Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Risen Sun of 1942

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In May of 1942 as world war raged across the globe due to Churchill death with and the Franklin Roosevelt delusions of communism, there is a statistic in John Keegans' examination of the war which needs to be focused upon
In 5 months of war, the Emperor's Navy and Army in taking on the British, Dutch and American empires, had not lost one battle.

The staggering data is this fact:

Of the Japanese 4 super carriers 11 battleships, 18 heavy and 20 light cruisers, not one Imperial ship had been damaged.

In contrast thee Americans had lost all of their battleships, cruisers and destroyers. The British and Dutch far east fleets had been destroyed and the Australian navy was hiding in port.

The catastrophic blow was provided by the British themselves in something which staggers the mind of any American in why Franklin Roosevelt turned over what was left of the surviving  American fleet to the British Admiralty.
On December 8th, Admiral Sir Thomas Phillips struck out with the Prince of Wales and  Repulse to repulse the Japanese landing on Malay, which would capture Singapore. Despite being warned that the Japanese Air Force was swarming with torpedo bombers, he held course, and on December 10th the Japanese found the new Prince of Wales and the signature ship Repulse and sank them.
Churchill was flabbergasted at the losses which England could not afford and which were absolutely unnecessary.
It as the Battle of the Java Sea began on February 27th, 1942 AD in the year of our Lord, led by the Dutch Admiral, Karel Doorman, of a flotilla of American, Dutch and British cruisers and destroyers, Doorman sailed to the Japanese, opened a long range salvo, to which the Japanese responded and answered further with torpedoes which caused the flotilla be be ravaged and retreated to the night.
Doorman though was going to press the attack in the darkness, whereby the Japanese again found him, and sank all but two ships, killing Doorman, and little good it did for the USS Houston and the HMAS Perth as the Japanese found the escapees and sank them the next day.

The Japanese military plan was flawless in protecting the main islands, fanning out in acquiring the British and Dutch bases in the South Pacific, along with the bases there, and then spreading out to the islands to form a defensive perimeter to destroy any American fleet by air which might enter these waters.

The greatest disaster and there were numbers of them, was the British "defense" in Malaya. The British and their colonials outnumbered the Japanese 2 to 1. It was though not so much a Japanese Blitzkrieg but instead the British acting like stone monuments.
Sir Robert Brooke Popham was in charge with General Percival, but the Japanese simply landed behind Popham, had him retreating, leaving air bases and transport not destroyed that the Japanese promptly started flying bombing missions from and more to the point using British transports to take there men to the attack on the British lines.
For some bizarre reason, the British only set up front lines on the roads. They never deployed into the jungles which allowed the Japanese to outflank them and drive them back. It was not long before thee British were o the island of Singapore to make another stand, but General Tomoyuku Yamashita's 25th Army simply stormed across the water, and soon had control of the island's water supply, to which Popham marched out to surrender.
The British people never forgave Popham and ostracized him from further public contact or honors. It was typical British as the fact that Singapore's guns were firing ship warheads  at the Japanese infantry which was of no use at all.


General Tomoyuku Yamashita


130,000 British Empire soldiers surrendered without a fight to 60,000 Japanese. It was the greatest "military surrender" in British history, but followed on a long lists of disasters in the Norman bloodlines commanding English and Wog bloodlines to defeat, from New Orleans, to the Khyber to Malay.
Do not forget Lord  Nelson used up his army at Waterloo in smashing Napoleons. Napoleon would have won  Waterloo if he had simply accomplished what the Japanese did and outflanked the British lines with cavalry.

Literally in May of 1942, the Japanese had one thousand land carriers acquired without any lost in the defensive perimeter from the Sakhalins to Timor on the shores of Australia. One can understand why the Japanese were looking to British East Africa and India as their new extended empire where they promised self rule to the natives which the British refused.

All of this would change in 5 minutes at the Battle of Midway in the next month, but the Japanese must be heralded for a magnificent prosecution of war. Their military was disciplined, victorious and well supplied by Japanese modern industry.

This was the risen sun of 1942 and it would do well to remember this reality in the current dealing with Russia and China, as they have superb munitions and trained soldiery. America has worthless European allies, while Canada and Australia are  not reserved enough to engage those hordes.
Epic defeat awaits any contest as island bases in sand or sea are not any match for precision  attacks which will overrun those positions easily as in 1942 AD in the year of our Lord.

´We´ll see how frightened America is´:
Admiral warns U.S. that China´s navy
could sink two aircraft carriers and
kill 10,000 sailors if it stands in way
of Beijing´s goals in South China Sea

Daily Mail [UK], by Ariel Zilber    Original Article
A Chinese Admiral said recently that his country´s military is capable of sinking American aircraft carriers in the East and South China Seas. Rear Admiral Luo Yuan´s comments were made in a speech on Sino-U.S. relations which he gave on December 20, according to News Corp Australia Network. Luo said that sinking American ships would resolve the ongoing territorial disputes in that part of the world. ´What the United States fears the most is taking casualties,´ Admiral Luo said. He estimated that sinking an American carrier would result in the deaths of 5,000 servicemen and women. Sinking two such ships

Nuff Said
