As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have observed the antics of Adam Schiff of California, not only abusing his position in Congress in aiding in the framing of Donald Trump, utilizing fake information provided by then Sec. of State John Kerry in a massive and illegal, document dump, fostered directly by Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama and Val-erie Jarrett, provided by the illegal activities of then CIA Director John Brennan, but the harm that Adam Schiff assaulted the House of Representatives today with, is the thing of 3rd world Banana Republics.
Adam Schiff has been urged by Republicans to step down after his past two years abuse of his position as leading democrat, but today in a meandering, self ejaculation of whining, Mr. Schiff, shut off the mic of another Republican who was attempting to speak to address, the diatribe which Schiff unleashed.
The Peoples House, home of the free intercourse of debate, and neither British in 1776, American Civil War in the 1860's nor world wars have accomplished what Adam Schiff engaged in, as this Jew summoned himself to Capitol Mount to deliver a sermon which had nothing Christ blessed about it, but was the adulterated bastard offspring of Pissgate, in again attempting to frame Donald Trump, this time not on criminal or illegal charges, but on the holier than Schiff demagoguery of "I don't think it is ok so, but I am going to cast the first stone!"
Schiff said Thursday that the evidence collected by the special counsel’s office demonstrated that President Donald Trump and his associates had behaved in a way that was unethical, corrupt and unpatriotic.
“My colleagues may think it’s OK that the Russians offered ‘dirt’ on a Democratic candidate for president as part of what was described as the Russian government’s effort to help the Trump campaign. You might think that’s OK,” Schiff said to Republican lawmakers during the hearing. “My colleagues might think it’s OK that when that was offered to the son of the president, who had a pivotal role in the campaign, that the president’s son did not call the FBI, he did not adamantly refuse that foreign help. No, instead that son said that he would ‘love’ the help of the Russians.”
“You might think it’s OK that he took that meeting. You might think it’s OK that Paul Manafort, the campaign chair, someone with great experience at running campaigns, took that meeting. You might think it’s OK that the president’s son-in-law also took that meeting. You might think it’s OK that they concealed it from the public.
"You might think it’s OK that their only disappointment from that meeting was that the dirt they received on Hillary Clinton wasn’t better. You might think it’s OK that when it was discovered, a year later, they then lied about that meeting and said that it was about adoptions. You might think that it’s OK that it was reported that the president helped dictate that lie. You might think that’s OK. I don’t.
“You might think it’s OK that the campaign chairman of a presidential campaign would offer information about that campaign to a Russian oligarch in exchange for money or debt forgiveness. You might think that’s OK, I don’t," Schiff continued, referring to reports that Manafort had offered briefings on the campaign to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.
"You might think it’s OK that that campaign chairman offered polling data to someone linked to Russian intelligence. I don’t think that’s OK," Schiff added, referring to court documents demonstrating that Manafort had met Konstantin Kilimnik, a suspected member of Russian intelligence, in Madrid and gave him polling data on the 2016 presidential election.
"You might think it’s OK that the president himself called on Russia to hack his opponent’s emails, if they were listening. You might think it’s OK that later that day the Russians attempted to hack a server affiliated with that campaign. I don’t think that’s OK," Schiff said.
"You might think it’s OK that the president's son-in-law attempted to establish a secret back channel of communication with the Russians through a Russian diplomatic facility. I don’t think that’s OK," he added.
"You might think it’s OK that an associate of the president made direct contact with the GRU [Russian military intelligence], through Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks, that is considered a hostile intelligence agency," Schiff continued, referring to Trump associate Roger Stone's communications with a hacker of Democratic National Committee data named Guccifer, as well as WikiLeaks." You might think it’s OK that a senior campaign official was instructed to reach that associate and find out what that hostile intelligence agency had to say in terms of dirt on his opponent.
“You might think it’s OK that the national security adviser designate secretly conferred with the Russian ambassador, undermining U.S. sanctions, and you might think it’s OK that he lied about it to the FBI,” Schiff said, referring to Michael Flynn. “You might say that’s all OK, that’s what you need to do to win. But I don’t think it’s OK.”
Schiff added: "Now I have always said that the question of whether this amounts to proof of conspiracy was another matter. Whether the special counsel could prove beyond a reasonable doubt the proof of that crime would be up to the special counsel, and I would accept his decision, and I do. But I do not think that conduct, criminal or not, is OK. And the day we do, think that's OK, is the day we look back and say that is the day that America lost its way."
There is absolutely nothing more cowardice, more anti democratic, and more anti American, than attempting to silence those who have that right to speak. It is weak, it is feckless, it is what Adam Schiff is now the poster boy for.
Adam Schiff ended with the judgment has lost it's way, by abiding by the rule of law, instead of microphone political assassination. Adam Schiff in this stunt has proven he is unfit for heading any committee in the United States Congress as much as he is unfit for elected office. Adam Schiff is the antithesis of elected government, by, for and over the people.
Adam Schiff should face Expulsion from the United States House of Representatives, as he is unfit for office and everything the People's House represents.Adam Schiff represents a leftist group which has zero respect for the Constitution of the United States. In the US Congress today, he violated the right of free speech and peaceful assembly.
Of course in the corruption which is this federal travesty Adam Schiff will not be removed by his equally corrupt comrades. It requires being stated though as it does stating definitively that Adam Schiff was wrong, wrong for the democratic party, wrong for the US House, wrong of California and wrong for the United States of America.
It is a horrid state of reality that even Maxine Waters has deciphered the writing on the wall and stopped ranting about Donald Trump, but not Adam Schiff. He has now stated that it is not ok for Americans to talk to Russians. That fits the Adam Schiff dictatorship, because today in turning off the mic of a US Congressman, Adam Schiff has made it not ok for Americans to talk to each other.
Nuff Said