Thursday, June 13, 2019

and now lower gas if orchestrated

These recycled tampons are black, which I sort of understand,
but why are they served up on woks?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that it has been confirmed the United States is moving past the Trump Recession to the Obama double dip Super Depression, the Viking reports this from the Metro, the Twin Cities, the I forget all the adjectives and expletives that liberals laud upon themselves in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Dearest Sisters,
Just overheard CCO proclaiming they’re supposed to drop below 2 bucks per gallon later this summer. I wonder how that happened?....
Thank you,
The Viking

Alas, too late, eh?

So any way now that the US is  in a Super Obama Depression and in order to try and get the happy on the American citizen.........

The diversion is that this is due to Trump tariffs.

DeHaan said the lower prices may have been prompted by worries about Trump's tariffs "undermining the U.S. and global economy." He also said that might lead to a slowdown in oil demand at the same time U.S. oil inventories have "rebounded sharply."

Revisit though the reality that someone is bombing tankers in the Mideast to drive up oil prices to finish off this stagnant US economy created by Gary Cohn and Jared Kushner.

The US is in  Super Depression. Revisit history. The financiers created a crash in 1929 AD in the year of our Lord. In 1941 the orchestrated attack on Pearl Harbor was unleashed to begin world war.
That was 12 years. In 2001 this began again in the depression era of Bill Clinton. In 2008, the Obama crash took place, which Obama afflicted America with for 8 years for his Marxist expansion.  The United States is approaching the 12 year mark again for an event to plunge America into a world war.

It would be advisable that you rich people who have been stealing from this blog, had better get your accounts settled here, as gas prices falling is the emergency switch, but the fact is there is a world of hurt out there, looking to put the hurt on America for the real profits in all that gold stored in China and Russia, just like the last world war was  about all that Japanese and German gold.

Someone should really be inquiring of the matrix over this. Others should be making the big donations here.


Whoa that was a nuclear pussy moment.

Nuff Said


