Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Donald Trump's Bi Term Report Card

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Donald Trump has gone to Obama lengths to hide his parochial school grades and records, there is a reality that his first two years of his Presidency can not be hidden and a real grading of Trump 45 is necessary for Christians and Conservatives.
For the record, Mr. Trump excels at being a liberal, a National Socialist and being Birther Obama's 3rd Term.

Below is his report card and I challenge all of the Trump Clappers to refute one grade, based on the legislative and executive actions of Donald Trump. He simply has not kept his word on returning guns to America, no one paying taxes earning under 50,000 dollars, removing Obamacare and stopping the invasion of America.

I have stated I will not support Donald Trump for President in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord based on this horrid record in his Supreme Court appointments have ruined the court for 50 years to Christians. If this President makes amends on National Carry, stops all immigration and begins deportation, and, ends Obamacare, I will work for his re election, providing this time I receive compensation and not crumbs.

Scoring A's in sodomy and being the Tel Aviv Trump is not what a Christian Conservative voted in 201 AD in the year of our Lord for Donald Trump.

Nuff Said
