Friday, February 1, 2019

From Lame Cherry Kitchens

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I took this photo last year, I was not an orphan nor aware of all of the trials which awaited us, but I took it in a creative time in all of our misery, as even little things should be employed to make the situation so aware that life sucks.

As you can see, I am not an artist, but that is not the point. The point is to make something stupid so that people smile and think how clever it is.

Food for me has always been a welcome solace from the misery of life. It is why I was so disappointed and furious that numbers of women, my mother leading, who found ways to make mealtime a torture.
I can remember Grandma's meals in making me gag literally. The worst was frozen bolognia on the stove, raw, but the outside cooked, as she had to serve up something quick. It always baffled me how a woman could not have a meal planned out for the day, and all of them shirked the responsibility to the last minute.

One would have thought that Gram would have got the point as when they were first married, she had not cleared the table of dishes, and when Grampa came home, he solved the problem by taking his arm and sweeping them from the table.
That shocked his new wife, but it was the last time she shirked her duties as a woman. Yes that is so not modern world, but it is the fact that women have responsibilities and their first one is to not try to be a man.

I was always amused at Grampa as he once told his wife, how good the pies were of his brother's wife. That forever condemned the sister in law to scorn by Gram, out of no fault of her own.
The secret to the sister in laws pies was simply putting sugar into them by the cup, instead of the teaspoon miserly measuring Gram employed.

That is one thing my Grampa taught me to my delight and everyone elses too. As when Gram died, his pies ran over with sugar. He put so much sugar in his pies that it was still in crystal form when done. He used to make Grampa Cookies too, in which there was not really a recipe, and I just made them myself, and probably will post the recipe here, as they were basically a bag of peanuts, bag of chocolate chips, bag of coconut and it all kind of stuck together.
He relished being a good cook and I know he relished having the last baking word in Gram's horrid cooking.

So Shepherds Pie can just be plain jane laying there or it can be a few moments to make a duck on a sunny day. It just makes you feel better to go on an adventure in eating something delightful. I though make food by God's Grace which is delicious. I have listed how to make cooking easy and taste good, so I will not repeat. It is a point though if your main ingredients are air and water, you ain't going to get much flavor out of that.

I have to go now and read a book about people slaughtering each other in war. I would like to have the money to go shoot some ducks though, with a double barrel blackpowder shotgun. I think I would like that as I like eating duck better than making pie dough ducks.

That too was a secret of Grampas cookies. Ducks. Maybe the above is a goose. Doesn't make much difference as the secret to his cookies were geese too.

Nuff Said

