Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Boot Balming

They scent of molded moose anus...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, I have just purchased an ancient 6 dollar pair of Cabelas insulated hunting boots. My brother purchased a new pair of 1200 thinsulate, but took them back as they made his feet cold.

These though are warm and look inside hand stitched and have the color of old wool that some rat lived in.

Anyway, Beloved Uncle left me his Rocky Hunting Boots, but they are almost cracked in the seams, and I only put them on once in a great while when I am not walking that far as the fit is not that great obviously, but I have always wondered about a good remedy for the leather of boots as petroleum jelly just ate mine as did bacon grease long ago and I am not buying that fake mink oil.

So I came across these recipes which were homemade and one case you just use the wax ring of a shitter which was quite amusing.


Yes boot licking and boot waxing is part of the job description.

1 part Neatfoot (Flax Seed Oil used in horse harness)
1 part beeswax

I found a fantastic leather water proof recipe in an old outdoor hunting book from the late 1800's.

You mix equal parts of beeswax and neatsfoot oil. I happened to have some beeswax and I got the neatsfoot oil from the Fleet and Farm store.

I melt the wax first so that I can measure it accurately. Then, you mix in the neatsfoot oil and heat until they melt together.

After the mixture cools, it is the consistancy of petrolium jelly.

You apply it to the leather with your fingers and then use a hair dryer to warm up the mixture on the leather until it melts and is absorbed.

It makes leather boots shed water like a duck's feather. It is absolutely incredible how well it works. Unlike silicon based waterproof, it doesn't just wash off in a day. It lasts a long time. Also, there are no solvents that tend to attack the glues in the shoe and shoe sole like other waterproofing.

I don't know why this isn't more popular.

Of course, SnowSeal is similar, but they changed their recipe about ten years ago and it has not been the same since.

The above recipe is really good. It is also very good on leather saddles. Give it a try."

The next recipe found online was a rather vegan thing of snowflake quality in it smells more like something you would spread on toast like Nutella than on your leather footware, but if you have unicorn leather hunting boots and can afford it, this might be a thing to try.

Homemade Leather Balm

25g | 0.88oz beeswax
25g | 0.88oz cocoa butter
50g | 1.76oz sweet almond oil (or other not-too-greasy liquid oil)
Melt everything together in a small saucepan over medium heat. Pour into a 125mL/4oz mason jar and let cool until solid, 20–30 minutes. Use whenever you like. Also makes a nice body balm!

The last is amusing as I never would have thought of using the seal off a wax toilet ring. Then again it is far cheaper and ten times the value of mink oil. It delights me when I see what people come up with out of necessity as it is not like you have a crapper ring laying around your house, or tell the kid to get off the shitter as you got waterproof your elk hunting boots for tomorrow.

It's elk hunting season again?

At the local hardware store pick up a standard wax toilet ring. Approximate cost: $3. I've tried mink oil, lexol, neatsfoot oil, and many other boot sealant products, including the spray-on variety, and none work as well.
To apply, simply wipe the boots clean and set them and the wax in a warm place, near a heating vent, in the sunshine, or near a woodburning stove. Don't get them hot, just nice and warm to the touch. Then, using your fingers or a small cloth, rub the wax into the leather. If you don't want to waterproof your fingers, wear gloves. Avoid getting wax on the plastic/rubber parts of the boot. When the boots are nicely coated with wax, set them back in the warm spot for an hour or more - once again don't allow them to get hot. Then using a soft cloth, buff the excess wax away.

Anyway there you have three very good homemade recipes for leather waterproofing and rejuvenating old leather, apparently even saddles. Of course no one should be an idiot and use this on suede or expensive things you wear on your body, but in stating that, what could be more fun that not burning yourself to death in having some homemade leather oil.....or balm if we want to be fancy and sell it to our wealthy friends.

Then again there are manufactured products which the historians or linemen swear by.

No honey I did not know that by rubbing your feet with my boot balm
would make a grizzly bear try to eat you. I swear I was just being a good wife.....

Pecard Leather Care

Pecard leather cleaner and leather conditioner can revive old leather and help new leather stay soft and supple If you need leather that stays dry and protected even in cold, wet, and harsh conditions, Pecard is your solution and has been the trusted, "Never Leak" name since 1902

Huberd's Shoe Grease Company, Inc. - Leather | Waterproof

A.E. Huberd made his original Shoe Grease back in 1921. By 1929, Huberd's Shoe Grease was a favorite with outdoors men throughout the Pacific Northwest. Today, Huberd's full lineup of leather care products are sold worldwide. Loyal customers and first time users know that nothing protects and preserves their leather like Huberds.

Yes I do this stuff for my online file records so I do not have to keep the files, but then Google restricts the searches for Lame Cherry so I never know what the hell is going to be hidden from searches.

Nuff Said

