Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Political Mutant

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I dislike the propaganda concerning Adolf Hitler as it is designed to hide his genius and in smearing him, it relegates the instances of his failures to a situation where future leaders are not able to learn from them.

In the study of Hitler, who was a brilliant historian both politically and culturally, was that he was the Political Mutant of his age who embodied the coming foresight of Franco and Mussolini, with the hindsight of past political and military mistakes.
In that though was Adolf Hitler's brilliance and his failing as will be revealed in  this white paper.

The best explanation for Adolf Hitler was he was a military tank. The tank and Hitler both arose in World War I as the dreadnaughts of the coming age. In Germany, the great tactical officer General Guderian, proposed a new organized combat field based upon quick maneuvering tank formations, which with air support and radio communication would become Blitzkrieg.
As this was  new in the beginning of World War II, the French, British and Russians had absolutely no comprehension in how to deal with this kind of massive firepower directed at infantry with rifles.  This situation continued until the English under Montgomery in Libya and the Soviets at Kursk, began to understand as the Americans learned in the Atlas Mountains how to begin to respond to German spears.
The answer  to Blitzkrieg was  to not meet tanks with tanks, but to meet German tanks with infantry, backed by tank killing artillery. Once the German tanks were stalemated and could not continue the offensive, then the enemy tanks would be sent forward to destroy the German divisions.

This played out masterfully in Adolf Hitler's orders after Normandy to strike to the beaches and drive the Americans and British into the ocean. In those instances of attack in the most elite tank corps  the Reich had, Americans in mediocre infantry units kept their heads, checked the advancing columns, called in anti tank artillery and stopped the assault. By morning, the air power of Thunderbolts would roll in and shatter the Panzer corps to retreat.

It was this that Adolf Hitler as the Political Mutant did not evolve. He sent in his Panzers and Landsers to attack the American General Bradley's formations, but General Patton was waiting there to form a hook to surround the German divisions and obliterate them.
Adolf Hitler in 1939 was 10 years ahead of everyone in warfare. The problem is the war's learning curve doubled and by 1943, the Russians at Kursk had learned to outflank the German spears, cut them off with artillery and then destroy them with their American engineered T 38 tanks. The Fuhrer did not evolve while others learned from his genius to defeat it. Hitler's V 2 and V  3 rockets were an evolution, but the problem was Adolf Hitler did not have the nuclear arsenal to place upon them to win the war by obliterating the enemy's ability to promote war against him.
This was chiefly an American and Russian progression of warfare as the British were still in Lord Wellington at Waterloo using up his troops at fixed postions, in the same warfare which Montgomery used up 1/10th of the British army at el Alamein.  Those are not victories if you mean to prosecute a further war.

To now make the charge that Hitler was a Political Mutant of extinction is not correct, as while he did not have generals who could advance the Gunderian learning curve, der Fuhrer was still capable of genius. Hitler arrived at the idea of Fortress cities, where he would leave German remnants in cities as the Wehrmacht lost the hinterlands in Russia. He employed that strategy in France in the port cities. By accomplishing this, Hitler impeded the flow of allied supplies and troops into France. This is a condition which was an immense drag upon the Allies for all of the invasion and beyond. All America and England had were the artificial ports they created, which a wind storm wiped out on one critical occasion, but it again reveals that Adolf Hitler was still the genius a decade ahead of others. The Allies had solved Blitzkrieg, but the Allies had not solved Citadel Cities which impeded resupply.

There are always "what ifs" in the entire era of Adolf Hitler. I am convinced that the Wehrmacht would have defeated Russia in 1942 and 1943, if they had resupply by barge and their tanks and supply vehicles  had tracks on them 2 feet wider to buoy them up out of the Russian mud.
If the Germans had produced mobile 88 mm anti tank units for support, the task would have been a shattering route for Stalin.

In the West, Hitler impeded Rommel's quick response as Rundstadt slept the invasion away. The Germans lacked air power as they lacked anti tank munitions. That is lack of war planning and not lack of advanced thinking.

It is always the little things which bring defeat. The Americans had numerous little things, in their Sherman tank did not have firepower to destroy Tiger tanks and it caught fire easily. If Germany had anti tank units and America lost, it would be a blame on the Sherman tank.
The British had  numerous large failures in leadership, a glaring one in their generals had slaughtered off all the British tommies in the first world war, that Montgomery was busy slaughtering the Canadians  much  to their dislike. The British tanks were inferior. Their planes  superior, but they were made that way by American JD Rockefeller high octane fuel. Take America out of the British equation and England falls.
If  Germany could have equalled the British in radar electronics,the war in the Atlantic would have been won  and Britain starved with just a few more U Boat kills.

These are the lessons which must be learned for the next Great Eurasian War. For in that war the objectives and battlefields have not change, the munitions have, as have the means of warfare to obliterate battlefields with scorched earth events. It will be a matter of not lightning warfare, but check warfare as Shah Mhet, Mhet being English check for dead, the king is dead. In  Check Warfare, entire theaters, cities and industries will  be obliterated by WMD's as conventional firepower scorches the earth first. It will then be a matter of the untouched ammo depot reserves being transported to emerging battle zones in who will by attrition win that war.
For the astute, the target of Great Eurasian War is not the carrier, but the docks where the carrier is serviced. It will be the ammo supply. It will be the ability to refine fuel and those fuel reserves. The battlefields will be scorched  and then made toxic, but the real target will be the resources of a nation already produced in storage.

That though is not of Adolf Hitler, but of a future Political Mutant to appear on the scene to lead the world to great theaters of interest in a not so future time.

Nuff Said


