I was just being like Bill Clinton the first Black President.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Can we not all agree that we agree with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the faux communist who in all her allure and sexiness was raised up by the Intelligence Community to put a kinder fondler face on Marxism so we would all choose to be comforted by her large breasts?
Is not Alley spot on when she says all of the White people are racists and have to admit it? Is not Alley proven right on sistah when none other than Governor Ralph Northrup or whatever this homosexual's name is, as his first nickname was GOOSE, which means he liked shoving things up other people's bums, and his second name is Coonman, which means he like all of us secretly wants to be black.

Is that a chopstick or are you happy to see me?
I must admit that I have always wanted to be Nichelle Nichols from Star Trek. Ms. Nichols was so sexy she had to carry around a knife to keep faggots like Sulu from attacking her. A woman like that who can make a man out of a Backdoor Bob, is someone who makes Cleopatra look like a brown bagger.

I make Barry wear a Hillary mask.
When it is accepted that Michelle Obama wore White Face, because she always wanted to be Bill Clinton, is it not then acceptable when White folks put on black face to live out their inner desires to be the people they admire most.
If Michelle Obama wore any more white face paint, she would glow in the dark.

As a White man.......
Some of my favorite White performers have worn Black Face. Eddie Murphy is a White man who has millions of fans and been paid millions of dollars for wearing Black Face. The give away is his name. He is obviously Irish like Obama was Indonesian
So when Governor Ralph comes out of the gay closet as a Black man, is he not just like Barry Soetoro, the quadroon wanting to be Diana Ross? In this Alexandria Ocasio Cortez sexual world, is it not Raimbow Obama's right to emulate the Black Woman that he admired most? I mean can anyone of us judge this democratic Governor for Jimmy Carter lusting in his heart, for Carl Weathers? I mean there is only so much Stevie Wonder or Paul McCartney Negroid that a homosexual can take. A man like Obama just has a natural lust for Bill Clinton White Man as Obama wants to be one of his girls.

Hey thumbs up Barry as Oprah wants to be me!

Men usually want to be in my vagina, not be my vagina.
We must all be understanding of Governor Ralph, as the definitions of appreciation have not yet been completely explained. We know it is wrong to honor Confederate Soldiers for not wearing Black Face Paint and it is acceptable for Hugh Laurie of England with Doc Martin of England to wear Black Face.

Also to play banjo in a minstrel band of Wooster and Jeeves.

But it is not acceptable for British constables to dress up like their favorite entertainer Al Jolson.

We just wanted to be like Mick Jagger wanted to be Muddy Waters.

I did play my guitar like a weapon.
I was just protecting myself from skin cancer.
To be fair, Alley Carter has opened up about her inner man and outer white, and admitted to wanting to be a man.
I always wanted to be Alistair Cooke and host Masterpiece Theater.
I didn't know the wog knew the difference between television and a toaster.
So until the boundaries are set, like it is ok to suck the brains out of a baby as long as it has natal fluid on it, but it is not alright to politically abort a Virginia Governor covered with face paint, we have about a 60 year window to legally determine in post birth aborticide. It is the same with face paint, until someone like Michelle Robinson Obama is made to apologize for wearing White Face, as replacing Governor Ralph for emulating Bill Clinton with Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, is just another White guy in Black face, as his namesake was George William Fairfax who owned slaves, and apparently the darkie girls liked being preggo by the big boss man.

I take the Quadroon 5th as what I say may incrimiWHITE me.

I owned em, trained em, bred em and Justin is a sperm off the old cock.
So what have we learned from all of this? When Donald Trump jr. has sex with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the Jewish Latin, he will not be surprised when Alley calls out, "Allistair Cooke, Masterpiece Theater, Goodnight!"
Nuff Said.