Monday, May 27, 2019

A Hot Tail is not a Cold Tale

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Today's lesson is a Mossad lesson based upon the measures of Victor Ostrovsky in his By Way of Deception, on the method of meeting a target, securing the area or shaking a tail, as it is all the same basic principle.

What requires expanding upon though is, the reality that there are

Hot Tails
Warm Tails
Cold  Tails

The Cold Tail is an observation tail which stays in position and does not follow the subject. This can be everything from surveillance cameras to wetware.

The Warm Tail is the drone, tracking devices, or wetware which is moving with the target.

Hot Tails are something which Mr. Ostrovsky does not deal with, but as it will be explained later, a hot tail is something which one shakes, doubles back on as the warm wetware to track, but a hot tail sometimes is an operation designed not to observe, but to neutralize, apprehend or terminate.
That last part is critical as in the Mossad method, the method is passive in shaking tails. If you are in a vehicle, get out to shake a tail which is hot, there will be drones, and others closing on your position, which becomes critical if the method is to apprehend or terminate.  Then if one is exposing the tail, the tail will become more aggressive, and one simply can not outrun vehicles, or drones, or closing operatives on your position.
The hot tail is a completely different method and termination in order to survive. It requires time, camouflage and cover, which is not readily available in most situations.

I chose at random, the American city of Spartanburg, in being normal for the world, moderate population, so it would reflect suburban and metro locations.

I am choosing a location which is on the map of Westgate Mall.

 The red lines are major travel arteries. Red Circles are the target zone. Yellow cars mark parked cars in the operation which are in areas not exposed to being noticed.

 In the world of cell phones and digital camera surveillance, it complicates operations, but also assists. In the main target zones of Target, the Mall and Sam's Club, you can count on video recordings. Those tailing will be aware of this feature also. Meeting zones use these as sluff off areas to shed tails or record them. Upscale operations can tap into such camera networks.
The main meet would be at a travel through, a Chic fi  A, a Home Depot where a cameras are placed for security, but a person passing through to a main meet, in receiving a phone call there would not be noticed in a walk through to a real meet.
An operative would observe the target to make certain not any communication in texts or calls come from the individual. If that is the case, the meet is shut down.

Malls are designed to be areas which deal with large numbers of people and automobiles, which is important in the necessary routes. It also is on the edge of jurisdictions for the authorities.

In the Mossad method for simply meeting a target or an agent was an intricate weave of two vehicles, and seven case officers, each interchanging and moving.
There  are always protocols in these operations which begin with sweeping the first meet location. If the area is clear, then the contact takes place. If not, the operation is shut down.

The meet is the first clearing of the subject, to make certain they were not tailed or it was not a trap for the operatives.

Once first contact is made, a phone call is made for the subject to move. Think of this as a second clearing, but in the weave, the web collapses. The reason for the collapse which is the most vulnerable of the situation for the case officers, is to acquire the subject, and take them to a secure meet location.
The subject is frisked, placed into a vehicle, cell phones have batteries removed, and the team members then disperse. It is a collapse of field, and then an expansion of that field, based upon a secure area.

This should be expanded upon and the Americans improve on this with drones, along with visuals in elevated positions.
Additionally, if things go "bad" as the situation becomes hot, alternative blocking cars or vehicles places in strategic locations to pick up for escape are a more elaborate web.

The art of picking up a tail and losing  tail in a warm surveillance was one which Victor Ostrovsky of the Mossad, not only had a talent for, but he relished the game. When being tailed, it is a again the matter of first right turn, left turn, or vice versa, on foot or vehicle, and if on foot, acquiring public transportation to string out the line of surveillance, then moving to a populated area for observation, to assess the situation, and then once again collapsing the field to string it out behind you, and then losing the tails.

It is an artform, but if you are being tailed, you have real problems in an organized group already knows your identity, and the larger problems begin in if it triggers a hot tail, which never ends well, as most of us are not Mossad operatives able to flee a nation, as the public would be left to surrender in becoming involved in what they should not have been.

It all is easier than it seems. It simply is moving to an area, with a hidden observation, moving through that area, and see what you noticed if it is following, and moving to another location and repeating, as tails do work in groups to hide they are following, if that is a major operation. Otherwise it is rudimentary in relying on electronic surveillance as budgets are not overflowing enough for multiple units in most cases, which are fixed and simply observation and listening.
The cell phone is the greatest spy tool ever invented, and that is why it was so widely dispersed at affordable prices in order to track people.
