Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Trump Purple

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder sometimes how trusting the American children are. They so much want to believe in good, as the leave poor orphan girls for dead as intelligence agencies track me, as they sit in their luxury and piles of money the will never spend from hell.
I know they tell themselves they are going to Heaven, but the thing is there are no ATM's in Heaven either.

So I tell you that John Kelly legalized all of Obama's illegals.I tell you all of this and then it is confirmed in the news. I even tell you that all these invaders are going to be taken from the border, and shipped to your hometowns in "detention" as they await asylum, and you will be billed for it as John Kelly makes immense profits, and here it appears in the news confirming that fact.

ICE To Transport 225,000 Migrants to Shelters Across The US The Trump administration is looking to hire a private contractor that will be responsible for transporting approximately 225,000 migrant children and families to shelters across the country over the next five years as they wait for their asylum claims to be processed.

Oh one more thing, my trusting children, those "transported" are not going to be cooling it in shelters after they are transported as this is Nazi Germany. Instead these vermin will be released, into the waiting arms of Catholic, Lutheran and Jew charities, who will provide all sorts of goodies to them, as amazingly they all get social security numbers from dead Americans names Jose Lopez.
Joses produces lots of Social Security and Income taxes.

And they all disappear as you are beholding Kushner policy which will be passed, telling you that all of these "new Visa Vermin" all graduated from Albert Einstein University and have patents to cure cancer, crashing Boeing jets and loose vagina for small penis.

Remarkably they are the same Muslim and Latin American hating vermin, because remarkably the Muslims are bankrolled by Terror Oil and the Jesuit Latins are all funded by Narco communists. Pity no one loves the Protestants, but then I am prime example of how uncaring the world is.

They call this Lame Cherry being right again, and now you have another exclusive in where this is all going as these vermin are going to be dumped into Republican states to purple them.

They call this another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. You are watching the border wall and the sappers are in the wire.

How Smartphones Sabotage Brain's Ability to Focus Wall Street Journal

You got an excuse as your brains are addicted to that smart phone narcotic. Makes you heartless bitches and bastards or I should say it just reveals your natural primate in 5 G.

Nuff Said
