 GBIs," the report said. "The missile base in Ft. Greely, Alaska, has the potential for up to an additional 40 interceptors. In addition, building a new GBI interceptor site in the continental United States would add interceptor capability against the potential expansion of missile threats to the homeland, including a future Iranian ICBM capability."
Publishing the exact location of this defense would provide a kamikaze strike to neutralize the defense, leaving the entire window open.
When a nation is intent on attacking the United State with nuclear weapons, that nation is certainly going to be involved in preparing the battlefield strikes to allow their weapon systems to be delivered.
An American type Wild Weasel EMP device could countermeasure an entire base as this, and it would not involve nuclear weapons in the least. It would be a first strike, but the US response would be neutral.
If you notice, all of these technologies are future or could be deployed. There is nuclear defense from Star Wars. This has either been neutralized or will be obsolete. The above are cover for other systems in deployment, not made public to start an arms race or a first strike from Russia or China.
All of these systems can be defeated easily. The method would be mass launch, a preposition close launch or on American soil prepositioning, or an EMP burst in space to blind the systems or small nuclear devices detonated outside nuclear missile bases. The entire basis of a Eurasian launch would be to blow a hole in the American system which already has numerous holes in it.
The largest is the Southern Window in the above is positioned for an Arctic arc launch. If a nation were to launch for a southern window on the United States, the above systems would be worthless as they would be out of position.
Logic would dictate that slow moving nuclear cobalt torpedo, submarines and merchant marine platforms which would all hug the American shore for a first strike which would be accomplished in under 7 minutes would be the decisive blow which any nation would employ.
A hypersonic cruise missile which hugs the ground can not be interdicted in outerspace as it is not in space. A missile launched off Florida is not going to be shot down by a missile base in Alaska. An F 35 in Korea is no protection for submarine launches off the Mexican coast.
Logic would dictate drone submarines in Hudson Bay, the Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico or hugging the American coast, as the DOD could not fire nuclear counter measures as they would be shooting the United States or a close American nation.
The map below would be the logical launch zones for the Eurasians. The human commanded platforms would opt for the best runs to deep water for evading destruction.
This is by analysis is a cover operation, again wasting trillions of dollars in poverty stricken America. The Americans about to face genocide are protecting their replacement Mexicans.
A much more effective measure would be family surivival shelters with purchasing replacement electrical grid supplies. It would be more of a deterent to the Eurasian in Americans surviving and able to keep dropping WMD's on Eurasian theaters for a decade.
This is not the defense of the Citizen or Nation.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said