Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Donald Trump and Sebastian Kurz Share More Than Ivanka

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the successful coup waged against Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria, there is an interesting reality in this, as the person who the Chancellor named was behind this, was a Romanian Jew, meaning a Mosaad agent, who had meddled previously in Austria, had been in the Ukraine in the scandals there, was part of the Clinton illegal coup against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and this Silberstein apparently had the same markings of the Romanian operative who honeypotted Heinze Christian Strache, of Austria, which was the scandal which deposed Sebastian Kurz.

Kurz had been cuddling up to  Jewry far too close, and the Austrian left and right came down on Kurz hard, even as Kurz won in the European Parliament and in Austria herself in elections. This may look like anti Semitism, but it is the reality and the Lame Cherry will warn all of you of another era which the Clintons fucked the world over in their leftist Jewry and America bled for it.

For those who do not remember economics, the cartel bankers in the United States had a pattern for the past Petro Dollar looting of America, in creating mini money empires. This started in Japan which was collapsed. Moved onto South Korea which was collapsed, and in each collapse these nations had bought up US debt, and then were stuck with the tab in the collapse.
The Clintons under Fed Chairman, Allan Greenspan, a Jew, created their economic paradise by inflating the computer companies in Wall Street trading. It was the old 1929 speculation which led to the Great Depression. In the 90's under the Clinton's, Greenspan in Bush Jewry was looting Russia of wealth under Boris Yeltsin. The money flow was being managed, and then the plug was pulled which created the infamous DOTCOM BUST. This time the Americans in thinking they were playing cute stuck the Europeans with the debt. This time though unlike the Asians, the Europeans bit back hard.

What began in European retaliation bided it's time, in first attempting to set off global depression under George W. Bush in the 9 11 attacks, where Bush was forced to dump all of the Clinton 'surplus' (read that European money stolen by Greenspan from Europeans) into the world economy to stop a depression.

This returned the money to the Europeans, but it was only the beginning of the European retaliation, because 8 years later they unleashed in Iceland, then Britain, and using French finance, targeted the United States in the "Derivative Scheme" in selling financial debt. The United States imploded in 2008 in this 9 11 economic attack, but it was used to centralize power as Jewry in Goldman Sachs ate Lehman Brothers.
The ringer in this was Brandenburg Gate Obama, the Berliner Boy, installed by the Europeans to loot the United States. Obama twice dumped trillions of Americans dollars into the 3rd world and Europe. This is what created the genesis of the actions of Europe weaning itself off of the United States and going independent.

As this blog is the only source which covered and exposed this timeline, few understand what all of this is, and where this has led the world to in the coup against Sebastian Kurz.

Everything about the coup against Kurz, has the scent of a Mosaad operation for them to wrest control from Kurz, and in Silberstein, there is the Clinton fingerprint in this. Literally Sebastian Kurz named Silberstein, and that means his thought process as the Habsburgs are beholding this as a CIA and Mosaad operation.

Kurz does not have to look far in he was against the Jared Kushner Peace Plan, so it would behoove Kushner who was a Mosaad extension, and connected to the same smarmy CIA leftists led by John Brennan who started the witch hunt with the Brits against Donald Trump. In other words, the same signature of what brought down Sebastian Kurz is all over the witch hunt against Donald Trump. Kurz and Trump seem to have this in common now.
It gets smelly though in this, as this looks like the people who were backing Kushner, not for his peace plan, but because for the cover of the United States with the coming Iran war, and Sebastian Kurz can scent the same thing in Jared Kushner is partly to blame for the coup against the Chancellor in this intrigue of competing factions of Jews playing against all. It is logical to conclude that the House of London was somewhere less visible in this than with Donald Trump, meaning the British just disrupted Europe from Austrian and German leadership, has a weakened France, which leaves London finance about to control things again, if Kurz does not rise.

President Trump has stated that a Balkanzied Europe is what America desires. After beholding the coup against Sebastian Kurz, and the past abuse by the Trump cabinet of the Chancellor, as Steve Bannon crows  from the Brandenberg Gate in nationalists winning in the European parliament, it will not be an illogical conclusion in all of the above, that all of this evidence points to a Kushner Bannon, CIA and Mosaad engineered coup against the one man who would unite a federalized Europe.

So that this is not missed, the Habsburgs have been backing Sebastian Kurz with great success. The control of African trade for 100 years is at stake. The trade of Russian raw wealth is at stake. The technology of Asia is at stake, and most important, the control of Europe is at stake, where Europe will either rule, or be a factionalized colony.
As I have stated, Chancellor Kurz and his backers have been moving after being rebuffed by Donald Trump, for a world in which the United States was a side note to history. Some of you have probably a long enough memory in this article of where this all started, and will realize that when the Europeans retaliated with the smashing blow of 9 11 and the 2008 bust over the incident of the Dotcom Bust, what do you think these houses of antiquity are going to do in having their Chancellor humiliated an their entire 22nd century empire endangered with their being put on the leash again?

These are the people who Kaiser Wilhelm, stated blew off Abraham Lincoln's head. These are the people who started two world wars to genocide the German competition and stole the Habsburg Empire. They have struck the Motherland and left the CIA and Mosaad fingerprints all over it, expecting retaliation.

The Dotcom Bust began in 1997 and it's effects lasted with the Clinton recession of 1999 to 2001, which brought about 9 11. The Europeans behind this humiliated George W. Bush in Iraq, and then tried to blow him up with a hand grenade in Eastern Europe, depriving of hugs from man hands Michelle Obama, as the Europeans were just beginning in 2008 to retaliate in getting their money back.

I ask again in knowing Sebastian Kurz attributes for retaliation on those who wrong him, and the situation which is at stake, how long and how thorough will be the recompense on the United States and Tel Aviv over a much bigger issue than Dotcom money, when this was about prestige and the destiny of Europe?

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, pointing again to the patterns, the history and the reality. The removal of the United States previously were in these foreign interests concerns, with what just took place, it is in their necessity to strike by conduits.

Nuff Said
