Thursday, June 6, 2019

God is with us when we are with Him

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In Scripture, Jesus taught us that the Angels of Heaven rejoice in the return of one person, in Christ the prodigal son is all of our example as much a Peter jumping out of the boat in a storm and sinking, as all of us have times when we get frustrated or get cocky in thinking we can handle things without God.

It is with this that I post the following note with the prayer of intercession that God does have Mercy upon His child, for the Father is marvelous in His Love, which is perfected in our weaknesses and needing of Him.

Last year when things were darkest, I turned my face from God. Now I have been struck low through those closest to me. On my knees, I pray, Dear Lord, I am sorry. I have done wrong, but please spare those innocent

It is never a reality that God is on our side, but we move to where God is, and in that Light, is the Gift of Saving Grace. The reason King David is featured in the Bible is not for his close relationship with God nor for his sins, but for the realization that all of us have that Hope in Christ that no matter what in this life, when we confess our mistakes to God and in our heart will not repeat them, God hears our prayers and  He will help us in every way.
I will always help those, intercede for those and do good for those who have learned and returned, as we are all in this together, and I trust the Lord will never Judge me harshly for all I have done wrong, because by His Love through me, He guides me to Caring and Compassion.

May the Peace which passes all understanding in our Lord Christ, be with you and your innocents in the Name of Jesus the Christ, Amen and Amen

Go and sin no more for you are in the family of God's Light and we help each other.

Nuff Said
