Friday, January 18, 2019

Theresa May Takes It Hard Up the Brexit Arse

Give it to me hard Wanker


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

To Brex or not to Brex
That is the question
Tis nobler in the mind to deceive the public
Than to suffer the consequences of democratic votes.

It should be obvious now even to the English that their regime has been Tavistock mindfucking them for the past 2 years, as there never was any intention for London to exit the European Union, as their Queen was in this intrigue, making certain that no Conservative would ever lead Parliament, and that is why coup plotter against Donald Trump, MI6 operative, Theresa May, was installed to subvert the election in America and in England, and why Labor has been denied a chance to rule, and Theresa May in failing unceasingly in all things, was kept in power, when all Prime Ministers would have been sacked at this kind of failure.

May Survives No Confidence Vote

What is interesting in this is Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has continued to state that there will not be any new negotiations over Brexit. It is England on the EU leash or there will not be any deal at all.

Jan 16
Wir werden weiterhin alles tun, um ein No-Deal-Szenario zu verhindern. ist aber auf gleichzeitig auf jedes Szenario vorbereitet, um die Situation für Österreicher in UK, aber auch für Briten in Österreich bestmöglich zu gestalten.

We will continue to do everything we can to prevent a no-deal scenario. # Austria is prepared for every scenario at the same time, in order to best shape the situation for Austrians in the UK, but also for the British in Austria.

Look though at the statement of Kurz, in the EU is working to stop a no deal Brexit, but is prepared for that reality too. London has been working to subvert the will of the British voter for years. You can see how the throne or better, Rothschild finance, has been working to wear down the public in order to protect the moneyed interests as that is what this is all about. That is why Londonstan exists. That is why Theresa May was involved in the coup against Donald Trump. That is why London keeps trying to start a war in Europe to make America fight it, as this is about the restoration of British domination of Europe.
It took 50 years for England to steal back the money from FDR's lend lease, when Churchill bankrupted England in a genocide war to get rid of Germany. The next move is to eliminate the military powers of America, China and Russia, along with a scorched earth of Europe, for the benefit of unscathed England.

These world wars using American blood and resources has been a history of London finance since they instigated the American Civil War. The next war is London's vision to return to world domination. There is no ally of London as London only commands the mass slaughter of Canadians and Australians in wars, as London convinces New York finance to profit off of dead Americans in wars which London instigates.

All of this klusterfuck of London is with purpose. London is to look weak and to be out of the loop. The loop being Europe, and once a war is instigated in the Balkans for the Americans to go plundering into Poland to die against a war with Russia, what could be more wonderful than Poles dying again in a war for Queen and Country as Americans bleed out in another foreign war.

The machinations of London causes chaos in all of Europe, America and Russia. That is the first step to war, and when American finance has already been convinced that a war will provide a better profit than debt margin as the natural born Americans are to be replaced and can no longer be counted on as a sheep to be sheered, war is the mistress which promises all pleasures and solutions upon the bed of conflict.

The end of this is in March. All of Brexit could have completed in hard Brexit as the voters desired 2 years ago. This Piccadilly Circus though was required to move this to the conflict in which it was intended.

For those who think this could not Katie Walsh be. Remember the British armed Indians to genocide Americans. Remember the British tried to use Negroes as terror weapons against Americans. Remember the British tried to murder George Washington numbers of times, including using anthrax.
Remember the British started the American Civil War and with France had an army in Canada ready to invade when the South won. Remember the British bled out the United States in two world wars, as England genocided and mass raped Germans.
Remember that England has stolen back all she was "lend leased" and is now moving to the next phase of a third world war to have the Eurasians and Americans wipe each other out, leaving them in power to rule the world.

You trust these English after that record which is far worse as they are the ones behind the conflict in the United States in they joined with American traitors to perform a coup against Donald Trump, for the 'grande game" as it used to be called in London.

There is absolutely no mystery in this. This was all planned years ago and is now coming to fruition.

I mean who else would tell their grandson to knock a quadroon up in order to make Wog ruler out of London for Africa? I know Harry is goofy Diana's kid who probably is not quite royal so it doesn't count, but all the same that is what the English are. They will have their family hump the zoo exhibits if there is a dollar in it.

How much do you think torching New York is worth to London?

Nuff Said

353 YY
