Friday, January 25, 2019

The Reflecting Pools

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was watching the 1982 production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, starring Anthony Hopkins in his first outstanding role which revealed the abilities of this actor, when I noticed an actor I know I had just seen this past year, and knew he reminded me of the actor in Pushing Up Daisies, as I had thought before, when I had watched him in Great Expectations as Pip.

Everyone has seen the photo from the Civil War of the man who looks like actor Nicholas Cage which is interesting, but this resemblance of Gerry Sundquist a British actor and Lee Pace an American actor is the wink of an eye.

Gerry Sundquist.

Lee Pace.

What is strange is the mannerisms, the halting delivery and the look are both the same.

Sundquist, for whatever reasons, committed suicide in 1993 by throwing himself under a train. It sort of only adds to the bizarre reality for these two actors, as one was born while the other was in the earth and as the other left, the one born became an actor.

 This is just one of those bizarre coincidences of billions of souls, two cross the stars almost at the same instance and mirror each other in reflection.

Words only get in the way of pondering. Thus this closes.

Nuff Said
