Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Thinking Road

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

God is a Gift Who keeps on Giving.

- Lame Cherry

For the past few years, a park ranger here has purchased a retirement home, and took it upon himself to rent  it out, much to my chagrin.

There the people who threw shit pants diapers all over the road. There was the lunatic deputy who shot one of the neighbors dead, and then there was the gopher warden who moved in last year, and would not get out of the house.

Seriously, the last thing you ever want is any kind of law enforcement moving into your neighborhood, because they are always sticking their noses into your world and looking for something to criminalize you with.
That is why when gopher patrol moved out, by the way the dude only left  home once a week to go to Subway, I was telling TL, "You know that little prick is going to come through here again, as once they learn something, they are always repeating it."

That is forensic psychology and seriously the last thing you want is a cop knowing your vehicle as you being a problem or knowing something is going on at your place, or they will be always looking, and if they move into a neighborhood, they will think they own it, and will always come back to take a piss.

So you remember the snowed in road where God avenged me on the idiot neighbors who did not stop to help? Well some other dork made it through there bouncing their vehicle through it and today when TL had finished our first walk of the winter, and were draining some water off the drive to keep it from becoming Rasputitsa, I noticed someone crawling along the road and TL remarked that it looked like the game warden.

Sure as hell it was that boy, who dresses like he is SWAT, and as he pulled up to the snow bank, I said to TL that I should wave him on through. He sat there awhile as I glared at him for being a dumb ass, as the roads have not been open her for over a month and winter has been nothing but hell, but how would gopher know this, as he sits at home, unless summoned by his supervisor to sit with him in a fast food place, where the farmers attempt to bluff them in pretending they like them.

So goph sits there for a minute and I am hoping he tries it as I want to see him stuck. Instead he starts backing away, then gets faster, then the mud and shit are flying as he almost loses it about 250 yards down the road, whereby dude decides to try and turn around with my vehicle. Yes I paid for that vehicle like all of us do for law enforcement who abuse them  where a little walking would make them appreciate my vehicle more.

So dude turns around and I watch him, to see if he is going to turn west or keep heading south as I do not know if it was him I saw on that west road before, but the goph keeps going for 2 miles and hits a paved road which he should have been on, and if he was doing his job, he would have known the roads were all blocked, and he rockets off to town.
I know what the shit was doing. He was wasting time, came from burgerland, decided to piss on his old stomping grounds, snoop around at the lake and then take the long way home, pretending he was doing something all day.
Instead he had to limp dick it back home early to the wife and kids, to pretend he was doing his job as they steal from the public.

I liked all of this in God's avenging me, as I knew the way he sat at that snowbank he was pissed, as he had a gun, was intimidating people, and this time that snow was nothing he could bluff. So he has to back up, is pissed, so is why the shit was flying, and has to drive back 2 miles out of his way, as he had his day all ordered and planned in pretending he was doing his job, and it was all a revelation what a worthless cull he is.

This will stick with him. He will forever remember that road defied him and reminded him what a cull he is.  I figured he would cruise through for old memories, but this time he got a new memory. I believed he would make one trip or two and then return to doing what he does in nothing as it would be too much work to see the old territory. Now I do not know if he will try it again in the future to just "beat that road" or if the exhaustion of doing nothing will have him at Subway and at home for the summer.

I hope it is the latter as I do not want that gopher around here thinking he owns the brier patch. I suspect if he gets a second dose and almost drowns when the roads flood that it will be the end of his glory days. One can only hope, but I think we have seen the last of him prowling around here, pretending he is doing a job.

The surest sign is these dudes always crawl along about 20 miles an hour. He literally sat at the west road for almost a minute, before his timid nature did not want him to attempt that road in having to expend energy driving back. All that reality of what a failure he is at life, should have him phobic about showing up here again. He might even have to give up Subway and the wife will have to beat him off with a stick as he attempts to suck nipple with the kid while in fetal position.

So the blocked road is still providing me amusement and revelation. It seems to be a magnet for assholes, and I am hoping it gets all rutted up so no one is on it, as that is my kind of road. A road with a mind of vengeance against all the people I despise.

Nuff Said
