Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Stinker Parker

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is an interesting thing in the liberal mind, in they will not believe in a God, call a Conservative a liar, but put any narration of an Indian terrorist to page, and it is a gospel they will hate White people with to their genocide.

This is the story of Eagle, as his kidnapped White mother, Cynthia Parker named him with her fat lazy buck of a husband, who treated her well, named Goes and Comes.
That is what this story is about, in Cynthia's buck, in the aboriginal becomes in long liberal translations, "He would goes and then he returns", which is ridiculous, but is how a great number of these names are mistranslated or misunderstood.
Their first born son was named as most Indians were by a name they chose, and later the Indians, like all races of humans discovered character attributes which they called them by. Seldom was an Indian ever referred to by their name, but were instead known by what they were known for.
Roman Nose, Pawnee Killer, Buffalo Hump, were all names of either disfigurations or actions. It was the same with the Eagle, who was soon called by the Comanche, Kwaina, or Stinker.

There are those who try to dress up Stinker to mean, scented, smell, fragrance or perfume, but Indians did not nickname other's by pleasant names. Quanah Parker, the most noted breed of all North American Indians, was called Stinker for a reason, and it was not because he smelled like the Yellow Rose of Texas.

There is a good analogy or example of this in a White girl who was captured, after another terrorist slaughter of Texans, who like all children who were not infants, was lashed to the back of a Mustang, and rode through several days of hell, in which they were sun blistered, beaten to a pulp by the Indians, burned with fire, and tied up to watch the multiple rapes of the White women who were captured with them, often their mothers or aunts.
This girl after being starved as all captives were in the conditioning, fed the wrong foods, drank water if she could which was alkalis, developed the shits, to which her diarrhea was not going to stop the fleeing terrorists, so the kid shit all over herself and on the horse.

The buck naturally did not want that shit smell by him, so he made the kid walk, and the little girl was then known as "She who stinks when she walks". Again a mistranslation as she was "stinking already and made to walk because she stank like shit".
The correct name for the girl would be Shit Walker and no fault of her own.

That is the insight for Quanah Parker or Stinker. We know epidemics happened on the plains. We know that kids have colic, Stinker being both White and Asian, may have had a problem with milk or had an influenza, and it would deduce that sometime after he was weaned and running around, that the kid shit himself, with that sour shit smell of diarrhea, and everyone in the tribe naturally said, "That's the kid who stinks like shit". Being like all lazy humans, the name  Stinker stuck with him.

I know that is not such a flattering  thing to be worshiped by liberals, as  Smells Like Shit, but then liberals have a thing for feces penis smells in queers in the modern age, so who knows in what a liberal's early masturbation and anal stimulation they would probably not be put off by a terrorist name Shit Stinker.

Stinker though was quite a large man for an Indian, as most were effeminate. His White American genes provided  him with a physique not common among the bucks. His mother, Cynthia, is pictured with massive hands holding a baby, so those are the genes which took in Stinker.

Billy Dixon

The  US Army Scout Billy Dixon, related an interesting story from his fight with the Comanche at Adobe Walls. Dixon's Big 50 Remington had been lost in the river, and he borrowed one from a bartender who was having trouble with the recoil, to fight off the Indians.
In a scratch shot, he took sight on an Indian almost a mile away, and let the powder burn, and watched him topple off the horse. Years  later while riding with the Cavalry, he got into a discussion about Adobe Walls with Stinker and Stinker said he was was there, and a strange thing happened to him, in he was sitting on a horse and he got hit very hard in the back, so hard it knocked him off the horse, and senseless for a time.
Stinker could not figure out what had happened, Billy Dixon relating that story, was convinced the epic scratch shot of all history, was his and he connected with the most infamous buck of the southern plains. A shot of lead, almost spent at almost a mile, still had enough hammer in it to knock a big Indian from the pony he road on a terror attack against Whites.

The Big 50 Remington Rolling Block

That is the translation of this epic title in how liberals always get names wrong, Indians always name people disgusting things, and then lie about it like liberals when they do not want the real story out about one of their hero terrorists.

That should about clear things up in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

