Sunday, June 9, 2019

The 90% of Cooking

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have allot of pots and pans. The reason is the mother did not have chit when I was growing up, and then if she had anything extra in my adult years, she might have one of something, but when I cook I need several mixing bowls, so it just pissed me off in being denied access to the proper equipment.
What really steamed me is that woman non stop would choose the littlest damn pan or pot she could find, try cooking in it, and then having things spilling out.

As there were the three of us here, and she apparently at like a wolf with a 20 foot tape worm, coming off a seven year famine, I had to cook with the biggest pots and pans, to make sure we had leftovers or things to warm up. I was pleased I had them, but I can not believe how little TL and I eat now, compared to things disappearing before.
I swear I could make breakfast anything, and with the mother around we would barely get through the weekend. TL and I made cinnamon rolls this past month, and it lasted us 3 weekends. Thank God for that, but I am still trying to get my mind wrapped around what was happening to all the food around here, as the mother of course "never ate anything".

As things have changed, this past winter, I acquired two sets of Revereware, well not sets, but sets of what I cook with now, and I make this suggestion for people who are single or couples as I honestly can not say enough good things about these old pots and pants.
I think, I paid 2.50, 1.50, 1.50 and .25 for the four of them. The reason I splurged on the 2.50 was because I really wanted the saucepan to match the other one I have. I am absolutely PHILIO in I must always have not just my first set, but a second as back up, in case something happens to the first set, and I really do not settle down, unless I have a 3rd set, just in case for whatever reason my phobia in not having enough from a deprived childhood manifests.
It certainly is lovely having enough cookware, as no one ever says, "Oh that pan is dirty, what else do you have?"

My choice for frying things, from grilled cheese to whatever for our warm ups, is an 8 inch pan. It is perfect for two people and clean up is easy as much as fast.
Yes I have like a 16, 12 and another 6, but in most instances I cook with the 8 now and it is perfect for us.

For heating up soup and chili, I love  the 2 quart Revereware pot. Again, it is not too much pan, and half full it is just the right portions of soup or whatever for us. They heat up fast, and I adore cooking with them. They are light pans, but not flimsy. They simply behave and when I see how much they really cost or are in consignment stores I am always pleased for the prices I picked them up at.
I remember time and again the mother scowling at me buying cheap things like this, and with the "You don't need that".
Yeah I have piles of pans now from a quarter to a couple of bucks and you simply can not get them anymore in the heavy sets I have. I know she never bitched when she was using my pans, but she did burn the bottom off a copper pot I  got out of India, without any apology or replacing it. I simply do not miss that woman the more time that goes by and I remember the reality of her ungrateful entitled self.

To end this, I know this is not the mini pans, but for cooking for leftovers, I use an 8 1/2 quart stock pot or whatever. I fill these up with chicken soup, beef and beans, chili and this will last us in our rotations until I wonder if we are ever going to run out of food before it molds.

I also have a 14 inch non stick that I use and a 4 inch non stick. The 4 is used for eggs for breakfast and the 14 I use for things like cooking chicken breasts for BBQ which the neighbor gets for doing things for us. I think I spent 8 bucks for 300 dollars of snow removal and feeding things around here. Good food makes people happy and feeding bachelors is cheap as when I phone for something, the phone gets picked up, and it does not go to voice mail.

I still want a big ass French stock pot as I could never splash enough stuff in that to fall out, but that is in God's hands. I hope these suggestions help as I would not be without these stainless steel pans for the 90% of cooking which we do during the week.

I am convinced most of the conflict in the world comes from people not having enough pots and pans to cook in appropriately and not enough Tupperware to store them in after the fact.

Nuff Said
